Doll "Fairies Disney": how and what to choose for your Princess


2020-07-24 04:00:12




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Looking at the variety of toys for girls, many parents just speculated on what to please his Princess. Dolls "Disney Fairies" can be a great gift, because this series is very popular as the cartoon. Well, some girls don't like magic?doll disney fairies

What parents say?

Many moms and dads pleased that their girls play with dolls "Disney Fairies". Though, because it allows to develop imagination. Coming up with different stories about their heroines, girls actively fantasize, imitating what I saw in the cartoon or creating unique games and events. In addition, the dolls "Disney Fairies" have become a good substitute for the famous “Barbie” that were once very popular. There are different sets that allows parents to choose the most appropriate option.doll fairies disney photo

11-inch model with accessories

Dolls "Disney Fairies" this category — enough of the goods sold. Firstly, their value does not exceed 1,200 rubles, which is not too hard on the parent pocket. Second, collect all the fairies can be quite long. And, then, the question of what to give the child the next day, disappears by itself. Third, these models are quite durable. Made from high quality plastic toys have a curved hands and feet, plastic hair, which always remains perfect, and a set of accessories included. So, the winter fairy periwinkle can dress up in one of the four dresses, which are made in the best traditions of cartoon — in delicate pink, blue and lilac colours. And there is the fashion purple handbag. Perfect gift idea for the young Princess. Dolls "Disney Fairies", a photo of which is given in this article, not just dolls, it's kind of a children's brand that makes a girl feel special and unique.set of dolls disney fairies


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11-centimeter single models

Doll Disney Fairies ("Disney Fairies") without any accessories in a variation will cost only 500–700 rubles for a model, which is also nice parents. Such a gift is not much hit on the family budget, but will deliver the child a lot of joy. Overall look of the figure of the fairy as well as kits with accessories. Except that the closet they have presented only what is on the models themselves. But, by the way, buy clothes for the fairies you can separately. Or, for example, to sew yourself.

23-centimeter model

This is a fairly large doll to play with. Their cost is around 1500–1800 rubles for a model. And there are solid differences with the 11-inch “sisters”. First, is the size. Play with big toy is much easier and more enjoyable. Second, the hairstyles of the models made not of plastic, and faux hair. That is, the doll "Disney Fairies" can be combed and styled as you want it to be the owner of toys. This is also a very well developed imagination. Third, the wings of the fairies release, which creates a unimaginable number of options for games and creating stories. Girls, as practice shows, love to fantasize not only about what favorite heroine — the magical creature, but know that it's a doll that can be bathed, for example. And all this without fear of spoiling the toy. In a series of 23-inch models all the fairies that are found in the eponymous cartoons.doll disney fairies disney fairies

Sets of two dolls (11-centimeter)

This is one of the most favorite among girls options. For example, a set of dolls "Disney Fairies", consisting of two dolls and 25 accessories. It's a story that you can play again and again as you'd like. Lots of outfits for dolls delight the girls that have the ability to dress their characters in different ways, each time into something new, relevant fictional reason. In addition, many are already in children design talents, creating their unique clothing collections available in the collection, complementing what we have at hand. The cost of the kit can vary depending on what is included in it, but the average does not exceed 2500 rubles. But if an analog of the original dolls, it is still cheaper. Although the quality of it may be a little hurt.

A Lot of dolls and immediately

Perhaps this is the biggest dream of little fairies. Set "Disney Fairies" (6 dolls) will cost parents on average in 4000—5000 rubles, provided that the model size is 11 inches. Yes, it's not the cheapest gift, but how much joy he can bring the girl! In a set collected, as a rule, the most popular dolls that are so loved by young princesses. Each doll is dressed in a unique outfit that is completely consistent with what is shown in the cartoon. Yes and it is always possible to think up how to decorate the clothing on their own.set of disney fairies dolls 6

Is it Worth to buy?

If a girl is constantly reviewing cartoon “Fairy”, says the main heroines, dedicates his drawings to them, it is definitely worth it! Let the gift will not be the cheapest, but the young witch will beimmensely happy. Furthermore, playing with dolls, as proven by child psychologists, a very important and educational. In today's world many parents want to surround their children with all sorts of gadgets that few harm the development of children. And old dolls, albeit in a fancy new package, remain indispensable and useful. In addition, the cartoon, which dedicated to a whole series of sets of “Fairy”, a very good and instructive. Girls will love to play with the heroines and look upon them. It's worth to buy one doll from the series, to see how enthusiastically the baby will deal with it.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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