Steel panel radiators: characteristics and types


2018-03-25 20:41:22




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The Current market for instruments intended for space heating, is very saturated. You are invited to a huge number of different devices that have different qualities, will perform a different set of functions. In this article you will learn what is steel panel radiators, how they work, than good. You will also have the opportunity to understand how to connect such equipment to the heating system.

What is a the product?

steel panel radiators

Steel Panel radiators are special heating devices, which have a medium degree of thermal conductivity, compared to units made from other materials.

These devices are Made from very high quality steel, which is previously protected by special means from corrosion. These radiators may have ribs or be made without them. Such devices are used in closed and Autonomous heating systems where there is low oxygen content in the coolant.

Construction and principle of operation of the device

Steel Panel radiators have a fairly simple device. The first layer – stamped steel sheets. They have small thickness, are quite durable, resistant to corrosion, even in case of contact with liquid. In these leaves bore small channels through which coolant is circulated.

steel panel radiators

Next is the crate, which is designed to increase the impact of heat. These panels have a certain relief in the form of the letter “P”. The last layer is represented by decorative panels that improve the appearance of the unit.


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Inside the radiator there is coolant that circulates through the channels, interconnected. I should say that the coolant is presented in relatively small quantities. Such principle of work allows to quickly heat the room.

Advantages of the device

radiators steel panel-row

Steel Panel radiators have the following advantages:

1. Attractive appearance. today's designers offer a lot of solutions that will help smoothly integrate these devices into your interior.

2. A high degree of heat transfer. the fact that steel conducts heat well.

3. Integrity. it Should be noted that after purchase of the device in the store did not need to be further collected. It is completely ready to install.

4. Efficiency. the fact that the radiator does not requires a large amount of coolant, so it heats up much faster than the other devices. In addition, the device is equipped with a thermostat.

5. Light weight. Thanks to wall heating are not experiencing too much stress.

6. Availability.

7. Lots of variety.

Steel Panel radiators-this is quite an effective apparatus which can provide good work in Autonomous systems.


Unfortunately, these products have certain disadvantages:

- Low degree of corrosion resistance, especially if the steel is scratched.

- as the pipes that are installed for a long time, inside contain the particular dirt and debris that channels within the radiator can quickly become cluttered.

- it is Not necessary to install such equipment in a Central heating system where the water pressure is very high. It can simply “break” device.

- steel Panel radiators must be transported very carefully.

- Low resistance to water hammer.

Damaged steel radiators you will throw away entirely. Nothing to replace you will not succeed.


You Should consider what qualities of the devices say manufacturers.

radiators steel panel characteristics

So, these devices have the following technical specifications:

1. the Size: height – 30-90 cm, width – 40-300 cm

2. the Coolant Temperature – up to 110 degrees.

3. the Working Pressure – up to 10 bar.

4. the Pressure test – about 13 bar.

Classification of devices

types of steel panel radiators

If you need a radiators steel panel (you already know), then you also need to understand their types.




Consist only of heating panels. Edges and gratings in the device of this type is not. The phone lacks convection, and, consequently, dust. The use of such apparatus where it is very important to clean (hospitals, institutions). The radiator is also very easy to clean.


This product is characterized by one row of panels. However, it has ribs on the back side. Completely missing the top grille. The advantage of this device is the fast heating. However, its cleanliness is required to follow carefully.


This unit has two panels. Ribsit does not have. Air outlet grille provided. Dual row models have more power, and therefore operate more efficiently.


In this case there are two panels, between which there is convector fins. A distinctive feature of this apparatus is the presence of a casing in which the radiator is closed at the top.


This product is characterized by two panels, each of which is welded convector. This type of radiators is the most popular.


Here there are three panels without convectors. This closes the radiator top with a lattice.


These radiators steel panel РСВ2 1 are the most powerful. Here there is 3 rows of panels, and three convectors. Top the device is closed by a cover. Naturally, the device is very demanding in maintenance and cleaning.

These types of steel panel radiators are the most common.

Features Assembly selection

The products will work effectively, if you properly choose them. First of all, you should pay attention to the power that is necessary to calculate. For example, the steel panel radiators single row should be used in small spaces. The fact that they have minimal capacity.

Of Course, one must also consider the quality of the product. This focus on the reputation of the manufacturer and reviews from other buyers. Very popular today are steel panel radiators “machine”. In addition, there are firms-manufacturers: “Ladder”, “Demrad”. Here's what you should consider when choosing a steel panel radiator. Russia produces such devices is still not active.

connecting of steel panel radiators

To Draw the attention necessary, and the size of the device. It all depends on the features and size of your room. Of course, an important selection criterion is the type of connection. Here already it is necessary to consider the structural features of your heating system.

And last: do not buy heaters in the shops which refuse to provide you with the quality certificate and other accompanying documents. Otherwise you are just wasting money.

Methods of connection of the device

Only two of Them. There is a lateral connection of steel panel radiators or lower. It all depends on your heating system and model of the heater. If you have a device with a lateral connection, then connect to the pipe you will be his left or right. This setting can be made independently, as any difficulties it causes.

As for the bottom connection method, it is preferable if it is necessary to adjust the heating manually. In addition, this kind of attachment gives the ability to hide the feed pipe. Naturally, the price of the device with the lower connecting higher.

How to connect

production Stalinism panel radiators

It consists of several stages:

1. Unzip steel panel radiator, but do not remove the protective film.

2. Verify that fasteners are installed to the manufacturers distance from the floor (10 cm), the walls (4 cm), sill (minimum 6 cm). Only in this way can we achieve the maximum efficiency.

3. Install the unit by screwing it to the inlet pipe. To do this, use dowels, nuts and washers, fasteners, plug and keys for fastening to the retainer and for venting.

4. Open the Central valve of the radiator.

5. Turn on the heating system and check that the warmer the product. If it stays cold, then you need to let it all air to the radiator was filled with coolant.

The Technology of manufacture of the device

Manufacture of steel panel radiators consists of several stages:

- Pressing sheet steel and further forming of panels. Their thickness should not exceed 1.25 mm.

- Manufacturer of heaters in the shape of the letter “P”. This is also the steel used.

- Connection of sheets in the panel using roller welding.

- fixing the heaters.

- Application of coating (first surface is primed, and then painted). And here you need to use such substances which are safe for humans and will not respond to temperature changes.

Features of operation of the device

It Should be noted that steel panel radiators are relatively fragile and soft. So there are some rules of operation that must be performed, to ensure that the product was effective and worked as long as possible. So, follow these requirements:

1. Do not allow the presented devices is something of a hit, especially during transport.

2. Should not unpack delivered device before you finish painting the room.

3. Try not to drain the fluid from the radiator. To do this, do not open the taps on the product. This will help you to avoid rapid corrosion of the metal.

4. The operating temperature of the device should notto fall below 0 degrees.

5. It should also cover the unit, as it becomes less effective. The fact that in this case, it deteriorates the air circulation.

6. For washing of the panels should not use hard sponges. Best of all, use a soft cloth and detergent. Scouring powders can damage paint and promote rusting of the metal.

In principle, compliance with this instruction will give the opportunity not to worry about the integrity and security of your heater. Naturally, additionally it is necessary to read the instructions for use, which is available in a kit with the unit. That's all the features steel panel radiators. Good luck!

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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