First signs of pregnancy to delay. How to determine pregnancy before the delay


2019-01-14 12:00:52




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Every girl should know first signs of pregnancy to delay. Thanks to them, will quickly see whether there has been a fertilization of the egg is ready or not. Unfortunately, it is not always possible to do. Especially if you do not listen to their own body. Which indicates pregnancy? On what grounds is the suspect a similar phenomenon? All this and not only will be discussed below. As a rule, women always run the risk to confuse "interesting" with PMS. It's similar in the manifestations of the processes.

got pregnant


First signs of pregnancy to delay quite difficult to determine. It is not always possible to understand exactly whether there was a fertilized egg.

For starters, how girls get pregnant. This occurs after the Mature egg leaves the follicle and begins movement to the uterus. Such period is called ovulation. While her chances of getting pregnant maximum.

Once fertilized, the egg attaches to the uterus is developed from the fertilized egg, which begins to develop. If conception did not happen, the egg dies, a woman begins menstruation.

What happens in the body?

Signs of pregnancy on the first day of delay of the cycle do not always manifest themselves. A woman may be unaware of her impending becoming a mother.

The Thing is that in the early stages (first trimester) to determine "interesting position" is quite problematic. Not always the girls manifested typical signs of a successful fertilization. So all of these options can not be called one hundred percent accurate.

As a rule, immediately after fertilization in the body begin to launch new processes. For example, increased levels of HCG. It is this hormone indicates pregnancy. The greater the term, the higher the performance of HCG.


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In addition, the urine of the girl becomes more alkaline. As the body is preparing for active development of the fetus, but so far it's not too noticeable to the expectant mother. How a girl know that she will soon become a mother, in the early stages?


The first symptom of pregnancy before the delay is uterine bleeding. It is called the implant, but was observed far not every girl.

Changing tastes in pregnancy

As already mentioned, after successful fertilization, the egg embeds in the uterine wall. Sometimes this process is accompanied by a slight damage of blood vessels. Hence the bleeding.

It is Important to remember that such a phenomenon should not cause panic or discomfort. Vaginal discharge usually insignificant. They can have bright red or pale pink. Implantation bleeding lasts from a few minutes to several hours.

The Belly and its changes

It is considered that during the "interesting position" the stomach of the girl increases in size only to the second trimester, but it is not so.

After a successful conception and proper fertilization, there is rapid reaction in the body. For example, the blood supply in the gut increases and the mucous membrane swells, but all these processes are noticing is quite difficult.

However, the first symptom of pregnancy before the delay may occur in a small increase in the abdomen and hips. The girl's eyes still not able to recognize the successful conception of a child, but she will notice how the pants became a little tight, especially if they had previously been "butt."

It is, as the bulk of the early signs of pregnancy before the delay, there is not every girl.


Hard to believe, but from the first days of the "interesting position" the body is undergoing major hormonal adjustment. And if you listen carefully to yourself, you will be able to recognize successful conception even before the delay of the critical days.

For example, the expectant mother will face with constipation. Ideally, such a phenomenon occurs closer to the second trimester. But in early pregnancy it is also not excluded. Constipation associated with the previously described phenomena of edema of the intestinal mucosa and increase blood supply.

However, constipation and bloating will not carry the characteristic features of a successful pregnancy. All of this can occur due to malnutrition.

The cervix

The Next version will only fit attentive to his girls. During pregnancy changes in the uterus and its neck. If you constantly test, you can fairly easily before the lack of the menstrual period to determine if fertilization of the egg.

If this happens, the neck becomes more dense. Moreover, it is closed. This is the first bell about the presence of girls "interesting" position. There are similar processes to child protection. Thick uterine wall does not allow bacteria and infections to penetrate into the ovum.

motion Sickness as a sign of pregnancy

The Color of uterus

But that's not all. If you're wondering what the signs of pregnancy in the first days of delay there, you should pay attention to some phenomena.

The cervix is not only changing its density, it also varies in color. Independentlydetermine its almost impossible. So often women don't consider the color change of the cervix as a symptom of pregnancy.

However, this process is really indicates successful fertilization. The cervix becomes bluish tint. This happens due to increased blood supply.


First signs of pregnancy after conception before the delay, as we have said, not every manifest, especially if we speak about common visible phenomena.

