The Burmese breed of cat: character and photo


2020-07-10 10:30:20




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Lovers purring, intending to make a pet, most often pick it up very picky. Take into account the appearance, character, complexity of care, the degree of jivamukti with people and animals – all of which can leave their mark on the pleasure of when dealing with pet. In this respect, the Burmese breed of cat can be considered perfect. More suitable for socializing the animal and difficult to imagine. The only drawback can be considered is that a small spread of burmov in Russia and the ensuing high cost of kittens. But such sacrifices, people usually go willingly.the Burmese breed of cats

Legendary prehistory

The Burmese breed of cat can be considered almost the most ancient on the planet. Its history is closely connected with Burma; in Thailand, they are known since the 15th century – and it's only officially documented facts.

In Europe, the same specimens were only in the early twentieth century, and quite romantic way. In defense of the monastery of Lao Tsung took an active part in two European. Largely thanks to them the Church was able to defend, and the Abbot gave the heroes two cats. In his hand it was like a feat, since the Burmese breed of cats was considered in the monastery, the reincarnation of the righteous monks. Unfortunately, the road to France has experienced only one animal. The kittens of this cat and became the progenitors of the whole breed.

Modern type of rock

In Europe and America was pretty funny Burmese breed of cat: the origin it started with a kitten named Wong Mau, presented to the doctor from San Francisco, to Joseph Thompson. It is believed that the baby was a descendant of the cats, which was awarded the heroic Europeans. Interestingly, Wong Mau was not Burma in the full sense of the word. But the relevant genes proved to be dominant, and thus managed to secure a distinctive color, which kitty and has captured the doctor. Was made up a detailed breeding program, which was implemented by University of California researchers led by Dr. Keller. Active assistance was provided and the feline society of the city. Ultimately, after only four years, in 1934, the CFA approved primary standard for the breed and gave the registration of the first representatives of the tribe, in the lineage which the Burmese breed of cat consisted of three generations. Two years – and she was recognized as a fully established. In connection with the rapid popularity of the breed was decided to increase its genetic diversity, for which burmov was crossed with the Siamese, Burmese and Thai imported cats and even with copmi, only resembling Wong Mau. This practice ceased only in 1947, and since then burmani admitted only individuals spanning three generations of purebred ancestors.Burmese breed of cat standard

American and European Burmese

The popularity of the breed grew rapidly. In 1949, several of its representatives have been imported into Britain, and seven years later formed The Burmese Cat Club – the Club of the Burmese breed. In 1979 joined the same Society (The Burmese Cat Society).

In an effort to increase the population of the breed, breeders were conducting their own breeding, practicing crossing with Siamese cats. However, the European Siamese is very different from American: the proportions and the outlines they had more refined, the backbone – sleeker, head – more elongated. Of course, these qualities are passed on and Burma. The result was a significant external differences from the American standard. European Burmese cat breed in 1950 was allocated in independent branch, with detailed refinements to the exterior. It got to the point that the CFA expressly prohibits crossing “Americans” with “Europeans". Violation of this rule shall result in “suspension” offspring.Burmese cat breed profile


Despite the differences in the Constitution, the General features of the carries in itself, and American, English and Burmese. Description of the breed indicates that the animal should be of medium size, weighing between 3.6 and 6.5 kg. Bone – thin, but being strong (no Siamese airiness). Eyes – bright, set well apart, yellow in color, which can vary from pale lemon to deep amber, and the deeper is preferable. Green tint – a sign of the culling of the breed. The ears are medium, set well apart, rounded at the tips, slightly tilted forward. Legs rather thin and long, with a graceful oval “feet”. Tail medium long, the base is so narrow, tip narrowed, and must be completedrounding. Wool – most importantly, what famous Burmese breed of cat, – very short, fine hairs and a pronounced luster. Fits tightly the undercoat is almost absent.

The Difference between “British” and “Americans” is manifested mainly in the structure of the head. At first it resembles a blunt wedge, with a smooth, harmoniously rounded contours. The second the head is round and full face and in profile. However, whichever described the Burmese breed of cat, the standard emphasizes that its representative should not be any heaviness. Grace, elegance – and the weight more than waiting to feel the man who took the cat in his arms.cats of the Burmese breed character

Valid colors

Allowed colors for burmov several. But the main principle remains the same: upper body and limbs should be painted darker than the lower half. Not considered married, low-contrast points: in comparison with the main tone can be darker paws, ears, tail and a mask on the face. But the preference is given to smooth the colors. Discarded any moire and stripes, although kittens can wear easy tiger moire – it disappears with age.

