Industrial voltage stabilizers: review and feedback


2018-04-01 10:52:13




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Support the optimal electrical parameters is essential to protect the supplied equipment. The voltage swings are more common in networks of household purpose, but also the production facilities with all the additional security measures may experience fluctuations in the power supply. In such cases the calculated industrial voltage stabilizers, which are used in the engineering and processing equipment, conveyor lines, individual departments and even facilities.

industrial voltage stabilizers

Features of the industrial stabilizers

It is Customary to divide domestic and industrial stabilizers of stage motion, but is a conditional classification sign. Indeed, most of these devices are three-phase and operate from a network 380 V. However, there are industrial voltage regulators 220V that with fewer resources, essentially perform the same task of electrical protection equipment. And in this sense it is worth emphasizing two aspects. First, engineering and technological production plants are not always more powerful than individual members of the household appliances. Accordingly, under the conditions of the construction site or production may take place on a network 220 V. secondly, of course, there are other signs that produce industrial models, including advanced methods of management, higher technical reliability and versatility.

In addition, modern industries are increasingly introduced system of programmable controllers that can be used from one point to regulate the joint work of engineering equipment and electrical engineering. Such integration is calculated many models of voltage stabilizers, industrial plant, thereby facilitating the process control equipment. It is obvious that in communication systems homemade stabilizer with industrial controllers just makes no sense.

Key features

industrial voltage stabilizer three phase

The Stabilizer is mainly determined by the capacity. This is a capability that covers the total energy consumption of the equipment serviced. As in the domestic sphere, in the industry one stabilizer can serve multiple units of equipment. In the calculation of the optimal variant of fold indicators power consumption of the target equipment, then multiply this value by the coefficient of variation in the network and turn the power rating required of the machine. For example, in the medium segment is dominated by voltage 10000 Volts. Industrial unit of this type can not be called heavy duty, but for the protection of multiple machines or air conditioning system with boiler he can go. It is also estimated a range of deviations in the values of voltage and temperature stability. For example, the input voltage can range from 135 to 450 In phase. It is an optimum cover range for industrial devices, although there are more attractive rates are already a specialized type.


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Types of equipment

industrial voltage regulators 220V

In the segment of three-phase stabilizers are the two main groups of models – electronic and Electromechanical. Electronic devices are based on the auto-transformer, which is implemented by discrete switching of the winding. Design to perform job functions is complemented by relays and semiconductor components in the form of thyristors and semizorov. Thanks to these elements ensure a rapid adjustment of the circuit parameters. By the way, that this group meet industrial single phase voltage stabilizers with digital control interface. They are similar to domestic models by way of control and ergonomics, but have a higher degree of electrical protection. As for Electromechanical models, they control the voltage of a graphite brush. This component is centered along the transformer in the winding completing the circuit. Electrical engineering has a high overload capacity, but its functional elements wear out quickly, and it already adversely affects the precision of the equipment.

the voltage stabilizer, industrial single phase

Reviews of the Elitech model of ASN 6000 T

Hardware performed quite unconventional by the standards of one of the largest manufacturers of engineering equipment – company Elitech. The developers used a diagram of Electromechanical regulation with the support of stage motion 380 In the endowed units with a capacity of only 6,000 watts. And practice of operation showed that such characteristics may be acceptable. The device is well manifests itself in the maintenance of individual networks and production points. That is plus the low-power industrial voltage stabilizers that they are concentrating on one line of protection, provide greater accuracy of regulation and reliability. Also, the operators of this model indicate the ergonomics and the ease of access to individual functional nodes.

Reviews about the model Progress 8000SL

voltage regulator industrial energy saving

It is a variant of the specialized model, designed for servicing of boilers. By the way, the stabilizer 8000SL just shows an example of the convergence of single-phase equipment with a full the needs of industrial importance. Suffice it to say that with the support of the network 220 To the unit has a capacity of 6400 watts, ahead of this compared to the previous three-phase model. As for the reviews, they indicate the accuracy of the rectification network, the claimed wide range of adjustment and quality of design. The disadvantages include only the price tag. For comparison, if a typical industrial voltage regulators with power up to 10,000 watts estimated average of 30-40 thousand rubles., modification 8000SL costs about 60 thousand.

Reviews about model “Resanta ASN 15000/3”

Under the name “Resanta” come some of the best models of domestic and stabilizing equipment. In this case, the developers offer a very attractive ratio of price and performance. Having capacity of 15000 watts, industrial voltage stabilizer this modification is able to span multiple units of high-performance technology in three-phase network. The cost is 30 thousand On the working qualities of the owners of the equipment emphasize low error within 2 %, universality, a broad range of values supported voltage and small size.

voltage regulator industrial 10000 volts

What to consider when choosing?

Of Course, is repelled from the immediate operational parameters in the form of the input voltage, the accuracy of adjustment and operation principle as such. But also don't overlook the opportunity of monitoring and control equipment. It is known that in the conditions of production of almost all electrical equipment gives a significant power consumption. Therefore it is useful and automatic control of the voltage regulator. Industrial energy saving unit with its own control system operating parameters to cope with the primary objectives, but itself does not overload the line above the norm. A modern stabilizer cannot be deprived of the protection system against overloads and short circuits. These and other additions, together with a self-diagnosis function should be taken into account in the selection.


voltage stabilizers for industrial installations

A Variety of electrical systems protection and security on the market today, can lead to doubt whether the problem of voltage regulation is so important and it requires expensive equipment? Or is it nothing more than a marketing campaign? In this regard it should be noted that in the domestic sphere, the need for such additions is not always the case. But industrial three phase voltage stabilizer, introduced in infrastructure critical equipment is certainly a useful defensive tool. Moreover, such devices are used not only in industries but also in medical institutions, for example, where the random failure of a treatment machine can cost human life. Another thing is that the choice of stabilizer must meet clearly defined objectives.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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