Hormonal changes in the body a serious impact on the emotional state of the girl. The woman already in the first weeks of pregnancy may experience irregular mood. Characteristically more vivid the manifestation of all emotions: both positive and negative.

It is Important to note that strong irritability and strong negative emotions may not indicate a successful conception, and on the approaching critical days.

Drowsiness and tiredness

The First sign of pregnancy after a delay, which call a girl, is fatigue and even drowsiness.

To be Wary of such manifestations of the "interesting situation" is not necessary. They arise from the fact that a woman's body now provides not one but two lives.

Drowsiness and fatigue increase with the development of pregnancy. Sometimes moms complain that even after 8-12 hours of sleep they still do not feel very well.

Sense of Smell

What are the first signs of pregnancy to delay you mention?

Often women say that they have a heightened sense of smell. Even in the first weeks after successful fertilization, a similar scenario takes place.

The Smells were becoming more acute sense of smell, the expectant mother is much thinner. Sometimes there are certain preferences for different flavors or aversion to them. What yesterday was like, today, causes negative emotions. A woman may refuse your favorite perfume, changing it to a rather strange odors.

To notice such behavior? Then it is necessary to check whether the girl's pregnancy. A little later I'll figure out how to do it with absolute certainty.


Select the first symptom of pregnancy before the delay is problematic. Successful fertilization can not occur until a certain time at all. And this would be considered the norm.

How to determine pregnancy in the early stages

Sometimes moms say that they are changing taste preferences. When this occurs, these changes directly after fertilization. Moreover, they can be quite strange. Woman wants pickles with condensed milk ice cream with garlic or pineapple with fish? Should ask her to check the occurrence of "interesting situation."

As practice shows, the second trimester tastes do change. Individual girls begin to experience the love of chalk. This is due to the body's need for additional vitamins and minerals.

Often tastes at first slightly changing. The girl can see that her previously favorite dishes, not so much like. Or taste buds more sensitive to food - the taste becomes rich.

Abruptly appeared in an aversion to certain previously favorite foods and dishes? Then there is a very high probability that this first signs of pregnancy.


On the first day of delay what are the signs of pregnancy can occur in girls?

The majority of expectant mothers faced with such unpleasant phenomenon, as the toxicosis. This is the first and main sign of a successful conceiving a baby. This is indicated by many.

Morning Sickness - nausea that haunts the mother in the first trimester. She appears often in the morning, immediately after waking up. In the evening toxicosis also has the greatest effect. But in the all day nausea is not excluded.

The Toxicity of each woman manifests itself in the individual: someone who is not confronted, someone is lucky to live for some time with light morning sickness, and some so bad that it's hard to get out of bed.


With morning sickness, expectant mothers are often faced with waves of nausea. These are signs of pregnancy in the first day of delay. By the end of the first month of fetal development toxicity and vomiting are many.

The Urge can be both strong and weak. Doctors can't say for sure, what exactly depends on the degree of manifestation of toxicity. But the hereditary factor plays not the last role.

Some girls say that retching they are so strong that they can't eat. Life "ate-went to the Loo," becoming commonplace in the first trimester of pregnancy. If this is not observed severe weight loss, do not panic. With a strong toxicosis and vomiting should seek medical attention. Experts will help to weaken the described phenomena and to continue the pregnancy.

Basal temperature

When the first signs of pregnancy? Before the delay or after? To answer simply will not work. Because the body begins to rebuild immediately after successful fertilization. And this contributes to certain changes that you can catch yourself.

Careful girls may notice an increase of basal temperature. Typically, this number is based onfrom the day of the cycle. At first it is low and to ovulation increases up to 37-37,5 degrees, and closer to menstruation at all reduced.

To Suspect pregnancy, if the basal temperature is:

  • Stayed at around 37 degrees for 3 days longer than usual;
  • High lasts more than 3 weeks;
  • The day before the alleged critical days reaches 37 degrees or more.

All this allows to understand, how successfully there was fertilization. Only the woman needs to be healthy. The increase in temperature above the norm is not always indicative of conception. Sometimes it is a clear sign of emergence of inflammatory processes in the body.


Reviews of first signs of pregnancy to delay menstruation get controversial. Mothers indicate that the sensations are different. And therefore it is impossible to say exactly when a girl really pregnant, to establish the absence of menstrual bleeding.

