Infectious, or viral peritonitis in cats: symptoms and treatment


2020-07-03 14:38:16




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The disease got spread through the world just in the last few decades. To date, the diagnosis of “feline infectious peritonitis” is increasingly heard in domestic and veterinary clinics. This disease is least studied compared to other viral, so not only owners, but also doctors know about it, not all.

peritonitis in cats

What is PKI?

Peritonitis in cats – infection. Her agent – coronavirus. The uniqueness of this virus that it exclusively affects the immune system of cats. This infection develops very slowly, so the disease can occur several years without producing external signs. Today, infectious peritonitis in cats is incurable, almost all the sick animals die. Experts know some cases when cats have recovered from the infection. Most likely, this increased sensitivity to the disease is genetic. In this case, we can conclude that this is a fairly new disease to which the species has not had time to adapt.

viral peritonitis in cats

What distinguishes from enteritis?

First believed that the coronavirus causing two similar diseases: viral peritonitis in cats and coronavirus enteritis. Despite the fact that genetically these infections are incredibly similar, their biological characteristics are different. Enteritis affects the cells of the epithelium of the small intestine, so one of the main symptoms – violation of the digestive tract. While PKI acts on cells of the immune system, circulating in all organs and affecting the entire body, which leads to almost 100% death. Experts tend to think that this virus is a natural mutation of the virus enteritis. Studies conducted in various countries showed that not only the patients, but recovered animals are carriers of the infection.

feline infectious peritonitis


Cats have several diseases which experts call Spiderdone. This group includes viral leukemia, immunodeficiency virus and infectious peritonitis. In cats, these diseases are caused by different viruses, whose similarity on one point: they affect the immune system. That's what makes this infection untreatable. In addition, it also affects the complexity of the vaccine. Do not forget that this type of infection refers to “slow” this means that since the introduction of the virus to onset of symptoms may take several years.

peritonitis in cats symptoms
The Disease is not dangerous to humans.

Who is more vulnerable?

Studies show that peritonitis occurs in cats with the same frequency as that of cats. It can catch an animal of any age. It was observed that the purebred animal most often diagnosed in under one year of age, whereas purebred – at the age of 7 years.

Previously it was thought that purebred animals are much more likely to develop PKI, however, recent observations show that “blood” is not related to the likelihood of infection. However, the British and Russian blue was more often detected infectious peritonitis. In cats the symptoms are the same, but it has been observed that individuals with the natural color is more resistant to disease than blue or gray animals.


Peritonitis in cats, the symptoms of which are very diverse, so named because the most frequent manifestation of the disease is the inflammation of the abdominal cavity.

peritonitis in cats symptoms and treatment

There are two forms of this disease – wet and dry. In the first case, the effusion of fluid occurs in the thoracic or abdominal cavity. In the dry form, the liquid does not accumulate, but are affected by the internal organs: kidneys, liver, spleen, intestinal lymph nodes. In addition, there are inflammation of the brain and spinal cord, iris. At the beginning of the disease the symptoms can easily be missed even by the most experienced doctor, as they are not specific in both forms of the disease.

Studies show that moist peritonitis in cats, the symptoms of which were observed in 60% more than the bowl. You must know that this option may not cause the oppression of the animal, or refusal to eat. However, for the most part it happens in the course of disease, sometimes being the only manifestations. Sometimes this infection indicate diarrhea and vomiting, can occur jaundice. Probably a temporary increase in temperature. Most often the disease is accompanied by enlargement of the spleen, but it is almost imperceptible when viewed. To show symptoms may not only together, but separately, which complicates the diagnosis.In wet form, characterized by cough, wheezing, shortness of breath, x-ray study shows a clear picture of pneumonia. The defeat of the thoracic region is quite rare.

If the affected Central nervous system, possible convulsions, paralysis, significant changes in animal behavior.

A Large percentage of the diseased animals not showing any symptoms. They have a great appetite normally active. On inspection they were due to contact with sick individuals. Most of these, absolutely healthy looking animal was sick, which speaks of the existence of a latent form of the disease.

viral peritonitis in cats symptoms and treatment
Sometimes a symptom of a PKI is stillborn offspring or death of the litter in the first few days after birth.


Today is unknown all modes of transmission of this infection. It is believed that this can happen in two ways: intrauterine or orally. This means that the kittens can get sick sick in the womb of the mother or after birth, via milk. Asymptomatic carriers infect the majority of kittens who either die in infancy or be healthy carriers of the virus. Sick cats often bring in dead offspring. Carriers are often Pets or cats from the shelter than homeless individuals.

It is Experimentally proved that the virus is in the feces and urine of infected animals. This gives grounds to assume that infection can occur through shared utensils, toilet, bed. The possibility of virus transmission by airborne droplets has not been confirmed.

The Virus is unstable and it does not survive in the processing of conventional disinfecting means, but in dry environments can remain dangerous for up to three days.

infectious peritonitis in cats symptoms


The presence of similar symptoms specialist may call into question the diagnosis of ‘viral peritonitis in cats”. The symptoms and treatment in this case will be individual. The most alarming of the physician on examination, the liquid in the peritoneum, the abdominal enlargement, spleen. To confirm the diagnosis it is necessary to conduct laboratory research. In our country used the polymerase chain reaction. Some types of diagnostics are performed only posthumously.


A Vaccine that would prevent the development of infection in the present. Some countries use a tool that can be applied only for animals who have never had contact with coronavirus. This fact should be confirmed by laboratory tests before you administer the vaccine. If the contact was, the drug can only harm the animal, accelerating the development of infection.

In our country the tool has not been investigated and applied.

infectious peritonitis in cats symptoms


Peritonitis in cats, the symptoms and treatment of which has not been studied not to treat with currently available drugs. In world practice there is no effective treatment of this disease. However, there is some probability of self-healing of the animal. The reasons for this is currently unknown. But even in case of recovery there is no guarantee that such animals do not remain carriers. There is no certainty in the fact that in the future the disease could resume.

What to do?

In the first place, upon the slightest suspicion of IPK, the animal should be isolated from other cats. If the specialist has put this diagnosis, you need to understand that the prognosis is extremely unfavorable. However, if the animal's condition is satisfactory, if it is not in contact with other dogs, it is important to know that the suffering and pain the disease brings. And euthanasia is not an indication with the infection. Good care and maintenance can prolong the disease and delay the outcome.

If a sick cat brings a live offspring, was taken as early as possible. However, it should be borne in mind that the kittens are almost certainly infected. All animals in contact with patients undergo examination.

If a sick animal is detected in the nursery, you must exercise prudence. You can't sell these animals, regardless of whether the disease manifested itself or not. Any individual from such nursery would be treated as a source of infection for other cats.

It is Difficult to predict the occurrence of IPK. To date, prevention of infection, hygiene, proper diet, reduced contact with relatives, lack of stress.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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