Characteristics of agritourism in Italy


2019-03-03 14:00:36




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In addition to worldwide known historical sites, the wonderful Mediterranean beaches and incredibly tasty traditional cuisine, Italy is also famous for the so-called agro-tourism. In the cultivation and promotion of this type of holiday in this southern European country, along with its neighbors - Spain and France - one of the top three leaders worldwide. For those who want to discover the country from the inside, to know more national traditions and cultural peculiarities, the best option to do this is to get acquainted with the agritourism Italy. Stay with the colors of the village will delight all lovers of peace and quiet, who are tired of urban bustle.agritourism Italy

What are the advantages of agrotourism in this country?

Round year, more than 10,000 Italian villas, country estates and farms with a love of taking in lovers of this type of tourism. Guests here are attracted by horse riding, walking through the colorful flower fields, the fragrance of which spreads for miles, visit the vineyards and if you are lucky participate in the harvesting and monitoring of the process of making wine, etc. However, most of the tourist attractions for tourism in Italy, it is good opportunity to try different culinary delights from all-natural, as today they call, organic food, and even better - to take part in their preparation. This trip will long remain in their memory.

How it all began...

More intense, the industry in the country began to develop after the Second world war. The history of agritourism in Italy, today told the local that began with an alien-the rich man went to the Apennines in order to relax and to live on the farm. After he told me that he just wanted to diversify his life.


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I Must say that while Italy was in a depressed state, and the Italian village was completely devastated. And then one day on one farm appears eccentric alien who asks to be sheltered, allowed to participate in agricultural work, and offers the owner a lot of money. Of course, such unusual holidays in Italy (Agriturismo) in this village and no one heard, but the farmer, of course, accepted his offer and let. agritourism in Italy reviews

“Word of mouth”

After the rich man, the foreigner left the country, he told all my friends how wonderful it is to relax in a picturesque Italian village on how to participate in agricultural operations, to see with my own eyes, and to take part in the production of various delicacies, including pastas, famous cheeses, sauces, and wine. In short, he advertised agritourism in Italy, and shortly thereafter the country began to come to other “seekers of rural joys and adventures”.

In principle, this is a wonderful country, rich in historical and artistic values, at all times attracted travelers, agritourism in Italy has become a new trend. “Word of mouth" did not disappoint, and every year the number of tourists coming to the Italian village began to grow.farmhouse Tuscany Italy

Characteristics of agritourism in Italy

Among the farmers of the Italian provinces there were many who clung to the idea of developing this type of tourism. They began to prepare their villas, farm houses to welcome guests both from abroad and from major Italian cities. They also began to think of different entertainment for them. The most important thing that visitors are not bored and every day was filled with new adventures and experiences.

So, in the early 70s in the provinces of Italy there is a new economy – Agricola, who were ready to receive guests. Here tourists can not only enjoy the gorgeous rural scenery and tranquility, but also to learn the secrets of olive oil, famous Italian cheeses, wine, etc. the prices agritourism Italy was surprised by its cheapness. All this was due to a characteristic feature of the local residents – love and hospitality. Many of them would be happy to host visitors for free, but business is business. The cost of holiday homes in Italy and today pleases affordable prices, in return, the tourists have the highest level of service. Perhaps due to this, their popularity never decreases, but rather increases every year. You can either book the whole Villa, and rooms in houses from the farmers themselves. The cost of tours for 6 days ranges from 270 to 500 (and above) euros.

Official recognition

Since 1985 agritourism in the country received support from the government of Italy. Moreover, there is a special resolution which clearly sets forth the instructions for conduct of the business. And to get the license for it, the Italian farmers must pass a special training course lasting 100 hours. During these sessions, all those "businessmen" who want to engage in agritourism in Italy, with a knowledge of the basics of law, accounting, management, sanitary and hygienic norms, etc.

