The aphorisms of Confucius and their interpretation. The ancient thinker and philosopher Confucius


2019-06-11 01:00:34




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The Meaning of human existence, he saw the approval in China of the highest and universal form of socio-ethical order “Dao”, or paths. The main manifestations of the Tao, he believed humanity, justice, dignity, synov'û piety, loyalty and millivolt. In this article we will talk about the sayings and aphorisms of Confucius.

Confucianism in China

sayings of ConfuciusIf you speak in modern language, we can say that Confucius – the main brand of China. Because the identity of the people connected with the choice of the individual, which represents them as accurately and vividly. Actually it's not such a simple question. Solid and extensive Foundation of Chinese ancient historical and philosophical thought of the world stands the figure of Confucius, the wisdom of the aphorisms and teachings of which is indeed worthy of veneration.


As mentioned in "Historical notes" SIMA Qian, Chinese historian and encyclopedist, Confucius was born in “wild marriage”. Such a thing as ‘wild marriage" means that the parent is in advanced years allowed himself a relationship with a young concubine. His father died, and Confucius was raised in a single-parent family. He became the first Chinese teacher who taught everyone a bunch of dried meat. So the school replaced his kindred Association. His very name kung Fu Tzu (Chinese) tells about his calling, because “fu-Tzu" is translated as “teacher, sage, philosopher”.

Confucius sayings and aphorismsConfucius lived in an era of fragmentation and of the struggle of many kingdoms. A difficult age, however, was so remarkable, and therefore was called the Golden age of Chinese philosophy. In China, to become a philosopher means to be a teacher and to the school. Confucius traveled to various countries with his students and offered their services on management of the state - now it is called management. Activities it truly unique, the results greatly affected the society in 6-5 centuries BC. Despite the innovative trend of his teaching, Confucius insisted on a return to basics, that is, on the reinterpretation of already existing knowledge.


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Good and evil

You Should examine the sayings and aphorisms of Confucius about good and evil.

Confucius quotes and sayings wise sayingsAs If confirming the wisdom of many religious movements and anticipating Christian ideology, Confucius appeals to reason and consciousness of man with the phrase: “do Not do to others what you do not want to imagine”. For centuries this wisdom is based on doing no harm to others, because, as they say, payback for the distant from the goodness of actions followed by either inevitably or eventually or will affect the lives of descendants. Making any action, we send some information in a space that creates a certain energy that boomerang overtakes us at the most unexpected moment. When we do good things, we attract goodness in your life and Vice versa.

the aphorisms of Confucius on happinessSpeaking about the Confucius aphorisms about good and evil, not to mention this saying: “at least Try to be a little kinder, and then you will see that you will be not able to do the evil act”. To interpret this expression in the following way: once you go down the path of goodness, we are forming the head unit, rejection of all unworthy in the behavior of informed and cultured man, that just won't let us down again, because we betray ourselves. Once having tasted something better in our everyday life, we yearn for him with all your heart, and from the old run. So is the development.

The Sayings of Confucius about the meaning of life

the sayings of Confucius the state“All my life you can curse the darkness, but you can light even a small candle". This statement of Confucius, an ancient thinker and philosopher, is impregnated with the deepest wisdom. How often do we lose our reference point, we forget to look back at all the wondrous things in us, in other people, the environment, and dwell on the negative side of life. Just enough to light yourself light one of pleasant thoughts, as life begins to take on new paint. Blossoming from within, we are transformed and externally, as we affect others. So we create our own your own reality.

