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Probably every aquarist faced in my life with such an unpleasant disease, like ICH, or as it is called in the jargon – regular semolina. It is really a serious problem, as the illness spreads rapidly and affects the entire aquarium with its inhabitants, so measures should be taken as soon as you notice the first signs. Those who have been engaged in the maintenance of aquarium fish, are already familiar with it and know how to treat the fish from monkey. But for beginners it can become really serious problem. Let us now consider together what to start below to quickly get rid of distressing symptoms and not to harm the fragile ecosystem that is emerging in a confined space.
To determine this terrible disease, you should first carefully inspect your aquarium and each of its inhabitants. You should be alerted to the appearance on the body of the fish to small tubercles up to 1 mm. the Disease spreads very rapidly, and within a few days all the fish swim, as if sprinkled with semolina. And to put it in your tank with new soil or decoration, together with algae or food, so how to treat the fish from the monkey – this is a very relevant question the answer to which everyone should know who is engaged in the aquarium.
In order For therapy to be successful, you need a very good understanding of what was the cause of the disease. In this case, it is due to the attack ravnovesnoi infusoria, the simplest organism, which, however, can lead to the complete desolation of your aquarium. The same semolina, which beginning aquarists is sometimes called dots, flecks, bubbles, – this is the place of deployment of parasites, pustules, from which the insects come out. Thus, parasitic in the body of the fish, they will quickly bring her to complete exhaustion and death. Therefore to know how to treat the fish from monkey you should before launched the aquarium.
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Let's have some more focus on what happens when the parasite gets into your aquarium. Actually ways to do this abound, so be sure that this does not happen, is impossible. This can be only one ciliate, but it is implemented in the body of the fish, just two weeks becomes active and ready to breed. It was during this time formed the first hill. After the release of his infusorian is attached to the bottom and propagated by division in thousands of larvae, each of which will continue the path of development prescribed by nature. Now the development of the disease will begin to progress almost every hour, and that means it's time to move on to practical advice on how to treat the fish from monkey. Why do we have elaborated on this? Because to get rid of ciliates, we need to make this life cycle is unbearable.
He loves the Paramecium? It is primarily stagnant water and heat. However, the warmer, the faster its life cycle. That is, before to think of what to treat semolina fish can be just a few days to increase the temperature in the aquarium. First, the larvae will soon emerge and die, and secondly, these conditions activate the immune system itself fish. That is, the fish will actively deal with the simplest organisms. However, to rely only on this method is impossible, because it can only help in the earliest stages of the disease. Therefore, in order to be sure that the aquarium is liberated from invaders, you need to add in the water and even a dose of specialized medicines, about which we'll discuss later.
Rarely knows About them a beginner aquarist, but a connoisseur of good idea that is fraught with invasion of the ciliated infusoria. It's the secondary infections that accompany her always. That is, focusing on what to treat semolina fish you may not notice the development of fungal or bacterial complications. Therefore, after primary treatment is very important to use a regular blueprint, or as it is correctly called Methylene blue. The concentration of solution is 10 g per liter. And this solution was added to the aquarium at 3 ml per 10 liters of water. For combating fungi and parasites use a specialized drug brand Sera. The specialists recommend to combine Sera Costapur and Sera Costapur.
Remember, in the textbooks of biology for the fifth grade was scheduled experience. Two drops of water with a thin isthmus between them, one was placed amoeba and added salt. The amoeba immediately moved to where the water was fresh. That is, the salt is detrimental to microorganisms. So we want to tell you how to treat the fish from monkey salt. In fact, the way good, even twenty years ago was the lead, anything else just wasn't. The technique is simple, in 10 liters of water is added one tablespoon salt. In this solution the fish should live anywhere from 3 to 5 days. There are techniques when doinga more concentrated solution, up to 1 tablespoon per liter. In it place the fish in for 3-5 minutes and then release into quarantine, where the concentration of salt the usual. The main tank at this time clean and disinfect, i.e. fully restart.
This is a common human antibiotic penitsillanovoy group. However, if you are looking for options on how to treat the fish from monkey at home, the recipe will surely be welcomed as a practical recommendation. Dosage otkryvanii fish in a separate bowl – 500 000 IU, that is, the third part of the bottle for 10 litres of water. Be placed in such a solution they need each day for 30 minutes for 6 days. In addition, the same portion contribute to the overall aquarium, only 100 liters of water. Repeated this procedure for 6 days. However, it should be noted that this drug helps to deal only with secondary bacterial infection, and not with the semolina. So do not expect that in this way you will be able to cure your Pets.
