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When spring comes, many gardeners when to plant tomato seedlings? Every cottager has his secrets and thoughts on this. One thing in common – choose the company you will need to harvest ripe in time not to fall.
The First thing you need to do before you decide when is the best time to plant tomato seedlings, is to determine the location: the greenhouse or the open ground.
If you have a dacha, you have no issues on landing. Beginners are more complicated in this regard because they want to do the right thing, and knowledge is not enough. You're wondering when to plant tomato seedlings in the greenhouse? Know this: in the last days of February will need to prepare the seeds. If done right, then you can expect a great harvest! Is it possible to grow tomatoes in open ground? Yes, of course. When to plant tomato seedlings in open ground? You will need to do in mid-March.
If you'd decided to do the planting of tomatoes you will need to immediately decide when to plant tomato seedlings. Typically, the seed producers write their instructions on the other side of the bag, but usually are of a General nature and are often not suitable for specific region. If you will exactly follow all the recommendations written on the bag, then you can mildly upset: plants with thin stems, weak and completely unprepared for the fact that they were planted in the greenhouse or open ground.
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The First thing you need to do – to assess the climatic conditions of your place of residence, and only then choose what month to plant tomato seedlings. Don't forget that with seedlings during growth is also necessary to Tinker, to produce different operations and manipulations. You will need to give this issue all the time, so you end up with a strong and persistent plants that are not afraid of weather changes and is able to bring a great harvest. When to plant tomato seeds to seedlings? The best planting time-the end of January, so spring for a true summer resident begins very early. It is useful before planting will pay attention to the lunar calendar.
Trying to understand when it is time to plant tomato seedlings? Then pay attention to one more detail – lunar calendar. Some people do not believe that the phase of the earth's satellite affects the development and growth of plants. For a long time, when the life of the ancestors depended only on what was grown, people paid attention to the moon cycle and was always considerate of him, they understood that it might be a bad harvest.
Every year in the market appears a lunar calendar contains detailed advice on sowing and you will be able to know when to plant tomato seedlings taking into account the lunar cycle. If you are not able to constantly check the calendar, then you can follow the following tips:
Interested in how to plant tomato seedlings? Then you'll need to learn a little more about the variety. The time when you need to plant the seedlings, depends on varieties of tomato, because the note is particularly strong and large varieties Russian giant Pink giant beef heart. By the way, beef heart is a late-ripening plant, because it should be planted in the third decade of February.
Are you Wondering when to plant the seeds of the tomato seedlings? Then know that special attention will need to paid to the process of planting tomato seedlings. Seeds – this is the basis of everything! You are invited proven by many agronomists way of preparing seeds for planting. Before planting tomato seedlings pre-soak plant seeds. After you wrap them in a bandage or cloth and dampen with water, then the seeds must lie for a day.
Once you have determined when to plant tomato seedlings in the greenhouse, you can begin the preparatory procedures: soil preparation, containers for seedlings. Some people prepare the soil of several components and do-it-yourselfers. Usually takes a mixture of peat and sand.
While the seedlings grow, you can slowly add different nutrients for fertilizer and preferably mineral and natural origin, that tomatoes were free of preservatives and nitrates. Yes, it's not easy to do, and you'll need patience, some spending on the purchase of ingredients and skill. Ready the soil will need to be sanitized and check the indicators of its acidity.
Many gardeners know when to plant seedlings of tomatoes, but never associated with the creation of soil but just use the earth from your own site. At first glance, thisit may seem wrong, but gardeners understand that this method will allow you to grow seedlings in the soil, in which it subsequently will be replanted and plants will become quick and easier to settle down in a new place.
You know when to plant tomato seedlings in the ground, but what to do with the soil from the site? The ground will need to prepare in advance, preferably in the fall, and keep it in the cold season on the street. It can be an open balcony, shed in a private house and so on. Such manipulation will allow you to destroy harmful bacteria in the ground, just cimorosi them. Additionally it is better to decontaminate soil special concentrated solution of potassium permanganate, or, in other words, the conventional potassium permanganate purple hue.
If you do not wish to work with your soil, or simply don't want to do it all yourself, you will come to the aid of store-bought soil mixes that are sold for any plant. You should buy for seedlings soil with the inscription “Universal primer" or "vegetable crops". Also, if you wish, you can purchase seedlings for specialized soil, where the label and stated: “tomato”. It should immediately be noted that this ground has everything necessary for the development of seedling components in the required ratio, because at the end you will get strong and healthy seedlings.
You already know how to plant tomato seedlings, but nothing is known about Tara. Ultimately, the tomatoes can be planted in any convenient container. It may be the pallet from which the extension after the seedling is transplanted in a pot or box. You can directly plant the seeds in a box and periodically thin them by removing extra sprouts or simply transplanting them into another box. Another great way to deal with the seeds-to replant them in special pots, from which they will then be transplanted into the ground.
Many experts recommend beginning to plant the seeds in tray, and the growth of transplanted seedlings. This is done after they reach one centimeter. Seedlings can be planted later in the pots one at a time, and then they can be planted in the ground. This is a great way of allowing the plant to root without any problems after landing.
You already know an approximate time when to plant tomato plants in February, but you still haven't learned about some of the tricks farmers. If you planted different varieties of tomatoes, it is best to sign them all. This is done so that when the fall collection you were able to draw conclusions about each type of tomato and to understand whether you need to continue to cultivate or to look for something else.
The Land for tomatoes, water spray, that a strong current did not wash the seeds out of the soil. Box you can cover with a film or glass, then put it in a warm place until the first sprouts, but don't forget to monitor the moisture content of the soil.
After sprout the first shoots, the box will need to put into the lighted area, and should highlight the seedlings in the winter.
