How to get rid of couch grass in the garden of folk remedies and with the help of chemistry?


2018-03-20 10:26:12




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Any cottager or farmer knows by experience how much work you want to invest even a small plot to grow is priceless “the vitamins from the garden” - vegetables and berries. Unlike vegetable crops, the weeds without any care excellent feel, pulling from the soil water and mineral substances, is intended for berries and vegetables.

One of these intruders on garden plot or a well manicured lawn & ndash; Wheatgrass. It is a perennial weedy plant of the family Gramineae is an incredible resilience. First and foremost is the quality present in the weed because of the structure of the root. Long gnarled roots able to go deep into a meter and spread, sprouting from a small piece of root that got into the soil. In addition, “spikes” of wheat-grass produce seeds that remain viable for up to 10-12 years. Simply put, to get rid of this plant, “settled” in the garden or on a lawn, incredibly difficult.

how to get rid of couch grass in the garden

If on the lawn of Wheatgrass you can just periodically to mow with all other grass, how to get rid of couch grass in the garden – a tough question. This is a very time consuming task.

All the ways of dealing with this plant can be divided into two categories: herbicidal method, that is, with the use of special chemicals, and more harmless “chemistry-free” methods, the so-called folk remedies.

Before resorting to spraying herbicides, you should try to learn how to get rid of couch grass in the garden folk remedies, harmless to humans and is more gentle to the soil.

Setting roots

With most of the weeds gardeners used to fight simple digging. But Wheatgrass is not valid, but rather gives the opposite effect: cutting the rhizome with a spade and leaving pieces in the ground, you can allow the weed to grow even more and faster. How to get rid of couch grass in the garden? The most common effective way – carefully picking out all the roots of this creeping weed from the ground. To prevent the couch grass from the remains of the root, you need to go through all the lumps of soil. Experienced gardeners recommend to dig and sort through the earth, using a pitchfork instead of a shovel.


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how to get rid of quack grass in the garden


How to get rid of couch grass in the garden without “chemistry”? Another popular method - blackout. It is great for large areas of the garden, overgrown this creeping weed. Light the Wheatgrass just cover the whole summer period, access to sunlight, covering the area of dark film and just sprinkled on top, like straw.

A Complicated way dimmer – the construction of raised beds directly on top of the Wheatgrass. The weed was covered with a layer of cardboard on cardboard is filled with a layer of mulch (cut grass and weeds, shredded branches, etc.), and after – a small layer of fertile land. “Bed” for more reliable parts you can collect stones or bricks, and then to plant any plants.

Grinding roots of Wheatgrass

How to get rid of couch grass in the garden by other methods? It is without a doubt one of the most effective ways to completely "contrary" to the digging. The method is based on the property of the rhizome of Wheatgrass is to grow young plants from a stubby spine.

Using the cultivator, and the rhizome of Wheatgrass is ground and sprout young shoots with “sensation”, which are much easier to remove from the ground. The only condition: it should be done in a timely manner. While the roots of the new plants have grown and got stronger.

how to get rid of couch grass in the garden folk remedies


Pruning the young growing Wheatgrass is held in the spring. Mow the grass so little to capture the rhizome – five centimeters will be enough. While remaining in the soil, the roots begin to sprout new grass of “sleeping” of the kidneys of wheat grass. After germination, a new young plant it in the same way trimmed.

how to get rid of couch grass in the garden

Every sprouting grass root system will expend more forces that will lead to the death of the Wheatgrass. To strengthen the effectiveness of this method can after some undercutting to plant the area with plants that increase soil fertility-green manures or other vegetable crops, capable of destroying couch grass.

Plot Sowing cultural plants

Another way to deal with couch grass is to sow “captured” to them land plants, next to which the weed dies. If you don't know how to get rid of couch grass in the garden with the additional benefit of this method is for you. Can be obtained from cultivated plants, the yield and if the plant in addition to green manure, the soil in this area is enriched with nutrients.

It is simple: land skatyvaetsya or vspuchivaetsja about 20 cm then inoculated with a plant or even a mixture of plant seeds, which “not friends" of Wheatgrass.

Such truck crops include buckwheat, various legumes and plant crestivity.

To Defeat the creeping weed can and oats. For this, seeds of oats sown, dug in (plowed) garden soil, and after the oats are mowed before the seeds ripen. Over received greenmass, inverted seams down the area re-sown with the oats. Next, the grown oats mowed again, perekidyvaetsya and sown. This method further contributes to the enrichment of soils with nitrogen.

how to get rid of couch grass in the garden without chemicals


How to get rid of quack grass in the garden without many perekapyvayut? Very useful and gentle way – to dig and prepare the beds and sleep on the surface of the mulch layer with a thickness of 30-35 cm For perfect mulching lawn clippings or straw. Ideally, it is best to give the soil “relax” under a layer of mulch a year.

The Root system of a wheat grass creeping, isolated from the surface layer of mulch, will strive “crawl” on the surface, causing the root to be in the soil, and the straw or grass. Because of this Wheatgrass, which germinate through the mulch layer, it is very easy to remove, pulling at the roots.

Additional benefits from mulching – in the soil accumulates moisture, which is a favorable environment for earthworm.


If the site is infected with a creeping weed is small, then there is another quick way. Those who do not know how to get rid of couch grass in the garden, you can just pour vinegar or boiling water. The plant will die.

“a nasty business" against the weed: herbicidal method

If all non-chemical ways to get rid of couch grass seem too complex, long or ineffective, and also, if you take Wheatgrass required as soon as possible, you can resort to the use of special chemicals. The main advantage of this method – a result, that is, the creeping death of the weed will occur in two, maximum three weeks.

The Most devastating for wheat grass are glyphosate containing herbicides. Most sales, you can find the following products of this type: "Glifos" and "Glyphosate" (this is different drugs), "Uragan Forte", "Glycol" and others.

Just spray the purchased herbicide is not enough, there are some features. Here are a few rules of how to get rid of couch grass in the garden with the help of chemicals so that this weed has not appeared again:

  • Because Of its resilience Wheatgrass – the plant, poorly responsive to chemicals. So bring the weed can only be a concentrated solution. Conclusion: observe the dosage at a dilution of herbicide needed. Too weak a solution will not give the desired effect, and too concentrated – unsafe for soil and for human health.
  • Wheat grass is Most vulnerable during the period of active growth, that is, since the formation of the “Bush” before the advent of the “ears”. This is the time to spray the drugs most effectively.
  • Herbicide funds can be used ONLY once in three years.

how to get rid of couch grass in the garden with the help of chemistry

The question Arises, if the herbicide is so dangerous, that if after treatment the use of soil. Professionals in agriculture claim that the active ingredients of the drug entering directly into the soil, neytralizuya and decompose to harmless components.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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