Lake Braies - a place where you want to live life


2018-05-09 17:00:37




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If you want to escape from city life and breathe the fresh air deeply, take a boat ride on the quiet surface of the water, enjoying the views of magnificent mountain scenery, the lake Braies – is the perfect place. This is a real gem of the Alps, a favorite vacation spot, as have the Italians and foreign visitors.lake Braies

A Place where time slows down

Lake Braies in Italy on photo and in life it looks like something incredible. Blue water, thick green forest, high mountains under the caps of snow, moored to the shore boats and historic hotel near the reservoir – an idyllic picture of comfort and tranquility. Careful, got here once, you will want to stay forever.

The Lake is part of the National Park Fanes to bypass it a lot of time will be required. Normal walking it can be done in just half an hour. Along the path leading around the lake has several recreational areas: beaches and picnic spots.lake Braies

The Hotel – one of the most notable attractions, it is more than 100 years. Here stayed aristocrats and Nazis, awaiting his trial, was carried out in films. Inside most of the furniture – Antiques of the twentieth century, rigor and aesthetics which enhances the unusual atmosphere of the entire scene.

The View from the balcony on the lake Braies. Here I would like to create, to think, to make discoveries and just love.

And almost on the coast is a small, like a toy, a stone chapel. It was built in the beginning of the last century an architect from Vienna by the name of Schmidt.

Where is lake Braies

How to reach it? The lake is located in the Italian province of Bolzano almost on the border with Austria, at an altitude of almost a mile above sea level. Its depth of 36 meters, and the area of slightly more than 30 hectares Around towering picturesque mountain tops 2100-2800 meters high.


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You can Get there as by car or train. In the first case you need to move on the highway A22 and then take the exit Bressanone-Val Pusteria. Now for a closer look at pointers Braiers, as they lead directly to the lake. In the second case, you need to train to reach the train station, Niederdorf, and then change the bus Villabassa-Lago di Braies.

Lake Braies in winter and summer

The Main attraction of this amazing place, of course, fabulous, enchanting nature. No one, even the most poetic words are able to convey the beauty of lake Briers. It will certainly need to see with your own eyes.

If physical exertion is not afraid, you should definitely rent a boat and go for a romantic walk. The price of pleasure – 18 euros for one hour. The service is available from June to September every day from 10 am to 5 PM.lake Braies how to get

You can Come here not only in summer, when water saturated turquoise shade, but in winter, when it is stiff bluish ice, and the forest and mountains covered with pure white snow. By the way, in this time of the year where you can ride through the ski area.

This is a place for families with children and for the honeymoon. Well, alone you can fully immerse yourself in the contemplation of nature and creation.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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