Normal growth of boys depending on their age: table, norm and pathology.


2020-07-03 14:21:35




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With the development of modern technology, mom can track the growth of your baby even at a time when it is in her womb. A visit to the ultrasound office for parents always ends with the receipt Protocol, which set the parameters for development of the baby at this time. One of the key significant, is the growth of boys or girls, it, and other values obtained using ultrasound. Individual measurements compare with the average. This is the method (comparison with approximate rules) will be used as estimates of the state of development of the baby during its gestation and subsequent maturity.

In this article we will discuss how to develop future men. Table height and weight of boys will demonstrate which indicators are the norm for a particular age group, also briefly explain about when you need to pay attention to too small or too big growth of the child.

table of height and weight of boys

What rate?

In our country recently, norms of development of children on some indicators was revised. The Ministry of health has decided to abandon the outdated Soviet designs and arm-to-date data that correspond to global trends.

It is Worth noting that the who has approved the standards for each separate region of the planet, they are based on anthropological and genetic studies of the population living in a given territory. People of different nationalities existing in different from each other climatic conditions, may not look entirely the same, especially the growth of boys and girls, their weight and rate of development are also different.


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Comparing your child with other kids, you should pay attention to many factors (genetics, health status, lifestyle, physical activity, nutrition).

Age/ height/weight, years

Low – below average


High – above average


From 46.5 cm to 49.8 cm

From 2.7 kg to 3.1 kg

From 49,8 cm to 52.3 cm

From 3.1 kg to 3.7 kg

From 52,3 cm to 55 cm

From 3.7 kg to 4.2 kg

3 month

From 55,3 cm to 58.1 cm

From 4.5 kg to 5.3 kg

From 58.1 cm to 60.9 cm

From 5.3 kg to 6.4 kg

From 60,9 cm to 63.8 cm

From 6.4 kg to 7.3 kg

Six months

From 61,7 cm to 64.8 cm

From 6.1 kg to 7.1 kg

From 64,8 cm 67,7 cm

7.1 kg to 8.4 kg

From 67,7 cm to 71.2 cm

From 8.4 kg to 9.4 kg

9 months

From 67,3 cm to 69.8 cm

7.5 kg to 8.4 kg

From 69,8 cm 73,2 cm

From 8.4 kg to 9.8 kg

From 73,2 cm to 78.8 cm

From 9.8 kg to 11.0 kg


From 71,2 cm to 74.0 cm

From 8.5 kg to 9.4 kg

From 74,0 cm to 77.3 cm

From 9.4 kg to 10.9 kg

From 77,3 cm to 81.7 cm

From 10,9 kg to 12.1 kg


From 81,3 cm – 84,8 cm

From 10,67 kg to 11.7 kg

From 84,5 cm to 89.0 cm

From 11.7 kg to 13.5 kg

From 89,0 94,0 cm to cm

From 13.5 kg to 15.00 kg


From 89,0 92,3 cm to cm

From 12.1 kg to 13.8 kg

From 92,3 99,8 cm to cm

From 13.8 kg to 16.00 kg

From 99,8 cm to 104.5 cm.

From 16,00 kg to 17.7 kg.


From 93,2 cm to 98.3 cm

From 13.4 kg to 15.1 kg

From 98,3 cm to 105.5 cm.

From 15.1 kg to 17.8 kg

From 105,5 110,6 cm to cm

From 17.8 kg to 20.3 kg


From 98,9 104,4 cm to cm

From 14.8 kg to 16.8 kg

From 104,4 112,0 cm to cm

From 16.8 kg to 20.00 kg

From 112,0 117,0 cm to cm

From 20.0 kg to 23.4 kg


From 105,0 110,9 cm to cm

From 16,3 kg to 18.8 kg

From 110,9 cm to of 118.7 cm

From 18.8 kg to 22.6 kg

From of 118.7 cm to 123,8 cm

From 22.6 kg to 26.7 kg


From 111,0 116,8 cm to cm

From 18,00 to 21,00 kg kg

From 116,8 cm to 125.0 cm

From 21,0 kg to 25.4 kg

From 125,0 cm to 130.6 signatures cm

From 25.4 kg to 30.8 kg


From 116,3 cm до122,1 cm

From 20.0 kg to 23.3 kg

From 122,1 cm to 130.8 á cm

From 23,3 kg to 28.3 kg.

From 130.8 á cm to 137.0 cm

28.3 kg and 35.5 kg


From 121,5 cm 125, 6 cm

From 21.9 kg to 25.6 kg

From 125,6 136,3 cm to cm

From 25,6 kg to 31.5 kg

From 136,3 cm to 143,0 cm

From 31.5 kg to 39.1 kg


From 126.3 cm to 133,0 cm

From 23.9 per kg to 28.2 kg

From 133,0 cm to: 142.0 cm cm

From 28,2 35,1 kg to kg

From: 142.0 cm cm to 149.2 cm

From 35,1 kg to 44.7 kg


From 136,2 143,6 cm to cm

From 28,2 kg to 34.4 kg

From 143,6 cm to 154.5 cm

From 34,4 kg to 45.1 kg

From 154,5 163,5 cm to cm

From 45,1 kg to 58.7 kg


From and 148.3 cm 156,2 cm

From 34,3 kg to 42.8 kg

From 156,2 cm to of 167.7 cm

From 42.8 kg to 56.6 kg

From of 167.7 cm to 176,7 cm

From 56.6 per kg to 73.2 per kg


From by 158.8 cm to 166,8 cm

From 44,0 kg to 54.0 kg

From 166,8 cm and 177.8 cm

From 54,0 kg to 69.6 kg

From 177,8 cm to 186,3 cm

From 69.6 kg to 84.7 kg

As you can see, the height and weight of boys is given in the table can have significant variation. In any case, each child develops individually, and in the case of shortage of certain parameters at the same age after six months or a year a child can make a substantial leap in physical development or, conversely, to suspend its growth rate.

Genes Vs no reception?

The appearance of the person laid at the genetic level in the moment when the egg meets the sperm and fertilization occurs. It then becomes clear what sex is the baby, which he will have eyes the color of the skin complexion. However, this does not mean that inherent nature is originally, can not be corrected or will be unchanged throughout life.

height and weight of boys

Yes, eyes and hair, the skin tone can be changed by third-party intervention, but the blue eyes will remain to old age. On the growth of boys, their weight and complexion are directly affecting the way of life, the conditions in which they grow and develop. Have low parents may be a son of above average growth, all the more impossible to dismiss the fact that genes are transmitted through several generations, and none of the child may not be an exact copy of their biological moms and dads. We can definitely say that it is easier to worsen their appearance and health than to improve it.

When a deviation from the norm is bad?

If parents notice that their child is significantly behind peers, or Vice versa (growth in boys, weight and General development often surpass average performance) is a reason for seeking the advice of a physician.

Before you look for geneticists and best of the stars of the world of medicine, it is enough to schedule an appointment with your family doctor or pediatrician. In the medical record of any toddler, health and fitness-which see parents, there are data on the dynamics of its development, on their basis, a qualified doctor can make definitive conclusions regarding the growth of the child.

the growth of boys

Problems can occur in the following cases:

  • Hormonal surges in connection with puberty;
  • Violations of level "growth hormone”;
  • Delays in development;
  • The difficulties associated with improper fetal development;
  • Genetic disorders.

Now you know what the growth should be available to boys at a certain age.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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