Boilers upper combustion: what is, types, principle of operation


2018-03-26 01:13:15




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The Problem of heating – one of the most difficult tasks facing the owners of country houses. To ignore the issues of organization of the heating system does not work – live in an unheated room in winter is impossible. Sudden temperature changes will quickly render useless all the trimmings. Also significantly shortens the life of the building. boilers upper combustionOptimal solution to the heating – organization of the heating system of water heating, where the pipes and radiators to circulate the coolant. The main problem – to pick up a thermal generator, or boiler, that converts external energy sources into heat. Based on the characteristics of the climate and availability of energy, the increasingly popular now gaining a units long burning, in particular the upper boilers burning solid fuel. What it is, consider the following.

What is a good boiler long burning?

Traditionally, private houses are installed gas boilers. However, not all places have highways with this fuel. In addition, to connect the individual gas lines in the presence of the highway will require serious expenses.

If we add to these costs the mandatory approval procedure, creation of projects, which fully complied with all requirements, the installation process of the boiler only scare off owners. Especially if there is a decent alternative.

It would Seem that if it is not possible to install a gas boiler, then you can always buy an electric. The choice of such equipment is considerable. Boilers have high efficiency, they are light in adjustment, the number of control systems, but also equipped with automatic control system. However, all these advantages become disadvantages when the owners start to think about the cost of electricity. Average family easily ruined by such heating. solid fuel boiler upper combustionIn addition, in the villages that have been removed from regional and urban centres, the voltage is not particularly high quality-it is possible to observe strong variations. And the owner of the electric boiler puts itself in dependence on the quality and stability of the power supply.


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With the constant technological advancements in the shadow left the traditional method of heating homes with wood and other solid fuels. But the wood – is a good source of energy, besides – renewable. Shortage of wood for heating now there. You can use wood that homeowners prepare by themselves or to buy them. Also, many woodworking companies sell waste.

But the stove is not in all homes. Yes it is effective, and due to its design retains heat well. Well enough to flood the oven to provide a warm home for the day. But there is one caveat: what about the circulation of coolant along the contours of the heating system? After all, if just to support combustion in the furnace, it will be a big fuel consumption. This problem can be solved with the help of solid-fuel boilers upper combustion.

Due to the special design of this device is based on physical-chemical properties of solid fuels, it is possible to download fire wood one time for 12-15 hours. Some models may work and more in one load.

The Advantage of long burning boiler with upper combustion in the fact that, in addition to wood, you can use a number of other materials. Used anything that burns – this can be the briquettes from waste of wood processing industries, and the coal or peat. Also now as a source of energy of particular popularity of so-called eurowood.

Principle of operation

How to operate a conventional solid fuel furnaces, it is known to all. Lay in the furnace of fuel-briquettes or coal. From the bottom of the camera is supplied with a flow of air which is necessary for the process. The level of intensity of combustion in this case is limited only by the amount of oxygen.

This is an ordinary fire, which is enclosed in a metal casing that require the constant adding of fuel. The products of combustion directly displayed in the chimney-this system has a lot of twists and mazes. This improves heat transfer and increases efficiency. However, this does not increase total energy efficiency. Thermal decomposition of wood-a quick process, after which there is a mass of waste, and are released into the atmosphere unused energy.boilers upper combustionThis energy is obtained due to the special characteristics of wood, which, in turn, are caused by biochemical composition. When wood is heated, it is not just oxidized to coal, but will also emit carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide gases. The high temperatures lead to the synthesis of volatile compounds based on hydrocarbon. These compounds have a complex chemical formula. Themselves gases – great fuel, which in an ordinary stove goes nowhere.


The Process, when the wood is decomposed into gases is called pyrolysis. Combustion temperature, and heat transfer is much higher than conventional combustion. While the oxidation processes of wood so deep that after pyrolysis are left with no waste. Goes out into the atmosphereonly steam and carbon dioxide.

Hence we have that much more rational use of wood fuel, while minimizing the process of open burning. It is necessary to achieve emissions which are sources of heat. On the basis of these principles and operate boilers upper combustion and pyrolysis units. That's about it, then we'll talk.

Types of boilers long burning

There are two types of solid-fuel units installed on the wood:

  • Pyrolysis.
  • System with the top boot method.