Before you wonder when to plant tomato seedlings in the greenhouse, you will need to complete another pick. What is it? Now let's deal with this concept. Swordplay is at the moment when there are a couple of true leaves on the seedlings. Everything is done with a spatula or a fork, but be careful not to break the delicate stem of the plant. Remove the sprout from the soil, take one-third of the root and place the seedling into a separate glass with a high throat so you can continue to pour land. After pricking the seedlings will require mandatory water and place it away from sunlight to plants a little stronger.
You know how to plant tomato seeds for a garden, but what to do next? Let the growing and all? No, seedlings need care. Because you will need to carry out the hardening of the plants, and the temperature should be ten degrees Celsius. Tempering you can hold on to the balcony, loggia or veranda, however, you will need to compulsorily cover the leaves of plants in the early days of the sun as it can burn them. The piercing seedlings need to spend a couple of weeks before planting in the ground. Why is it done? You know when to plant tomato seedlings, but that is true to itself planted the seedlings in the ground, if she's not accustomed to it? That's why we carry out hardening, the seedlings accustomed to the fresh air and to low temperature. You may want to just open the window, the window or put the plants on the balcony or even on the street for twenty minutes first, and then gradually increase the daily time.
Many experts say that this quenching is much better than tempering seeds, heated in warm water.
Want to keep your seedlings healthy and strong? Want to know how to plant tomato seedlings in the greenhouse? Then before landing you will need to spend another fertilizer plant. You will need to do throughout the growth period, and you can apply the following solution: 40 g of superphosphate, 5 grams of ammonium nitrate, 12 grams of potassium chloride, all of it diluted in water.To water the seedlings will need this mixture once a week, but each time the dose will need to double. Fertilizing need to interrupt if the plants will be too fast to stretch.
Phytophthora'll need a good handle for a couple of days before planting in the greenhouse or the open ground. To do this, do the following: in three liters of hot liquid dissolve the copper sulphate and boric acid. He and the other powder take literally on the tip of a knife, and then cooled by the solution spray plants before planting. Do it in the morning or evening.
Now it is necessary to speak in detail about when to plant tomato seedlings in the open ground. The first thing you need to know – it's geographical location and plant variety. At the time of landing, the average temperature on the street should be set at twelve degrees Celsius and not below. The tomato seedlings will be ready to disembark when they reach 20-25 cm in height and it will be seven to nine well-developed leaf. It's all about nevytyanuvsheysya seedlings, if you have a seedling at the time of landing already outgrown these indicators, you should not hesitate.
Now consider the timing of transplanting of the Central and southern regions of Russia:
You Know, tomatoes – light-requiring plants, because their cultivation will need to choose a Sunny place, preferably on the South side and the place is still a good idea to protect from cold winds. Plants do not tolerate high humidity, because it is forbidden to plant in wet areas, where there occur groundwater.
For high yield suitable light soil with neutral or slightly acidic environment. The optimal pH of the earth for the growth of tomatoes – 6-6,7. The best option – this is a loamy soil, where added regularly mineral and organic fertilizers.
It is Worth to pay attention to what to this culture grew in the area. It is best if the predecessors were the root crops, legumes or green culture. Do not select the plot, where before it grew potatoes, peppers, aubergines and Cape gooseberries, because there is a high probability that seedlings of tomatoes could get blight.
Take the time to do the garden, because will need to first prepare the garden, if you want that plants gave the maximum yield. The soil will need to be treated with a solution of copper sulphate or copper oxychloride. To prepare the mixture you need: a tablespoon of the drug to ten litres of water. Garden watering: per square meter of the soil should take about 1-1,5 liter of solution. After this, you will need to fertilize the soil. For each square meter add organic and mineral fertilizers. Organic fertilizer is prepared as follows: take a bucket of manure humus, add a bucket of peat, and also make a bucket of sawdust. Fertilizer prepared as follows: a couple tablespoons of superphosphate, add a tablespoon of sulfate of potassium or take a few cups of wood ash. After fertilization it will require to dig and then pour a hot solution of potassium permanganate, 3-4 liters dare per square meter. The soil must be prepared for five to six days before transplanting.
The Seedlings are best planted on a cloudy day. If you have Sunny weather, then wait in the evening that night the seedlings are a little stronger and could bear the sun.
Schema of the landing depends on the variety of tomatoes, their growth and watering system. Plant the plants so that they did not develop each other. Each tomato should be enough air and sunlight. Medium tomatoes are planted two feet apart, and spacing is about sixty centimeters and more.
If you have low-growing varieties of tomatoes, plant them at the distance of forty inches from each other, and between the rows leave approximately fifty centimeters.
The Process of planting seedlings:
Want your seedlings have taken root in a new place, not sick, grew well and fruited? Then kill the seedlings just need! Do this from the beginning of March, the seedlings you can just stand on a balcony, especially if the street is still snow and the temperature is low. So the tomatoes will get used to weather they will not be afraid of heavy rain or sudden temperature changes.
If you're new to gardening, but want to understand what is what, do not hurry. Mingle with familiar summer residents, ask them all the details about garden for your first pancake was not lumpy.
The Most important thing you should never forget: like plants, show them you care and always follow their condition, be careful. All life feels the attitude, and in response to your love and care you will have a bountiful harvest of tomatoes.
Follow all the above recommendations and instructions, then you can grow delicious tomatoes, which compares with the purchase. You will be able to please family and friends with fresh vegetables straight from the garden, and contain no preservatives or any additives-all natural, environmentally friendly and safe.
Enjoy the juicy and ripe tomatoes, which grow by themselves, all summer, and make good preservation for the winter.
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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."
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