In some cases, may experience frequent urination. This happens because of relaxation of the sphincter of the bladder. But as a rule, frequent urge to the toilet are characteristic for the second and third trimesters.

Vaginal discharge

Reviews of first signs of early pregnancy to delay girls indicate that to predict successful conception it can be very difficult. For example, women may change the nature of vaginal discharge.

At the time of ovulation from the vagina produces more mucus. This is a normal phenomenon. And what happens when a successful fertilization of an egg?

Better to confirm their suspicions, the special test

Vaginal discharge will be exactly the same as when you ovulate. Their high number should not scare you. What matters is that the discharge was not blood. They also don't have sharp and unpleasant smell.

Changes in breast

Signs of pregnancy in the first week delays are varied. In some cases, a woman may notice certain changes in her breast.

The Body begins to prepare for breastfeeding. The chest swells and starts to ache a little. These changes are not so often considered a clear sign of pregnancy. Because the increase in sensitivity of the mammary glands occurs and before menstruation.

Sexual attraction

Are non-standard signs of pregnancy in the first week of delay. For example, hormonal changes lead to adjustments to sexual desire.

How? It is impossible to predict. Someone said that sexual attraction in the first weeks of "interesting situation" increases. And some are talking about decreased libido to a minimum.

a pregnancy test

This phenomenon does not always indicate pregnancy. Libido is able to rise or fall under the influence of external factors. For example, from fatigue or invigorate travelers.

Folk ways of definition

It Is very difficult to catch the first signs of pregnancy. Especially considering the fact that not every girl listens to your body. In some cases "interesting position" is kept secret until the end of the first trimester.

What are people's signs? First signs of pregnancy to delay is not always possible to notice. And rely on non-standard medicine to determine success at conception is also not necessary.

But knowing about them is still useful. Among the people will say such characteristics:

  1. To Drip iodine in urine. If the drop had fallen, pregnancy is not. Iodine left on the surface? Then you should suspect a successful conception. You can also apply iodine on the fabric.
  2. Boil the urine in a metal container and pour it in a glass. If flakes are formed (precipitate), it means fertilization has occurred. You can prepare for the visit to the doctor.
  3. Mix the collected morning urine with red wine. In pregnant women the fluid remains transparent. If conception has not occurred, the color of the wine will become cloudy.
  4. Dream interpretation is another method. Women say that after conception they often dream of fish swimming in the clear water.
  5. Some guessing at the bulb. You want to put 2 bulbs. For one to make a pregnancy, on the other its absence. What will grow faster, this will be the answer in the end.
  6. Collect the urine in a transparent sterile container and add a spoonful of baking soda. The liquid started to boil and to foam? Pregnancy is not. The absence of an active chemical reaction is the sign of a successful fertilization of the ovum.
  7. You Can urinate some time on the flowers. If one over a period of time blossomed and became more vivid, the woman will become a mother soon.
  8. Hang on the own lock of the engagement ring and place it over the abdomen. If it's not moving, pregnancy is not. Otherwise, you should prepare for the baby's arrival.

In fact, all of these phenomena may not indicate a successful conception. This is just speculation. Their accuracy is only 50%. Similarly, we can assume the "interesting position" without any changes in the body. A woman is either pregnant or not. It is a logical fact.

Independent calculation

Signs are not always visible. And so the girl can independently find out whether it was possible for her to pregnant status.

If you thinklogically, we have to rely on the statistics of unprotected sex acts. If unprotected sex during the ovulation period or during the week before the probability of fertilization is quite high. Therefore, the delay of the critical days should cause concern.

How can I check for sure?

The First signs we have learned. How to understand exactly what the family will soon be replenished? To do this:

  1. Run the test. The best brands are able to show the correct result immediately after the delay.
  2. Contact your gynecologist. A specialist will be able to see and to palpate the uterus. This helps to make the right conclusion.
  3. Go to the us. The fetus is already 1-2 weeks after delay visible heartbeat. And can be seen on ultrasound.

It helps not to look at signs of pregnancy at every opportunity. It is better not to do self diagnosis - it is often incorrect.

Toxemia of pregnancy


We found out as it might appear "interesting position" in a particular case. However, remember that the delay - this is the first and most reliable way to determine pregnancy. After that you can make a home diagnosis using the test. It is important to remember that in some cases, menstrual bleeding even appear in pregnant women. This situation requires the advice of a doctor.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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