Kitchen colors lime: ideas juicy interior


2018-04-02 10:13:14




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When choosing the color of the interior should take into account its features and influence on the psyche. For kitchen facilities use of color “lime” would be a good solution. It is close to the green shades of the spectrum and creates a bright, summer mood. Lime gives the interior of citrus notes, but not as Intrusive as lemon or orange. It brings a feeling of joy and freshness, allows you to visually expand the space.

The Kitchen in color "lime" look fashionable and very stylish. Shown color is beneficial to health and mood of a person. In this room will be a pleasure to be all households. The house will create your own piece of the summer. Even in the autumn or winter it will give warmth and cheerfulness, positive emotions.


The Kitchen in color "lime" (a photo presented later) has become popular in our country about 10 years ago. In the production of facades began to be used for finishing colored plastic. This provided new opportunities for creating original design space.Kitchen colour lime

Lime is a rich, bright color. If you choose it for the kitchen, this color will occupy most of the space kitchen. In this case, the main thing is not to overdo it. With proper planning the color "lime" promotes good mood, cheerful being.

However, excessive presence of these colors in the interior can have negative consequences. The overabundance of bright colors leads to the voltage of the retina. It can also cause dizziness and fatigue. So lime must be correctly combined with other elements of the interior.


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Color combination

The Right combination of shades each element of the interior requires such a room, as Kitchen. Lime, the color combination which depends on many factors, can create a different mood. This will help the color companion.Kitchen colour lime photo

Classic is a combination of "lime" with chocolate shades, also black and white. This also applies to pastel shades. Bright colors favorably emphasize bright citrus lime. The interior of this case looks elegant.

Also professional designers combine lime with purple hues. This technique is most often found in the interior in the Provence style. Will also add contrast combination of pink and "lime". In this case, you will receive an original, trendy interior.

Peach blossom will bring some peace of mind in kitchen design. It is well set off and balance the saturated lime. The choice of the companion for the colours depend on the style of interior and taste preferences of the home owners.

Interior Style

Before you choose the color "lime" for the interior of your kitchen, you must consider its appropriateness in a particular style. Not all of them, this rich shade will look natural.Kitchen colour glossy lime

Looks Good The kitchen in color "lime" in the interior the style of hi-tech, country, Provence. Also in conjunction with certain shades of this color will blend well in a classic interior. The style of constructivism and the electrician can also apply lime as the main color design.

This color is used in the interiors of the kitchen not so long ago. He is able to bring in technical styles synthetic uniqueness and novelty. Classics and constructivism this bright hue refreshes, brings freshness and freedom. If the owners of the house like a psychedelic kind of style electrician, appropriate shade will create a really unusual composition.

Depending on the nature and taste preferences of home owners, you can choose almost any interior design.


Kitchen Design color "lime" often involves the application of this shade to the facades of the kitchen cabinets. This is a glossy surface, is made of plastic. However, not only for furniture apply the presented color.

There are many options for the use of "lime" in the interior of the kitchen. It is chosen for the decoration of floor or ceiling, walls. Chairs or lamps can also be lime-green.Kitchen colour lime in the interior

With this bright fruity color accents. It is often used as a main color for kitchen utensils. Also countertop and kitchen apron can be made in this tone.

In the interior should not be applied too many elements of hint of lime. It is better to make bright accents in combination with other colors.


When making Kitchen color lime glossy facades look impressive and stylish. Therefore, in our country presented the shade most often used in the design of the headset. Furniture can be plain or have a print. The plastic decoration of the facades allows to create any visual effects involving the color "lime".Corner kitchen colors lime

An Apron or kitchen fronts can have a print of the cut fruit. This technique looks very impressive. Also the color lime harmoniously looks in the picture with grass and flowers. The set of design options has a kitchen this color.

Inforeign designs kitchen lime is most often found in two-tone combination on the facades of furniture. Also popular is the nearby fruit color and wooden interior details. The design space in this case is natural, of course.

The Walls are lime green

The Kitchen in color "lime" look impressive. Designers can apply the presented color for the wall design of the room. Lime allows you to visually expand the walls, to make the distance between them appear larger. Therefore, in the interior of a small kitchen it will look harmonious.Kitchen lime color combination

It is Also recommended to prefer fruit shade, if outside, the landscape is featureless, for example, close to another house. It gives the overall impression of the food.

The color "lime" helps to make the delineation of space. If the apartment is a kitchen-Studio, this shade will separate the living area from the dining room. Furniture when choosing lime green for the walls should be bright or contrasting. It will emphasize the freshness of the shade.

Recommendations designers

The Professional designers recommend when you select lime green for kitchen design to correctly calculate the amount in the interior. Concentration of bright, saturated wash will become a bore.

For Example, Corner kitchen color lime do not combine with the same ceiling and walls. It is better to choose for such a headset with beige, brown or violet shades. In this case, the bright facades will be refreshed, and natural pastel tones fill the space with a serene calm. This combination will balance each Design lime green

Dark brown and chocolate colors will make the appearance of the room contrast. Against the dark, black shades of bright lime will be even stronger. Therefore, it is sufficient to add only in the form of accessories. An intriguing combination of dark chocolate apron with facades lime-green. But the walls in this case it is better to make a light.

Accessories and textiles

Design The kitchen in color "lime" requires a competent approach to the choice of accessories, curtains and other elements. There are a few generally accepted rules. The color of the curtains you need to choose one or two shades lighter than the kitchen. This applies to thin curtains solid color.

If the curtains have a pattern, it needs to be selected in accordance with the style of the interior. For a classic design suitable for curtains with straight or geometric pattern. Eclecticism allows for the presence of citrus motifs pattern, whorl.

If the kitchen has blinds or roller blinds, they can have the same color as set. Also welcomed the presence of gloves, towels, color "lime". They can be combined with other citrus shades.

Creative ideas

In the design The kitchen in color "lime" you can take into account some creative ideas. Looks original screed that fruit color. It will resemble a bright green lawn.

If in the kitchen with beige, bright or white-and-black motifs make the ceiling color lime, the room will be more contrast, create a summer mood. However, this solution is acceptable for rooms is spacious with high ceilings.

The Wooden facades of the headset will complement the tabletop lime green. It will enliven the interior, raise the General mood. The apron can be done in the same color as the table top.

In a light or white kitchen, you can combine a hint of lime with turquoise. It concerns the design of kitchen utensils, other utensils, furniture, or fixtures.

Having Considered the existing recommendations for the design of the kitchen color is "lime", everyone will be able to create stylish interior at home.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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