The coffee tree at home - for the true lovers of the noble drink


2019-02-26 16:00:30




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Well Maintained coffee tree in the interior of the apartment always looks very unusual and beautiful. Some growers, having gone through the sad experience in the cultivation of coffee, never take repeat the experiment. However, to grow a coffee tree at home is not such a difficult task feasible even for beginners. We only need to know what conditions you need to create this plant for its successful existence.

A Little about coffee.

Since time immemorial for indoor growing was only applied to two varieties of existing species of coffee trees: Arabian and Liberian.

Legend has it that coffee as a drink originated in Arabia  in the 12th century. Discovered the miraculous properties of this plant  Mulla, who noticed the unusual liveliness of the goats, after eating the leaves of the coffee tree. Mulla  began to brew coffee beans their students before the evening prayer for courage. In the 17th century, coffee as a beverage became popular in Europe, America, Turkey and Persia.

The Coffee tree.

A Coffee tree at home blooms twice a year - spring and fall. Coffee berries  first  have  green color and as they Mature they become dark red. Coffee tree looks very attractive, as its branches can also be fruits and flowers. If the coffee tree grows in a small pot, then the leaves can dry out the edges. It speaks to the lack of nutrients in the soil. Fruit for their maturation to take food from nearby leaves, causing them to exhaustion. So when on your tree the buds appear, ripe fruit is better to collect to the next harvest was good.


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Breeding and reproduction.

In order to grow a coffee tree with your own hands, you must know some features of this plant. Coffee grows well at home, but  likes moisture, good lighting, and afraid of drafts. It is necessary to consider,   the coffee at home does not tolerate the neighborhood of other houseplants.

The Fruits that decorate a coffee tree at home, ripen more than six months. Each berry contains two beans. They are cleaned from the shell, dried and used after a preliminary roasting for the preparation of refreshing drink.

Proper care, a guarantee that your coffee tree at home will not hurt  and marvel at the pests.

A Coffee tree “likes” window,  facing East and West. The ambient temperature in the apartment must be at least 22-24 degrees. In winter may reduce the temperature to 16 degrees. In winter, place the plant away from the batteries, as they contribute to the drying soil and leaves.

As soon As the topsoil dries out the coffee to pour. Too much soil moisture in the pot can lead to leaf drop. Watered the tree with water that day stood off in the Bank, preferably with a wide neck. Useful spraying once in two days.

Fertilizing coffee at home do in the spring once in two weeks. To make nutritional  solution taking 3 grams  of potassium chloride and 5 grams of nitrate per liter of water. For a single coffee tree of fruiting age, it is sufficient for one litre of such a solution for the whole period of feeding. You can buy fertilizer in specialized stores. the Alternating mineral and organic fertilizer will benefit the plant and provide abundant flowering it. In the winter feed is not necessary.

To form a beautiful crown, the tops of the shoots  pinch. Branches that for some reason has withered, cut off.

A Coffee tree at home is blooming at the age of 4 years. This occurs in early spring when  tree bloom in fragrant white flowers.

 Transplant the young coffee trees every year in the spring, and plants  over the age of four every two years.

Coffee is best suited easy  acidic soil consisting of peat, sand and humus.

You Can propagate a coffee tree at home and the seeds planted immediately after harvest and cleaning. After planting seeds in the soil, the pot must be covered with a package made of polyethylene, since the germination of the seed he needs high  humidity. You can propagate the tree by cuttings with a dense crust. This reproduction is more time-consuming, but  these  plants are blooming earlier than those produced from seeds.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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