Finches white-pictures, care, maintenance and breeding


2020-07-03 12:59:25




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In our article we want to talk about finches. These little birds have long gained popularity among lovers of Pets. White finches belong to the family of weaverbirds finches, which can be found across the globe.

Appearance white finches

How are the finches white? Description this small bird to start with what to mention her gullibility. A movable resilient and able to conquer the hearts of even the most indifferent to feathered people. In the wild finches are found in Australia and Africa. Some species also occur in South Asia. Birds live not only in the Bush, but in an open area.

The white Finches are small, the length of the trunk is ten to fifteen centimeters. Although they are referred to the feathered choristers, they sing so very badly. Of course, they are able to make melodious trill, but it will be more like a whistling, buzzing or chirping. And the males sing much better than females.finches white

The Beak in finches, curved, thick and curved, it creates the impression that he is translucent, like wax. In young birds it is black in color, males – bright coral shade, and females – orange.

Finches meet the variety of colors, sometimes their plumage is extremely beautiful and bright.

Color birds

Colours finches – this is a separate topic of conversation. It is even possible to determine the habitat of birds. Those birds that live in temperate latitudes are white, brown and fawn coloring. But the tropical inhabitants are always dressed in elegant clothes. Meet and poultry with bright combination of black, red, green, blue, yellow and purple shades.


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Males of some species are able to change the plumage before the mating season. In any case, the color of the males are always brighter than females. This feature of the nature intended to the father of the family could take with it in case of danger of enemies from the nest. And the female, on the contrary, should be as less conspicuous as she incubates the eggs.

Scientists say that the color of the feathers on the bird's head shows their character. Based on experiments they concluded that the finches with red feathers on the head will be much draklive, and contentious than its peers. In General, birds perceive this color as a sign of aggression.

But blackheads the most courageous individuals, they are more curious and inquisitive.

Types of white finches

On the ground has thirty-eight species of these beautiful birds and no less than three hundred of their subspecies. They are very easy to breed in captivity, so fans of birds among their number are the following types:

  1. Zebra.
  2. Nutmeg.
  3. Japanese (flakes).
  4. Rice.
  5. Malabar.
  6. Ostrogothia.

Also birds are classified by color na:

  1. Belie.
  2. Jeltye.
  3. Coricnevogo.
  4. Krasnogolowy.
  5. Krasnopolie.

Any division finches on the types is very conditional, because they are virtually indistinguishable from each other, except for colors.


These birds Live in Australia, not only in arid areas but also near forests. If they chose densely populated region, you may dwell even on the streets, in gardens, in yards, on fields. But if the territory is not enough water, then the finches settle closer to the people.finches white photo

These birds don't like being alone, but because flying in large flocks. Even during holidays they are moving away from each other. Finches are an interesting feature: they are not removed from the places of feeding and rest during the day more than four kilometers.

Scientists have discovered some features of this species, which they acquired while living in drylands. For example, this may take months to do without some water. But if there is a surplus of moisture, the finches drink two times less than other congeners. Wild Zebra species with severe drought, can drink very salty water, which for other birds is just poison.

If the finches live in places where every year there is the rainy season, and females will breed each year. But in the regions, which may not be dry some years, birds can wait a more favorable time, although their bodies are always ready to reproduce.

In the wild Zebra finches build nests in places where they will not get lizards and snakes. Reptiles love to eat masonry. Therefore, nests are often in the bushes, small hollows and burrows. Feed Zebra finches together in a large pack. Young birds at the age of two months begin to molt, after which they are ready to reproduce.

The First information about the breeding of these lovely birds came in the nineteenth century. It was a long time since then, they have become incredibly popular. Of course, during their home detention they have changed a lot, both externally on the behavior. For example, wild Zebra species have bright plumage with clear separation of colors and the birds that live in captivity, these boundaries are highly blurred, began to dominate the yellow and brown shades.white finches reviews

Breeders hard at work, constantly creating new varieties with unique colors. Sothere are different types of white finches. Birds with this coloration does not occur in the wild. In the early twenties of the last century were bred white Zebra finches (reviews about them here in our article) with dark eyes, that distinguishes them among many other albinos.

