Combating garden ants - a matter of honor.


2018-03-20 06:48:07




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From early childhood we've all heard stories about how a highly intelligent ants are. the fight against garden antsTogether with the parents we admired their performance, “capacity”, excellent ability to organize their colonies. Growing up and becoming their own garden plot, we are suddenly faced with a completely unexpected information. Indeed, ants are very numerous and splendidly organized. Colony living in the nest within the garden area may consist of up to 10 million individuals. This means that these insects can be covered with the trunks of all trees and shrubs.

The Colony needs to feed, so the ants making your own “Pets” - aphids. Pastures for her, and usually serve as the tops of the plants and young shoots. garden ants struggleAphids are Often completely destroys the plant. Indifferent to their death remain just garden ants. The fight against them becomes a necessity and a matter of honor of every gardener.

How is lime ants on their site? Ways are many, but all of them can be divided into technical and chemical. Perhaps, in the battle for the harvest you win, not garden ants: dealing with them requires skill, patience, and perseverance. So, let's start!

The Struggle against garden ants without chemicals

To Destroy an anthill can be attempted without the help of industrial chemicals.

  • Daily (or at least several times a week), pour it with boiling water. The deliberate and systematic combating garden ants with boiling water may force surviving insects to look for a new place to live.
  • Sprinkle the anthill hot ash, chloride of lime, cinnamon, salt, dust.
  • Method recommends to pour water on the ant hill and his moves composition prepared from a bucket of water, half bottles of shampoo, two cups of vegetable oil. This mixture should be poured into an anthill, pre-opening it.
  • The Area and the house in which live insects can be filled with carbide or water and oil.
  • Ants should not be allowed to trees, because of such contact, the plants may die. Therefore, in order to prevent these insects to colonize the tree trunks near each of them you can build a water obstacle. This old ramp from the vehicle is slit and they surround the trunk, pre-germetizirujut joint. Water is poured. This barrier does not allow pests to a Bush or tree.
  • Fight against garden ants may require the construction of “skirts” for the tree. To make it simple. Hard foil wrap the bottom part of the trunk, leaving a sharp "skirt". Ants flexibility do not differ, so the tree will not ants combating

All these methods of extermination of the insects are gradually. For faster (and more successful) of the deliverance experienced gardeners recommend the use of toxic remedies sold in specialty stores.


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The Struggle against garden ants using chemicals.

One of the most harmless drugs produced by killing ants is Aeroxon sticky belt. It is impregnated with a very sticky glue. This belt wrapped around the trunks and branches from the ground a meter in height. Insects will not be able to overcome the barrier, but just stick to it. You can use the following gels: "Clean house" (he helps in the garden), “Fufanon”, “absolute”. With the same names are produced and glues, but they are more suitable for processing flat. There are more drugs “Ant”, “Advised” and “Murtid”, which are also effectively expelled the ant colony.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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