Both options give you the opportunity to obtain a high-quality Autonomous heating system.

Boilers upper combustion: features

In ordinary boilers as well as furnaces and fireplaces fuel burning upwards. This can be explained by physical processes in combustion. This scheme is inefficient. This drawback is completely eliminated in such units. What feature long burning boiler with upper combustion? It is the method of energy conversion. So, fuel does not burn at the bottom and top. Air is supplied at the top and directly to the combustion zone, and not from the bottom through a special grate. This non-volatile sources of heat – and it's a plus of such systems. But they are cyclical. Burn tab, another cannot be added. boiler long burning burning topThe Combustion chamber of such boilers are big enough. At the bottom of the fuel does not burn-it has to wait until his turn comes. As it burns the top layer is activated and the bottom. Air is supplied from above through special channels or diffusers. These channels - hot bottom. The air from the upper part of the furnace and gradually falls down. Due to the heat the faster it will react with the solid fuel. This ensures high efficiency boilers upper combustion.

The air Distributor in the combustion chamber can move – it is able to rise during the laying of the fuel. When it starts the burning process, it relies on fuel. So the oxygen will get only in the combustion zone. There is only corruption, and the products of combustion enter only in the upper part. There they are separated by a massive metal disk. Then, these gases add to air, and the products burnt with. And the produced heat gets to the heat exchanger.

These systems Often have a cylindrical shape. However, there are also rectangular models. Combustion chamber, as mentioned, quite spacious, which is achieved by the maximum duration of the combustion process. The cylindrical shape makes the device compact and to save space.


The Boilers with upper combustion of fuel is quite durable and reliable. Due to gradual load distribution in the combustion zone in the direction of top-down housing boiler is heated to over 400 degrees. Due to more simple design such systems are safer than gas or electric.

Often these units are designed for different types of solid fuel. This can be firewood, coal, peat, various combustible mixtures, pellets, waste wood production. The burning process can last up to 5 days depending on design. If you use firewood, one load of the boiler of top burning can last for a period of 8 to 30 hours.


The disadvantages of this equipment include the demands and pickiness to fuel quality. If you force the unit to work on raw wood, then its efficiency will be significantly reduced. loading boiler upper combustionThe Optimal level of humidity of fuel for long burning solid fuel boilers with upper burning, is 13-20 %. If you use more raw product, the boiler will produce much less heat. In addition, in this situation, the device can even die. In addition, if you burn in the boiler, the raw wood will stand out a lot of soot and ash. Need periodically cleaning and the furnace and chimney. Also the disadvantages include the need for manual loading.


Here we use a slightly different principle. The mechanism is based on the splitting of the fuel in the pyrolysis gas and coke. This problem is solved due to the low intensity of combustion. The fuel is lit and smoldering. The result is a gas that burns, combines with oxygen.

Why not a wall?

The Boiler long burning top loading is done only in the outdoor. Weight its too big for mounting on the wall. But structurally-it is the most common solid fuel boiler.  solid long burning boilers with upper combustionThe Power depends on the destination. Equipment can not only heat rooms, but also to heat water. The heat exchanger can be flowing or be used as containers for accumulation. Heat exchanger is steel and cast iron.

The Boiler of cast iron is less susceptible to corrosion. This is a very important feature. On the walls of the chamber condensate appears, and it is quite an aggressive environment. Cast iron boilers are made in sections. This makes the transportation process much easier.


It is possible to produce a boiler of top burning and with your own hands, and improvised. This requires a two hundred liter barrel, pipe and channel. So, in a barrel is cutthe upper part, and the edges are levelled. On top of the hole. It is inserted into the pipe which is directed upwards. It make the valve to regulate the flow of air. The most difficult stage – regulation. Pipe should not be too low, otherwise the combustion process will be quick.If you equip such a construction with a special cargo, through which the fuel will settle slowly, and also a movable air distribution system, it is possible to obtain a very efficient system. One tab will burn for 20 hours.boiler upper combustion your hands


The Boilers upper combustion solid fuel – this is a great and economical way to provide home heat. The price of this heat will be very affordable. The cost of a new unit of this type starts from 50 thousand rubles, which is quite acceptable.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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