Actor Viktor Andriyenko: biography and filmography


2019-06-12 03:20:24




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Viktor Andrienko – an actor who owes his fame comedic roles. This person often plays secondary characters than the main characters. “anyone who has passed through fire”, “Valentine's Night”, “Light from the world”, “losers of the Day” - famous paintings with his participation. Also the actor can be seen in the TV series “bones”, “Voronin”, “Tales mityaya”, “Couple”. A certain notoriety he achieved as a Director. What is the history of the stars?

Victor Andrienko: the beginning

The Master of comedic roles, was born in Zaporozhye. It happened in September 1959. Viktor Andrienko comes from an ordinary family, among his relatives there celebrities. To dream about the acting profession he began in childhood. However, after graduation the young man was forced to go to school for pastry.

Viktor Andrienko

Some time young Victor has worked in the specialty until they suddenly decided to change his life. Then Andrienko moved to Kiev and became a student of the Institute named after Karpenko-Kary. He still feels gratitude to his talented teacher Stavisky.

Early successes

In school Viktor Andrienko is seriously involved in sports. The boy even promised a career, but fate decided otherwise. Not surprisingly, to conquer the cinema he began as a stuntman. A list of the first film and television projects with his participation is proposed below.

Viktor Andrienko photo

  • “don't cry, girl”.
  • «Bridal wreath, or Odyssey Ivanka”.
  • «Dacha trip Sgt Tsybulya”.
  • ‘Piggy Bank”.
  • “there is no Third way”.
  • “Sixth”.
  • “Yaroslav the Wise”.
  • “the Night is short”.
  • “Amulet”.
  • “the Trust, which burst”.
  • ‘Shura".
  • “the Trap in the English Park”.
  • “the Temptation of don Juan".

Victor played athletes, soldiers, criminals, police. He had to jump from a great height, to fall from the roof, burning. The audience did not want to remember the novice actor, but Andriyenko did not give up.

Finest hour

Surprisingly, for the first time Viktor Andrienko drew the attention of the public thanks to dubbing cartoon “treasure Island”. It was his voice speaking the famous captain Smollett. For many years the hero of the cartoon became for the actor a kind of calling card.

Viktor Andrienko filmography

Cartoon «Return to treasure island”, presented to the court audience, had almost the same success. The unique sound of captain Smollett assumed Andriyenko.


Thanks to “treasure Island” became a favorite of Directors Viktor Andriyenko. Filmography the celebrities are replenished.

  • ‘Beach club".
  • “the Pasta of death, or Error Professor Bogensberger”.
  • “hearts of three 2".
  • “Empire of pirates”.
  • “Josephine the Singer”.
  • “Report”.
  • «Show weevils”.
  • “Comedy Quartet”.
  • ‘Private police”.
  • “Between the first and second”.
  • "barrister".
  • «Nine lives of Nestor Makhno”.
  • “Police Academy”.
  • “One new year's eve”.
  • “Light from the world”.
  • “Voronin”.
  • “the Day is defeated”.
  • “Boxers prefer blondes".

Viktor & ndash; the person who never refuses to laugh at themselves. Probably that's why all his characters seem so alive and natural.

What to watch

The Above mentioned not all movies and TV shows with the participation of Viktor Andrienko, photos of which can be seen in the article. In the film “anyone who has passed through fire” he brilliantly played Colonel Smirnov. The image of a strict Director Victor created in the TV show “Couple”. You can not leave without attention the role of the Chairman of the collective farm, which Andrienko played in the TV series «Tales mityaya”.

“about” - the new film with the participation of the Ukrainian actor. In this film, he embodies the image of Sergeant. Also this year it is expected the film «Odessa a foundling” in which he recently starred. The film's plot is still kept secret, we only know that it will be a rousing Comedy.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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