The Japanese sort

Just want to clarify that the Japanese finches in the nature never existed. They were bred by crossing such birds as the bronze Manakin, with Chinese or Japanese varieties of finches. Because nature can not see them, unless, that is, the birds will slip out of the cell.

What is the difference from its congeners white Japanese finches? Reviews lovers birds confirm they are extremely even-tempered and calm disposition. They are very friendly and great to get along in the same cage with other dogs. People even thought when breeding to use them as babysitters for babies other types of finches. During periods of hatching of the offspring of the pair needs to settle, because they like to pay visits in other people's nests, which the offspring are crushed.

These birds easily mate with other canines, as well as with some representatives of this family. As a result, the plumage of the young gives a very bright and beautiful. But the situation with the hybrids is much more complicated. They are virtually unable to reproduce. Therefore, to get the finches white, had put a lot of work.

Finches Gould

It is believed that gulidova amadina is the most bright and interesting color. In the wild it can be found only in the North of Australia. This species is considered endangered. The name of the bird was in honor of the wife of a British scientist who traveled with him and died after one of these trips.white finches how to distinguish males from females

The Behavior of such a bird is a little different from most other felines. She often migrates to new locations. Typically, this occurs after the rainy season when very little food. Gulidova amadina loves to swim and thus consumes a lot of water. But to breed a bird very difficult. Like their wild relatives, birds of this species leave their clutch or Chicks. So people breed them, get some more Japanese finches, which can care for the kids.

Silver amadina

Silver Zebra species was also bred in Australia. Unlike wild birds, this bird has the plumage light silvery-gray color, saturation which is different for different individuals. Some finches have such a light shade that is almost similar to white types. This feature in birds arose from the almost complete loss of brown pigment called pheomelanin and decrease the amount of eumelanin (black pigment). When breeding white individuals very carefully approach the choice of the parents. It is important that the skin was not dark tones.

There is Also svetloseryj of Zebra finches. But the cream variety was developed by crossing silver and brown individuals. The degree of coloring of these birds can be very different. Males, for example, the cheeks are yellow spots, sides orange, and the bottom part is completely white. Soft silvery-brown hue has made this extremely popular.

White finches: how to distinguish males from females?

If you want to buy yourself a bird, then you should know its habits, and to understand the kind of care she needs. Especially beginners who are planning to buy birds, are interested in two questions: ‘The other species have white finches?”, “How to distinguish males from females?" Let's detail will handle it. As we mentioned, cocky character are bright birds, but the finches white - absolutely calm and balanced creation. So, if you dream of a docile feathered, you will certainly need to take the white bird.Japanese finches white reviews

With regard to sex finches, then it is not so simple. Of course, people want to understand the nuances so as not to be deceived and not to get two females or males. So, to determine the sex of vivid varieties much easier. As for the white individuals, that an inexperienced lover can make a mistake. To determine gender, one should pay attention to the beaks of birds. In males they are more red and bright, and the females orange. On the plumage of birds are not worth paying attention because it's white and no information does not give us. The second sign to determine the sex can be considered singing finches. Females do not sing. But the males make a nice song. It is worth remembering that the Japanese male finches do not sing, but rather whisper. They differ from other representatives of their kind.


In 1921 in Sydney for the first time brought the Zebra finches white. The plumage of these birds was completely devoid of pigment. However, unlike albinos, these birds had dark eyes like wild birds. A male from a female is very difficult to distinguish, only by the color of the beak. In males it is more bright. Young Chicks often in first plumage have gray feathers on the wings and on the head. Sometimes this effect is maintained even after the second change of feathers. To maintain the genetic line of white birds very difficult. For selected manufacturers, culling all the color representatives. Have lightrepresentatives of one property near the mouth of the glowing figure. This differs from the white Zebra finches. Reviews lovers birds on the beautiful white birds confirm their calm and considerate nature.

Care of birds at home: feeding

Suppose in your house there Zebra finches. Features of the care they need to study in detail in advance to avoid unnecessary mistakes. The first thing you need to know is what to feed this adorable creature.