Not always easy to answer how to treat the fish from monkey at home. The fact that you need to constantly observe, and if the treatment does not give obvious effect, radically change the scheme, that is to go to specialized tools that you can buy in pet stores. Do a water change and start treatment new. Usually filled full dose Sera Costapur, it is repeated every day. Additionally you need to add Sera mycopur half dose, but every day (dosage indicated on the leaflet from the manufacturer). So how to treat semolina aquarium fish account for more than one day, please be patient.
In the first place again, do a water change. This is very important, because infinitely add different drugs in the same closed system fraught with destruction in her life. If you still have to achieve positive changes failed, try the following scheme. Sera Costapur is in full dosage, and it has added nitrofuranov drug. This is the usual furazolidone. It is sensitive to almost all microorganisms, bacteria and protozoa. Its dosage should be very carefully controlled, not more than one pill of 15 liters of water. This is a very powerful tool, but it completely destroys the entire flora. Approximately two to three weeks the water will be unpleasant yellowish hue, but how to treat aquarium fish from monkey it is necessary, itself will not work, you will have to wait. You can only monitor the status of your Pets. If followed by improvement – you can relax. However, in rare cases it happens the other way.
If the disease continues to progress, this time is usually fish begin to lay low and to stop to attend to the stern. On the body is usually already not living space. Certainly there is a temptation to end their suffering, to merge with the water in the toilet and forget about the aquarium. But let's think about what more can be done than to treat aquarium fish from monkey in the most severe cases. There is only the copper. Buy the most common copper-containing “Formated”. This is one of the cheapest and very effective medicines. Don't forget to replace the water in the aquarium. Copper is fatal to invertebrates, algae, beneficial microflora. To overdose this drug is very simple, so carefully vieraita the quantity that you add to the aquarium, otherwise you'll ruin the fish. If you done correctly, you will soon see how the illness, and fish will begin to recover. Will have to settle for new snails to put plants and living things in your area guaranteed a new life.
This is a yellow powder which dissolves easily in water. Its effectiveness is not proven, however, it is believed that the solution can help in the treatment of monkey. For this purpose a working solution at the rate of 0.2 g per 100 liters of water. Treatment continues for 14-16 days, every day add a new dose of the drug, the filters might not work. After that, the water is completely exchanged for fresh ones. If you isolate the fish in a separate tank, then added 3 mg per liter of water.
Modern medicine really puts all other methods of treatment. We will tell you how to treat the fish from monkey ‘Antiparos”. It is a versatile tool that will help you to get rid of bacterial, parasitic and fungal diseases. In the drug “malachite green” and formalin. If you have an aquarium, you definitely need to have on hand this drug, he is one to avoid many problems. Make it at 1 ml per 50 liters of water in a common aquarium. Through the day you need to replace 30 % of the water and make another batch. Thus it is necessary observe carefully the concentration of the solution, otherwise the drug will destroy the whole population of your aquarium. Treatment course-3-6 days. Repeat the course of treatment is 5-7 days. There is in this schemetreatment and its “but”. Catfish and some other fish can not tolerate formalin, and almost all invertebrates. That is, if after 5 days of your pet will start to heal and the other will die – that happens precisely because for them the active ingredient was disastrous. On the other hand, you completely rid the tank of infusorians and save the part of its inhabitants. Sometimes it is necessary to risk a part of the fish.
Analyzing the whole experience, which is laid out on specialized forums, you can come to the following conclusions. To bring in an aquarium ciliate with anything, moreover, she lives freely in the tap water, maybe just doze off in your tank and wait for suitable conditions. When the aquarium is clean, the fish healthy with strong immunity – a simple nothing. Therefore, your goal is to support this condition. Any new fish put in quarantine. If the stress she won't get sick for 4 days, can transplant it in a common aquarium. In the aquarium feed run only proven brands, and in such an amount that fish will eat no more than one minute. These simple rules will allow you to protect your aquarium from the development of dormant cysts, ciliates, and thus will give the opportunity to admire its beauty for many years.
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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."
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