"Not the great who never fell, and the great – who was up and down". It can be called one of the best aphorisms of Confucius. How very true – any failure leads to success. "Fall" is useful and necessary, if the person is able to learn a lesson. The height of our achievements is determined by the depth of the pit in which we burn. Each time failing, lose, rejoice - because you have room to grow, you don't lost option for society and the planet, you still have to work on them.

the best aphorisms of Confucius“In fact, life is simple, but we insist its too complicated”. In fact, all complex – veiled simple. Every complex subject can be broken down into simple components, it helps to comprehend something complex. Having dealt with the simple things, we can discover something that previously seemed to us absurd. Another meaning of this statement lies in the fact that we're bored withwe can understand things, we need secrecy, pretentiousness, a certain pathos and complexity in execution. For example, the dishes are simple and delicious dishes. Sometimes you need to use remarkable ability to identify the ingredients of any dishes, jaded various spices and additives. So we are moving away from the simple truth – simplicity leads to health, because healthy food – it's not always tasty (at first glance) food, which took a minimum of heat treatment. We also serves, which could, in addition to various brines go through the pan, the pan, the oven, just to get to your table. It would seem, what are the tricks? All lies in the greed and gluttony of human nature, unable long to enjoy the small.

The Sayings of Confucius and their interpretation – about education

the wisdom of Confucius sayings and teachings“the Most beautiful sight in the world — it's the kind of kid who confidently goes on the road of life after you showed him the right path”. Many of us there are those children who have not found their purpose. And all because we were brought up children, wandering in the darkness. Yes, in life, you have to be a child, but determined that his eyes burned, and his hands were doing. Laziness and idleness lead to the destruction of personality. A smart kid – being creative, ready at any moment to do what you love.

About the Board

The aphorisms of Confucius on the state, we have carried the following: "If you are overly zealous in the service, we may lose the location of the Emperor. If you are overly welcome in the friendship, lose the location of friends." We can say that this quote embodies the idea that the obsession and the desire to please only repel. Not worth much to try to please others. And whether to strive to get the location of another person? Is not it easier and safer to be themselves, without grimaces and samoogranichitsja? Don't be afraid to say no to people if their proposals are contrary to your principles and attitudes. So you will earn the respect of those around me as a person, you can rely on in difficult times. Honesty with yourself leads to honesty with others. At some invisible level, people are able to feel flattered or not. And it largely shapes their further attitude to the person.

"If he is straight, then everything will be performed even without orders. And if he is not straight, it will not listen to, despite the orders of yours." Man, to change his mind, who has seven Fridays in the week, not able to hold his person as an authority for subjects As individuals. insecure, such a person may be unreliable in the governance of the country or the household will squander all to the black of day, their conflicting ideas and immature decisions. People in leadership should be outspoken views and thoughts, to accurately convey them to the environment.

"Ashamed to be poor and occupy the lowest position, if the state is in the law; as well as ashamed to be noble and rich, when the state is lawless". This statement can come under any government, because now there are not many countries where the authorities are a noble people, and the law is fair and humane.

About love

"Only the truly humane person is able to love, to hate." In this saying of Confucius, we see that strong feelings, reveals the full extent of able to experience people who know how to empathize with others, to sympathize with them, who look at the world with a heightened sense of justice. There is infinite in love, there is hate just. Others may experience the sublime and low feelings, but without fanaticism. Here, the people departed from the usual animal habits, learn righteous anger and love.

"Love is the beginning and the end of our existence. Without love there is no life. Because love is that before which worships wise man". This is one of the most insightful quotations and aphorisms of Confucius about love. Rejecting love is stupid, because, without love, he loses motivation to activities, life awakening in the morning. We should love if not the people around him, then at least things that surround us every day, otherwise life turns into utter chaos. But you can still understand it as love for yourself. Only by loving oneself, a person begins to transform and improve, to create and to comprehend this world. Confucius wise sayings, quotes and aphorisms which we consider in this article, was a man of wise and deep. Therefore, all his sayings, getting into the field of view of development of man, bloom in the thinking process of the recipient.

"When the ways are different cannot lay plans together" is one of the practical aphorisms of Confucius on love, which hints at the fact that people with different life goals can't unite their destinies with favorable consequences. Only one spirit lovers are able to maximize the potential of each of them and as far as possible to move them to a common goal.


