The Ailanthus (tree): photo description


2018-04-01 16:43:12




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Aylant - higher woody representative of the family Simeunovich. Native Asian imported to other countries, quickly settled in foreign territories. He's not particularly picky about the soil types. However, not any climate suits him. So to see aylant is possible only in the southern regions.

Description tree Ailanthus higher

Recognize Ailanthus possible according to certain morphological characteristics. Photo of a tree of Ailanthus will be presented next.

the Ailanthus tree

The Tree grows straight up, reaching heights of 20 and sometimes 25 meters. The barrel is endowed with a smooth cylindrical shape. The tip of the trunk ends in a crown, which, depending on the age of the plant has different views. In young plants, it resembles a pyramid, and old — spreading, spherical. The bark is thin, painted in light-brown color.

Woody the leaves are large, reaching a length of 60 cm. In form they look like palm trees. The structure is as follows: on long petioles, both sides grow small oval leaves, the size of which is not more than 12 cm. Their number has 25 pieces. If you touch the leaves of Ailanthus, they will start to exude an unpleasant smell.

tree Ailanthus photo

Aylant — a flowering tree, which has small buds green-yellow color. By themselves, they resemble panicles that are 12 cm in length. Flowering begins in July or August. During this period, the inflorescence spread bad aroma.

As for fruit, they look like elongated, thick leaves with a seed. Their length is 4 cm, colors — brown–red.

Plant Roots are close to topsoil, but this does not affect the stability of trees.

Reproduction wood is Ailanthus seeds and root fragments. As for life expectancy, it lasts at it for 80 and sometimes even 100 years.


Aylant refers to plants that prefer a large amount of light. But the types of soil the tree is unpretentious. So it feels good and stony, and sandy terrain. Even the salt marshes will not hinder the growth of Ailanthus. The trees are perfectly adapted to the conditions of the wild nature and the urban environment. Young eilanti prefer a southern climate, therefore, cold winters can be fatal for them. But old trees are fully adapted to low temperatures and easily transferred to twenty degrees of freezing. However, even more lowering the temperature of the trunk of the tree is covered with strong frost and a little freezing. To death of the plant it does not, because with the onset of heat it is quickly restored.


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Since the Ailanthus tree is thermophilic, and the place of its growth has a mild humid climate.

aylant the highest tree

To Meet a landing in the South of the European part of Russia and in the Crimea. The streets of some cities of Ukraine decorated with walkways and planting ailanto. In many parks of the Caucasus, Central Asia also there are trees of Ailanthus.

A Little history

The Tree is endowed with its own history. First, let's say that the name “aylant” has Indonesian roots. Literally it means “tree of the gods”.

Despite the fact that trees of this type a lot in Russian, Ukrainian territory, these places are not home. In Europe, the Ailanthus has been imported from China one of the Asian monks. He brought a tree for planting in one of the local arboretums in England. The climate of the country was to the liking of the plants and later decades the trees have grown not only in the southern part of England, but also penetrated into other European countries and the regions in which the climate is warm and humid enough.

Eilanti have a very high craving for life. The proof of this is the incident that happened in the Karadag in the 60-ies of the last century. Ministers Botanical reserve was cut down all the trees of Ailanthus, and the place where they grew, coated with a thick layer of asphalt. And still a year later through the asphalt began to break through the shoots of young trees.

In Russia, the Ailanthus has been imported in the 19th century, but not for decorative purposes, and for production. The leaves — a perfect ground for breeding of caterpillars of a silkworm. However, after the revolution silkworm cocoon production was suspended. Trees no one did. Soon they began to liquidate, citing the fact that the plants exude an unpleasant odor.

Aylant as a component of medical preparations

the Ailanthus tree description

Despite the odor of the crushed leaves tree, the Ailanthus is widely used in the medical field.

The Substances contained in the leaves of the plant are endowed with antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effect.

Components that are in the bark and in the wood of the branches, are excellent antiseptics. Such substances are highly effective in fighting various skin diseases: ringworm, ulcers, and other things.

Wood fruit prepare various tinctures and drugs that cope with this disease, like angina. In addition, they are prescribed for urolithiasis, liver disease, rare cases, as a tool in the fight against cancer.

The Blossoming of Ailanthus elements used in the manufacture of a medicament for combating diphtheria, scarlet fever.

Folk medicine

the Ailanthus tree reproduction

An Unconventional method of therapy is also not without the use of Ailanthus. It is especially popular in Chinese folk medicine. For example, the roots and leaves is used in disorders of the intestinal tract, particularly in dysentery. Effective is getting rid of Ascaris and other representatives of the tapeworms.

The fruits of the tree have a high effect in the prevention and treatment of hemorrhoids.

For respiratory diseases, fever drink concoctions based on the bark and leaves of Ailanthus. Furthermore, these tinctures, and drugs help with high swelling - displays the excess fluid.

The Use of bark as a therapeutic agent is associated with its composition. It contains the following veshestva:

  • Mobilnye;
  • Alkaloide;
  • Quassin;
  • Sterine;
  • Saponin.

As can be seen, despite the repulsive scent of Ailanthus, the tree carries with it considerable benefits for human health. But before testing the effect of the plant on yourself, you should consult with your doctor.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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