The basis of the diet of birds lie the seeds of wild grasses, young shoots and insects. What to eat at home finches white? Feeding birds is to purchase ready-made blends, consisting of light varieties of millet, linseed, Canary seed, etc. currently, pet stores have a pretty decent selection of ready-made mixtures of grains, designed specifically for finches. What food is better to choose to solve only to you and your birds. It so happens that mixes some manufacturers birds eat better than others. This can be checked only on the basis of personal experience.Zebra finches particularly care

In addition to seed, the finches will need to add the green food, e.g. lettuce, sprouted oats, a field of grass. Very good when in the diet there is a mix of boiled eggs, green foods and grated carrots. In a cage birds have to be calcium – the shell of cuttlefish, shell, chips of egg shells or calcinated mixture. They provide food for parrots. Grain mixture is given once a day, one bird is enough of a teaspoon of seeds.

In addition, the finches needed a live feed: bloodworm, mealworms, Camaros. They are especially in need of animals in the breeding period.

In one cell must necessarily be multiple feeders. One can pour the seeds into another – porridge. Different types of foods in one dish should not be confused. Finches white (photo in article) is very fond of cucumbers and bread (preferably bran).

Stay at home

Everyone should understand that, taking the bird in the house, you will need to take care of her. Since finches can live up to ten years, you need to carefully take care of it, not to reduce period of life. In principle, there is a more relaxed birds than white Zebra finches. The content of the apartment is simple, just need to know some basic rules.

Fans should clearly understand that the bird would never sit still on his shoulders. Finches should be in the cage, otherwise can just fly away. In addition, these beautiful creatures can't live alone, they need to have at least two, otherwise the bird could die from boredom.

For birds need to pre-purchase a cage, perches, bathing. To remove the housing finches need daily, as they stain where trampled, like other birds. Once a month is disinfected to prevent any parasites and diseases associated with them.

Finches are very poorly tolerate all sorts of harsh odors, so lucky and spirits in the room with feathered speech can not go. The cage should not be put on the drafts. And at the same time the sun must get to it at least a few hours a day. Together to contain representatives of various types of finches are not recommended as we mentioned that some individuals have a very feisty character.

The rest of the birds are picky. Therefore, any particular problem does not cause white finches. Care is no different to any difficulties, just needs to run the basic rules of content that will keep the birds health.Japanese finches

To be sure the birds in cages should be bathing and drinking bowls. You must make sure that the container does not get garbage. In CEPALCO should not be more than two inches of water. Otherwise, Chicks or even adults can easily drown. Water should be changed daily and in the summer you can even several times. Finches love to splash around in fresh water. If the bird is bathed, then it is a sure sign that she is healthy.

The Reproduction of birds

If the offspring of the finches white? Breeding birds at home is not really a hard case. However, birds need care and attention as any other living creature. Finches ready to breed just two to three months of age. They should be allowed to breed before five months. For young females it can be dangerous. And the chances of such individuals to lead sustainable quality offspring a bit.

Before you start to breed finches needs to settle and get to know if they dwelt in different cells. They are going to need from two to four weeks. If birds get along well, sitting on the same branch, the male sings songs and the female pokachivaet, you can try to offer them the nest. Finches white (photo in article) – it is a timid creation, so it is better to use an indoor nesting house. The open nest is dangerous in that it often falling eggs and Chicks.

The House is set in a cage or suspended. There also put building materials: dry grass, coconut fiber. The male after a while will start to arrange accommodation and care for the female. And three days later can receive the eggs. If this does not happen in the next two weeks, don't worry, you can offer the birds nesting another place or to puttwo to choose.

In the case when the birds don't get along, you can try to isolate them for a while, then they get bored and can actively show their feelings. If nothing helps, you have to disband a few and find each a new partner. Sometimes finches are very much choosy in your choice.

Sit on the laying birds when there are three or four eggs. During this period, they need to be especially careful. Finches are not to be disturbed and to rearrange the cage. After two weeks the Chicks appear. First, they do not hear, but about the third day they're a little squeak. And in two weeks the kids scream. Three weeks old Chicks for the first time trying to leave the nest.

Instead of an epilogue

Finches (white) in Russia for a long time already not a rarity. If you want you can buy yourself these lovely birds. They are great for beginners because not too fussy to care for.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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