How to charm the wife alone. The consequences


2019-04-04 19:20:25




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Men like specifics. If you want to know how to charm the wife, give them a detailed plan of action. In this respect to slim the problem has its advantages and disadvantages. All about goal setting. Spell – a special ritual, with different spheres of influence. The correct choice of the ceremony – that's half the battle. Let's look at how to get your wife back, slowly, sequentially and in detail.

how to bewitch the wife

Types of love spells

Strong and wise person every thing you need to start with goal setting. Before you think about how to charm a wife, ask yourself the question: “That is not satisfied in the current situation?” Impact on the victim can be complete or partial. And the weaker it is, the less likely a rollback, that is, the price paid for magic. Love spells – a violent change of attitude of the victim. But this interference in the natural course of events. It should be understood. Understand also that it is not like in the relationship you need to pick up the ritual. Love spells differ from each other according to the degree and direction of the effects: black – completely subdue the victim, sexual – cause passion. There are rituals aimed at the creation of spiritual independence, others affect the brain, make us think that without a husband the wife will not be able to lead a normal lifestyle. Understand yourself, and then decide how to bewitch his wife. And we will go further.

how to get your wife back

How to get your wife back yourself: preparation

The couple are linked much stronger than people think. We may quarrel or to swear, to rejoice or to show indifference – at field level the gap never happens. The coldness of his wife – that of loved ones artificially created barrier. Not going to speculate on the reasons for such phenomena, many of them from damage and the spell, until the wrongs done by the partner. To destroy this barrier can only love, that is, using its own forces. Starting to figure out how to charm the wife, you already do a great job, probably the main one. Because the aura constantly interact. Your signals in its field that the woman loved and desired. We need to strengthen this interaction. And for this remove from the head the feelings, forget the insults. Think of his wife as "the most charming and attractive", broadcast continuously for a kind, tender, tender feelings. Can and behavior to change if the situation will allow. But symptoms at this stage are not critical. It is important that out of the heart proceeded in her direction signals, any beauty. It affects the subconscious worse than any sorcerer. Let the wife feel needed, desirable, beautiful Queen. Do not skip the preparatory stage. The spell will not work if you cannot get rid of negative emotions and thoughts in their marriage. Although there are black rituals, working on hatred. However, you have to pay bitterly.


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how to charm a wife at home

The Ritual to return the love

Let's Start with the safe rite. It is suitable for those who are looking for how to charm a woman without consequences. If the basis of marriage is a deep love, everything will work out. You will need:

  • Red candle;
  • Golden thread;
  • Wedding photo.

The run Time of the ceremony – growth phase of the moon. Retire in the evening. It is impossible that the serpent found out someone else. By the way, to talk about what he did, is also prohibited. Closes the window, door zatvorite. Sit at the table, on which surface is laid out prepared with magical attributes. Free thoughts from the negative. Light a red candle. Look at her twinkling, remembering the best moments of your life together. Wedding photo roll into a tube, tie it in gold thread. The end of her stick to photos with wax from a candle. Say these words: “the Lord promised to love. Vow that you'll never forget. I took the floor – not give. Weave of fate – yours and mine. Amen.” Rolled into a tube photos should be kept under the bed where the wife sleeps.

how to charm a woman without consequences

How to charm a wife at home

Men are more often concerned about the coldness of the marital bed. Let's talk about how to regain the heat in the area of relationships. The man, oddly enough, make it much easier than women. For this knowledgeable wizards offer to do the cooking. The fact that energy cooking – a male occupation. And if you invest in the labour of their intention, that the wife simply no arguments to convince yourself to continue to resist your passion. Will have to get up early and cook up your favorite Breakfast. Cook what it taste. The fundamental values of the dish itself is not. And when she'll eat (or drink) a bit, sit side by side. Mentally say these words: “My love – you in the blood, the body is white, so passion bold! In the living soul to return former passion. Amen.” By the evening wait for the results. They will.

the spell and its consequences

The Ritual of a loving relative or friend

There are rituals for those who by watching the gap of the spousesand think about how to charm a wife to her husband. Sometimes loved ones can destroy the ice castle built by stubborn, faster and more efficient than themselves. And you will need to go to spouses and guests, but pre-prepared. Buy or esoteric gift shop bell “silver” (refers to color). The new moon will place it on the window sill. Saying seven times formula and Express the moonlight fed. And the next day take the quarreling spouses. The bell should be slowly in the bedroom to keep closer to the place, where wife is sleeping. He speaks these words: “In the temple gave the oath, promised to observe. The Lord has blessed His servants, (names) love the ringing of bells. As it seslichat, passion and loyalty to breathe. Amen.”

Black ritual to return the love

Unfortunately, there are cases when the above ceremonies are not valid. Man seeking how to charm a wife, you must be prepared for any eventuality. You can not give up, if he doesn't want to lose self-esteem. All else fails-ask for help from the kind. Will have to go to the graveyard. In this place are committed by black rituals. Schedule a divination on the phase of the waning moon. Close to midnight, any day, taking the trace, go to the cemetery. You need to have a piece of bread, which the wife took a bite. Fit and crumbs after a meal. Locate the grave with a wooden cross. Put the sight. The crumbs dig into the grave. So tell me: «Take, dead, coldness unto me, Lord Raby (the name) itself. Next put in the coffin, forever to his tie. Let go love free. Give us a share of God. Amen.” After you go home. Be sure to take a dip as you come. And then his wife will talk about something. At least a few words pericytes. After that, you can go to bed.

how to bewitch the wife

Spell and its consequences

Rollback or return from the use of magic – this is what frightens many. It is actually not so bad in reality. If the spell was performed incorrectly, selfish reasons, we expect:

  • Loss of income and poverty;
  • Diseases;
  • Accidents;
  • Troubles with children or older relatives;
  • Scandals and quarrels;
  • Divorce and the inability to create a new family (for both).

But it's probably only when the husband and his wife does not love, does not take responsibility for it on himself, trying to enslave. To "return" happens, the sincerity needs to be in the shower. Other recipes are not provided in the home of magic. No payment is working. Only love will save the family from the negative effects of the spell.

how to bewitch the wife to her husband


To Talk about how to charm Dan for very long. Every nation invents its own rites, reports by the nature of the rituals. However, nothing is better than true love hasn't been invented yet. Soul send her an aura of excitement, passion, tenderness, desire happiness. Against such "dangerous weapons" a woman is powerless. Only it should be used correctly. Male – is the one who is responsible for spouse. He owns a woman, and takes responsibility for it (for every action, thought, feeling). Can show this beloved, magic is not required. From this man's wife does not run, a few of them on the ground. So the magicians recommend, and what to do – you decide. Success!

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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