By the standards of the CFA Burmese breed of cat can have four colors:

  1. Sable, sometimes called black. It is also considered basic. Color – dark chestnut, with a Golden sheen, the top two shades darker. Nose leather and paw pads are a rich brown.
  2. Blue. The coat is bluish-silver, the nose pads on the feet – grey with a blue tint.
  3. Purple, he's platinum, color is characterized by the pinkish tint of the main silver-grey tone. Pads and nose leather pink with a bias in lavender.
  4. Chocolate In color (another name for the ‘champagne”) the body has a beige-honey color similar to the shade of milk chocolate. Leather and pads give a ton of cinnamon.

These colors (sometimes under other names) are recognized and other feline organizations in Europe and America.

TICA allows more colors of Burmese cats. The reason is that in plant breeding is the organization used Siamese with cream and red colors. Moreover, among the producers, the founders were cats of rare colors like cinnamon and fawn. Besides, by the standards of TICA, burrow valid and tortoiseshell “clearance”. As a result, the list of allowed colors is almost two dozen.the breed of Burmese cat photo

Cats, the Burmese breed: character

Thanks to him, the Burmese have become so popular. No other breed has such positive reviews. We can say that, when referred to the Burmese, breed profile and character are usually accompanied only enthusiastic epithets. Interestingly, even in case of accidental crossing of burmov with other breeds, character traits remain fixed in the offspring, even if it does not inherit the external signs.

First of all – sociability. Burmese the company strongly needed – primarily human, but other animals are quite welcome. Pet will stalk members of the family at the first opportunity will be to climb on the hands. Sleeping Burma, together with family members, and likes “butt”, inviting the caress.

Then – playfulness. The Burmese breed of cat loves fun and is not tired to take in the games part. You want a toy cat will be wearing for the owner, hinting at the continuation of the holiday. If a favorite workout, he easily mastered completely dog team “SIC”.

The Third most important quality – the patience in combination with kindness. Even if a young child will make a cat in pain, it will never be scratched.Burmese cat breed profile and character

Advantages of beautiful pet

All the joys of life which you bestow breed Burmese cats (photo of its representatives is, in review), can be reduced to a very valuable list.

  1. Nezlobinski, and most importantly – nezapomente: even resentful creature will forgive, will forget and will not take revenge.
  2. Complete lack of aggression: the cat is removed from interfering, but to drive away will not.
  3. Conflict-free to all attendees.
  4. Love for the children. Let her get tired of the game, but to hide from the little companion entertainment cat will not.
  5. Burmese smarter than most breeds.

Purely aesthetic and not to mention: the cat will be a real decoration of the house.

Possible problems

Before Purchasing an animal of this breed, it is worth remembering that the Burmese are very curious and fearless. The cat without fear flees from the apartment – but on the street it can expect all sorts of danger, so the moment requires control. In addition, youcan accidentally lock the pet in the washing machine or the cupboard, which animal has got to be examined. And of course, not for a long time to leave him alone – it is tolerated by Pets hard. In spite of such difficulties, which can deliver the Burmese breed of cats, reviews of it are very warm. The joy, liveliness and friendliness are the cats more than atone for the inconvenience, we deliver it.

Caring for pet

It is Noteworthy that in such a elegant and in every sense positive cat care is extremely simple. Regular bathing it is not necessary – only in case of heavy soiling of the animal. In the mats the hair not break, while maintaining its aesthetic appearance the Burmese is required regularly to comb – and then only once a week. The only thing you should pay attention – on a more balanced diet. It depends on magnificent view of the skin and the activity of the four-legged friend.Burmese cat breed reviews

“the Descendants” Burmese

Despite the fact that the Burmese breed of cat is fairly young, it already became the founder of several other breeds. With the participation of burmov was created by Australian Tiffany, Thai Bobtail, Australian mist, Bombay and a few others. In all these branches of Burma brought the originality of color and pleasing personality, albeit somewhat inferior to the “original”.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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