Perforated leather: description, application, pros and cons material


2020-07-08 13:30:11




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Perforated Leather – it is a natural material, which is subjected to further treatment, resulting in a product purchased a small through hole. Thus, tanned skin gets a notch over the entire surface in the form of small holes located from each other at a distance of several millimeters.

Features of production

perforated leatherThe Processing of natural leather by the method of perforation is a specific process of currying, in which the surface of the material mechanically bore holes small diameter. Coating, studded with small equidistant holes, not only has an extremely attractive appearance, but also provides extra ventilation at the top, hauling coverings.


Most Often, the skin perforated, a photo of which is presented in this material, used for the production of stylish bags and gloves without lining. Such accessories require good ventilation. And the perforated leather is the best to cope with this task.

Upholstery car interiors, made from the material, provides additional ventilation due to built-in seat ducts, air conditioning systems and climate control. Mainly perforated leather is used for the decoration of expensive cars with a complete set of premium class.

Quality material

perforated leather photoThe Most important consumer characteristics perforated leather is the high tensile strength and good elasticity. The material is able to withstand significant mechanical loads, ensures efficient removal of moisture.


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Perforated Leather has an extremely attractive front surface. The latter is resistant to aggressive chemical substances, components of household cleaning products.

Due to the high level of plasticity, the material fits snugly around the complex surface. A pleasant and soft to the touch Foundation can withstand a significant level of friction, while maintaining original appearance for a long period of operation.

Advantages and disadvantages

One of the main advantages of the perforated skin acts fast heating. In winter, the material becomes warm in seconds upon contact with the body. The specified quality is essential when using this production framework for the upholstery of the car seats.

Due to the presence of perforating the skin also cools quickly. The result is clothing made from the material, comfortable to wear in summer.

On the downside, it is worth noting prolonged drying of the material after contact with copious amounts of moisture. Another obvious disadvantage is quite a high price. Therefore, the purchase of products from perforated leather is not affordable to every consumer.

In the end, for the material requires thorough care. In small holes easily stuffed with debris, dust and pollution. This drawback is of particular discomfort when using the perforated leather in the seats.

In conclusion

perforated leather isPerforation gives the skin a unique texture which is difficult to confuse with other types of material. The use of such products due to the nature of the raw material from which it is made. Thus, the perforated leather of the high level of the candle stands is an ideal solution for covering salons car. But if the basis is pig suede or sheepskin garment, fits this framework only for sewing dresses, hats and leather goods. These features should definitely be considered when it is planned to purchase material for your specific needs.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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