“Eat coarse food, drink spring water, sleep, folded under his head his own hand, - in all this is a special joy. But wealth and position, acquired unjustly, for me as floating clouds!” This is one of the most striking aphorisms of Confucius on happiness, which implies a search of bliss in a small and pious. Being satisfied with this modicum of comfort, people can survive and wherewhen anyone, without extreme hardship, after all the luxury he never fit in. Abundance also ensures the degradation of soul and body. But wealth acquired by dishonest means, generally destroys people from the inside, devours him whole, turning into your most devoted slave, ready again and again to indulge in adventure to preserve an illusory freedom from poverty. All these “floating clouds”, as the dust, scattered in hard times or harm to its owner, because he is attached to him with all your soul, and, therefore, ready to die for them.

Another gem from the aphorisms of Confucius on happiness: “to Learn at the right time to apply the lessons to business — isn't it wonderful! Talk with a friend who came from distant countries, — is it not a delight! Is it not sublime is not to be appreciated by the world and not hold grudges!" Here we see that Confucius for the happiness revered not only wisdom, not only humanity, but also the uniqueness, detachment from the General mass of people, the ability to think individually and with all this to feel organic, not feel like an outcast, not to complain about the world and society.

About the job

The aphorisms of Confucius on the work was attributed as follows: "Who repeats the old knowledge and finds something new, he can be a leader." The essence of this statement lies in the fact that innovation can only be based on previously known ideas. Nihilism, built on the denial of the mistakes of the past, is not appropriate. Past - instrument sculpture of today and the future of our state, as well as looking to the future, we can change the present. Using zadaniami ancestors and to extract from them the grains of truth are able to take leading positions in the state, because he is aware of the age-old secret Board.

"Human husband will not be long dwell in straitened circumstances, but he also would not remain long in idleness". This is one of the aphorisms of Confucius about work and laziness. Reading these lines, just remember the Russian proverb: "cause - time fun - hour". Here is however a slight deviation from our usual image: Confucius people not exhausting themselves with work and finds enough time to relax, that is the hour case, hour - rest. Here we are talking about balance in life, which is achieved by balancing all aspects of life. Nice work will bring inconvenience and pain to the person who'll take it. That is, finding the case for everyone, it is possible to enjoy every moment without pain and suffering from the sensation of being in the wrong place at the wrong time.


Confucius wise sayings, aphorisms and quotations which we consider in this article, according to his disciples, possessed the temper affectionate and good-natured, distinguished by patience and fairness in his diet was always dominated by plant foods, although meat, he did not hesitate. Excessive he was only in fault, honoring him for his method of meditation, but not never drank to unconsciousness. He was modest in speech and in food, separating main and secondary. His life is always of great importance was the ginger, which is believed in China, neutralizes the harmful effects of meat and intoxicating substances.

"the Noble man is the cause of his failure in himself, and sneaky finds them in others." This is a remarkable statement perfectly describes the lifestyle of the people who used to blame all their troubles on anyone, but not themselves. It's not they're lazy and lack of initiative, and the state undermines them "wings", they're not infirm, and parents "badly brought up". Excuses can always be found. Truly strong-willed person is able to admit his imperfection and seeks to change himself at any cost.

"When you meet a worthy person, think of becoming equal to him, and if unfit — look at yourself." Notice the virtues of others is an art of life initially, people looking for fault with others. This property of animal is to rise above the others by finding their weaknesses, humanity also implies the vision of God in the other person through admiration for his creativity, skills, knowledge. Only a developed person can see the divine in each person and help him to reveal this powerful force of creation.

"Nothing is more exciting person and don't make it to oblivion, which entails the most disastrous consequences, as the flash of annoyance and anger, and therefore to avoid great errors must notice them in the Bud". How much wood can be mangled, being in a bad mood! People who can't control their anger are not able to manage your life.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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