How to disable a subscription to the "IPhone": top tips


2018-03-23 16:10:13




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Paid services on mobile devices is often troublesome. The user may have long not to use them, and the funds will still be debited from the account of the phone. It's not a good thing. Especially if we are talking about the so-called services subscriptions. Some of them the first time (month or longer) free. And then they suddenly require payment. More - self-written off funds for the use. That is why many are thinking how to unsubscribe on the "IPhone". What secrets will help you bring the idea to life?how to disable the subscription on the iPhone

How to disable

Not so much. And even a novice user "Apple" products needs to know about possible variants of development of events.

How to disable a paid subscription on the "IPhone"? You can do this:

  • Using iTunes on Windows;
  • Using MacOS;
  • By working directly with a mobile device.

It is actually not so difficult. And if you follow some guidelines, even know nothing about the iPhone people will be able to abandon subscriptions.

Through iTunes

Let's Start with the most common method. We are talking about working with "ITunes". This app allows you to manage Apple devices and to work with their to disable a paid subscription on iPhone

How to disable a subscription to the "IPhone"? You can do this approximately as follows:

  1. Download and install to your computer iTunes. It is important to have version 12.2.0.
  2. Run the application.
  3. Connect to the Internet.
  4. Pass the authorization using the "Apple ID".
  5. In the window that appears, scroll through the information until almost the very end. You should stay on the "Settings"section.
  6. Select "Manage" about "Subscriptions".
  7. Click on the image to the desired subscription.
  8. To See the parameters. Here will need to set the parameter to "Off." in front "of Automotiveline". Either click the "Unsubscribe"button.
  9. Click Finish.

That's all. Now it is clear how to unsubscribe on the "IPhone". This technique works 100% with all Apple devices. This instruction works on both Windows and MacOS. Just in the second case, it is possible that the latest version of iTunes is already installed on the computer.


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Subscriptions AppStore

Now a little about how to proceed in case you have only the phone. You can abandon paid subscriptions on the iPhone without any additional software. You just need an Internet to unsubscribe Yandex music on iPhone

How to disable subscribe to "IPhone 6"? For example, in the AppStore. Actions are reduced to the following steps:

  1. To Launch a smartphone.
  2. Open main menu and go to "Settings".
  3. Go to the "iTunes and AppStore".
  4. Click on your profile. If you need to pass in this authorization.
  5. Connect to the Internet. Better to do it beforehand.
  6. Find and go to "Subscription".
  7. Click on "Manage".
  8. Set the switch to "Off" under "auto-renew".
  9. Save changes.

As a rule, so turn off paid subscriptions in the AppStore. To select a specific item, one can renounce one or the other paid services. But such an operation is best done with the aid of a computer.

Apple Music

Often the owners of "Apple" devices are interested in disabling Apple Music. This is a service that is somewhat similar to "Yandex.Music." For the use of the subscription will have to pay.

How to disable subscribe to the "IPhone 5" or any other? Disable Apple Music is best done via mobile phone. This will require:

  1. Open the main menu of this gadget the "Music"section.
  2. Connect to Wi-Fi.
  3. In the upper left corner of the application click on the picture for your account.
  4. Find and click on the line "View AppleID".
  5. Select "Subscribe".
  6. Click "Manage".
  7. Mark the cursor position as "Off" in "auto-renew".
  8. Click on "Disable".

Everything is simple and clear. Now clear how to unsubscribe "Yandex. Music" to "IPhone". And how you can opt out from most other paid services too. But that's not to disable subscriptions on the iPhone 6

Disclaimer of news

There is a paid service like Apple News. From him, too, sometimes want to give up. To do this, you will have to act differently. How? How to disable a subscription to the "IPhone" - Apple News?

Algorithm of action is proposed:

  1. Go to the main menu of device and tap on "Settings".
  2. To Visit "Basic" and go to "Update content".
  3. Find the app you want.
  4. Transfer the slider to "Off". If this should turn the red light.

Usually, nothing more is needed. The above steps will help disable Apple News. If desired, in the section "Updating content" you can stop auto-update of some programs. But, as practice shows, usually this step is not necessary.

"Instagram" the iPhone

Now it is clear how to unsubscribe for "IPhone" in a particular case. Main – to be connected to the Internet and AppleID. Without the latter you have no chance to use the paid services.

Current users quite often work with Instagram. How you can eliminate a lot of subscribers from the social network via iPhone? To do thisoffered by using FollowMeter. To some extent, this problem – it is also a rejection of the subscription.

What to do? Need:

  1. Download and install FollowMeter for iPhone.
  2. To Start the program.
  3. To authorize it with the username and password from social network "Instagram".
  4. Click on the Following.
  5. Remove each of the unwanted subscriber using the corresponding button.

Done! Just a few minutes and profile "Instagram" purified from the excess subscriptions. More specifically, subscribers. Nothing obscure or difficult about it!how to disable subscriptions on the iPhone 5


Now clear how to unsubscribe on the "IPhone" under certain circumstances. It is best to do all manipulations with the help of iTunes. This approach is considered the most simple and effective. But through the use of "Apple" device, too, can very quickly translate an idea into reality. Main – to know how to unsubscribe from a particular subscription.

Perhaps this is all you need to know about the studied problem of every modern iPhone owner. Suggested instructions work to date, with 100% probability.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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