Tooth powder: the harm and benefit, reviews, recommendations dentists


2020-08-12 19:00:14




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Many people who care about their health in recent times throw modern toothpastes, stuffed with harmful "chemistry." Fluoride, glycerin and other ingredients are not useful for enamel and gums. To replace pasta came long-forgotten dentifrices.

What is it?

The Powder is a specific blend of natural ingredients, which helped to achieve an excellent result when brushing your teeth. Someone thinks the powder is much more effective paste. With it is possible to whiten your enamel, even avid smokers and coffee drinkers.

tooth powder harm and benefits

Teeth cleaning powder and pasta has almost no differences. In the first case, it is very important to choose the right brush. It should be soft, not stiff bristles. This will help prevent damage to the enamel. So that the dental cleaning powder is not dropped off from the brush, moisten it should be. For this small amount should be added a few drops of water. Need to brush your teeth at least three minutes. Then it is important to thoroughly rinse your mouth several times.


Sold in pharmacies natural tooth powder composition is much more harmless familiar paste. As a rule, the main ingredients include:

  1. Chemically precipitated chalk, containing carbonates of calcium, magnesium and other mineral compounds.
  2. Baking soda, or sodium bicarbonate, is a natural antiseptic, kills harmful bacteria, prevents tooth decay and makes teeth white. Thanks to this component, and there was a whitening tooth powder.
  3. Sea salt – enriches the teeth with minerals, promotes salivation and relieves you from bad breath. Due to iodine and manganese has a strong bactericidal action and strengthens the gums.
  4. Powder dry peppermint, cinnamon and other dry natural ingredients.
  5. A Refreshing fragrance.

whitening toothpasteTooth powder, depending on the added in its composition of ingredients is not only white, but also pink, brown, blue.

Toothpaste “Rustle”: the effect

Despite the fact that the powder is composed of familiar substances and, apparently, it can make your own at home, not so simple. Chalk and soda – this is the strongest abrasives. If you incorrectly calculate the amount of substance added to tooth powder, the harm and benefit in your ratio can change significantly.

Among the modern powders dentists recommended tool of the trade mark “Rustle”. Its composition is fairly balanced, so as not to harm the teeth. Still, the powder is desirable to use no more than two times a week and the rest of the time to use paste.

 toothpaste lakalyutToothpaste “Rustle" refers to the treatment-and-prophylactic hygiene of oral cavity. It whitens and strengthens tooth enamel, reduces sensitivity, reduces bleeding gums. Total produced more than 20 types of pasta of this brand, including children's series that allows you to choose the right tool for each family member. the

Tooth powder: the harm and the benefit for your teeth

Tooth powder has certain advantages and disadvantages. Use it for your enamel, gums and oral cavity in General consists in certain features. Among them are the following:

  • Whitening tooth powder efficiently removes the discoloration of enamel, which is typical of people who abuse tobacco, strong tea and coffee;
  • Removes plaque from the enamel due to its natural abrasive property;
  • Gently polishes the teeth, making them smooth and beautiful;
  • Removes the food residue is much more effective than the paste, thereby reducing the risk of caries;
  • Normalizes the acid-alkaline balance in the mouth;
  • Acts as an anti-inflammatory agent for irritated gums;
  • Heals wounds in the mouth and on the gums.

tooth cleaning powderTooth powder, the harm and benefit which are the subject of controversial disputes between users and dentists, has a number of drawbacks:

  • Large abrasive particles in the powder gradually destroy tooth enamel;
  • Careless use can mechanically injure the inflamed gums;
  • After a tooth-powder it is important to thoroughly rinse your mouth to remove remaining after the cleaning, the abrasive particles;
  • Inconvenient and wasteful packaging.

To improvethe condition of the teeth and avoid all negative consequences from the use of the powder is possible if you stick to the simple recommendations dental professionals.

Customer Reviews

Despite what price category is acquired in the means for brushing your teeth, customer reviews about this product mostly positive. Tooth powder, price is 20 rubles per 140 ml (manufactured “Avanti”) to 160 rubles per 40 grams (“Rustle”), like users.

tooth powder priceAmong the positive reviews include:

  • A noticeable result in bleaching;
  • Reduced sensitivity of the enamel;
  • Low consumption;
  • Natural ingredients;
  • Freshens breath
  • Allows you to remove Tartar.

Those who did not like the powder, said that he bad foam and scratch the gums. But it is worth noting that the positive reviews much more than negative.


The Majority of dentists believe that the powder may be used exclusively for cleaning teeth. Formed on the enamel stone he can't remove, because it requires professional tools and procedures. And those who decided to replace the toothpaste with detergent, do not suggest to do that. Dentists are of the opinion that this remedy has long been obsolete, and replaced by a more modern whitening methods and treatment of enamel, gums and the whole oral cavity.

Still people who prefer to use tooth powder, the harm and benefit which has long been known, experts recommend to replace the usual brush of electric model. But you should not have any illusions about a quick and perfect result.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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