Siding "Grand Line": reviews, manufacturer, types and features of installation


2019-08-02 17:20:28




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Sooner or later the owners of private houses reflect on what material to choose for the exterior finish of the facade. Today we have many options, but the vast majority of buyers give the preference to the siding. Panel for wall cladding to choose quite easy, but what manufacturer to give preference to? We offer domestic products - siding "Grand Line". Reviews about this manufacturer arouse great interest in the product, therefore all features and characteristics of this material we will consider in our article.

A Little about the manufacturer

Company Grand Line appeared in the domestic market in 1965. Since then the equipment has passed several stages of modernization, which allowed to produce competitive products of the highest class. Today the company is represented in the form of five factories, which are located not only in Russia but also in Europe. The main specialization of the company – manufacture of metal and vinyl siding.siding Grand line reviews

The Products of this brand are fully consistent with international standards of ASTM, which suggests the highest quality of siding "Grand Line". Consumer reviews show that this veneer is most adapted to the harsh Russian climate, so it has a long service life. It is also noteworthy that the manufacturer gives a 50 year warranty on their products, which for many becomes a decisive factor in the choice of material. Undoubtedly, the "Grand Line" deserves our attention, so let's look at all kinds of the veneer and features of these panels.


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Vinyl siding

The Most popular domestic products – vinyl siding Grand Line. As the main raw materials used for manufacturing these panels is PVC. It makes the veneer flexible enough practical and durable. Panels of this type are used when necessary to protect the facade from the negative effects of the environment or to restore it to presentability.vinyl siding Grand line reviews

The Panels can be styled with natural wood and brick. The color palette is also quite versatile, which significantly add to the popularity of vinyl siding "Grand Line". Reviews homeowners accentuate the more positive qualities. Namely:

  • Simple way of installation;
  • Resistance to adverse weather conditions;
  • Long lasting color stability under exposure to ultraviolet rays;
  • Strength retention with temperature changes;
  • The variety of design options panel;
  • Environmentally friendly;
  • The absence of processes of decay and corrosion;
  • Durable.

The Analogue of such a finish acts as a metal cladding.

Metal panel "Grand Line"

The Use of metal siding "Grand Line" (reviews of which we also consider) can reliably protect facade walls from mechanical damage and increasing their fire. For panels you can hide various utilities and the outer insulating material. The tight connection of the elements of the lining prevents water from entering the walls of the facade, extend their service life.siding Grand line America reviews

After Analyzing the views of consumers, there are several basic qualities of this product:

  • Absolute resistance to fire and natural phenomena;
  • Environmentally friendly;
  • High impact resistance;
  • Colour;
  • The ability to finish at any time of the year;
  • Excellent stain-resistant properties;
  • Various designs and rich color arrangement.

The appearance of the panels of both types can be varied. Consider the basic options for their styling.

Kinds of panels

Products Grand Line is characterized by a varied palette gathered from the 12-year calm, pastel shades. You'll find most panels of white, grey, peach, green and beige. vinyl siding grand lineRange of siding presents the following options:

  1. Siding "Grand Line “America’". Reviews about this species characterize it as the most popular (classic) method of the facades. This group is represented in the form of strips that mimic the natural structure of the Board, taking into account the smallest detail, the characteristics of the seams and texture of the natural material. This includes line “Ship Board” and “Block house”. The length of one such element – 3-3,6 meters, width – 0,224 meters.
  2. Vertical bar. These materials are used to protect the facades of the houses located on busy streets or along the roads. The special texture of the siding prevents the formation of mud deposits and allows easy and quick cleaning of the facade from dust. The height of a single panel-3 meters and width 0,160 meters.
  3. "I am the facade." This is a relatively new type of siding simulating natural stone. Length of one element cladding is 1.55 meters, width – 0,338 meters.

How to prepare the facade facing siding?

If the decoration be longthe building is erected, the foundations for facing is better to use a crate. This will allow most exactly to make installation of the material. In areas with large cavities and hollows installed pads under the crate. To create the Foundation applied the cross-bar from 50 to 60 mm. Horizontal and vertical slats are fixed to the walls with screws, in increments of 30-40 cmmetal siding Grand line reviews

If the siding "Grand Line" (reviews of which we have considered above) will be mounted on the new building, it is better to put on solid Foundation, is made of plywood.

In Addition, you should perform several additional works:

  • Remove all protruding parts (lights, moldings, downspouts);
  • To clean the walls of the falling away of the facade elements;
  • Trim the branches of the plants resting in the walls of the house;
  • Securely fasten loose boards (if the house is built of wood).

After training you can begin decorating the walls with siding.

Technology siding installation

Siding "Grand Line" and the feedback we reviewed. Now it's time to move on to the instructions for its installation. It involves the following works:

  1. First, set corner trims, flashings and starter strips. When building a corner of the nail strip is trimmed to 2.5 cm, and the panels are overlapped by 2 cm (0.5 cm is left as an expansion gap).
  2. Around window and door openings mounted J-shaped profile and trim.
  3. The First panel is secured to the launch strip, and its upper part is nailed to the sheathing. Screws threaded at intervals of 40 cm At the joints of panels with accessories is a gap of 0.6 cm Strips overlap each other by half of the factory level.
  4. Panel of the next row are inserted into the locking hole and stretch it until it clicks. The joints of strips should be placed in a stepped manner with a shift of the seam in row at 60 cm Fasteners should not be closer than 10 cm from both edges of the strip. Between the cap screw and the Board need to leave a gap of 1 mm.siding Grand line customer reviews

So the entire facade is sheathed. The final number of fascia is located under the eaves and fixed only after installing finishing trims.


In Addition to the panels domestic production on the Russian market the huge popularity of similar products of the German company Docke. She also has excellent technical characteristics, so many are asking: "what to choose: siding “the Deck” or “Grand Line”?" Reviews of the submitted varieties of products are almost identical, therefore, the decisive argument is the value.siding deck or Grand online reviews

The Russian manufacturer of Siding (metal type) has a price tag of 300 rubles per panel. The cost of vinyl varieties starts from 100 rubles per 1 page. Foreign-made products will cost from 200 to 600 rubles for the same amount. The difference is obvious, but when you consider that veneer domestic production more adapted to the local climate, it begs one question, why pay more?

In conclusion

We reviewed the siding "Grand Line" and customer reviews about this product. To use this material or not – to solve only homeowners, but if the choice is between panel manufacturers, you this product to pay costs. Extended warranty on siding "Grand Line" said the responsible approach of the manufacturer to create a facing material and high quality of the final product. And this is precisely what most concerned the domestic market.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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