Every year in Italy welcomes two million tourists to holiday in the countryside. This is a great achievement forthis country.agritourism Italy Tuscany reviews

Tuscany – the most popular Italian region for tourism

The Most active region of Italy, involved in agritourism, is Tuscany. Here are concentrated 25% of all agricolo of the country. This region is a real Paradise for tourists. The impression that you moved in the middle Ages. The village is small and very picturesque. They are surrounded by outstanding natural beauty, among vineyards and olive groves.

Almost all the Italian Housewives are excellent cooks and can prepare for guests delicious dishes. Very often tourists wish to participate in the creation of these dishes and not only: it's very interesting to see how olive oil is like wine pressed or in the home to cook the pasta. Thanks to all that in this fertile region very developed agritourism. Tuscany (Italy) annually an incredible number of guests from different parts of the world.agritourism in Italy, stay with the flavor of the village


In the diet of the locals are fish, sausages, home-made pasta, dishes of different vegetables that grow each household in their beds. The recipe of the most part of olive oil. Moreover, Tuscans cook him something special and butter here is the best in the country.

Favorite local Housewives also is the steak Florentine. It's made from bull meat, which is marinated in olive oil with addition of various spices and herbs. Well, all the Goodies washed down young Tuscan wine. For special occasions, is served a wine of long ageing. Perhaps it is because of these culinary delights and reached the popularity of agritourism in Italy, Tuscany. Reviews that can be found on the travel portals, most real foodies leave that in great detail describe what they had to eat or drink while in the country.

Agritourism in Trentino

Along with the beautiful Tuscany superiority in the number of shares agricolo resort of Trentino, which is located in South Tyrol. What is the key to the popularity of this province? Trentino is the biggest center of skiing and mountain tourism in Europe. Here exceptional infrastructure. Many tourists who are accustomed to the comfort of opting for agritourism that is Trentino. Meet them here picturesque scenery, mild climate, pure, just crystal air, the many different attractions that abound this region, divine special wine varieties and, of course, a variety of Italian dishes, among which you can find are suitable for vegetarians and lovers of meat and fish specialities.unusual holidays in Italy Agriturismo

Local culinary traditions

By the Way, Tarantino famous pasta pie, which is called pizzoccheri. It is made from buckwheat flour, served it with potatoes and Savoy cabbage. The sauce for this dish presented a sauce from the cheese and herbs. Very tasty in South Tirol cooked beef. There is one traditional terektinskiy dish - tagliata, which is first marinated with spices, then fried on a grill. In Italy it is also customary there is a cured beef called bresaola. It when serving, cut into very thin, almost transparent slices.

Piedmont – another Italian Paradise located in Umbria, Agriturismo

This region located in the North of Italy. Because he has glorified this wonderful country with its special culinary delights, then come here like fans as gastro - and agrotourism. After all, many tourists are interested in not only the taste of excellent dishes which can be enjoyed, being in Piedmont, but also how they are prepared by local Housewives. And the attractiveness of local agricolo in no way inferior to Tuscan.

By the Way, here there are the most famous varieties of mushrooms-white truffles, which are considered a delicacy all over the world. Many tourists come here precisely in order to stay at the legendary “hunters” for these the original mushrooms. Believe me, this is an incredibly interesting spectacle – to watch over dumb animals, namely pigs, digging up from the ground, those mushrooms which are then served at the most expensive restaurants in the world at a fabulous price. Farms that bred pigs-pickers, there is a variety in the Langhe, near Alba. Winemaking in Piedmont also occupies a leading position. This province is the birthplace of such famous wines as “the Asti Spumante” and “Prosseco”. It also produces wonderful cheeses: Castelmagno, Gorgonzola, GranaPadano and Tourists. guests can combine business with pleasure – to heal in the thermal waters of sources.prices agritourism Italy

Agritourism Italy: reviews of tourists

You'll never encounter any negative feedback about this type of holiday in this beautiful country. The Italians themselves – very welcoming, besides they are true business and value our reputation. They will not allow that something was wrong, and tourists would be dissatisfied with something. The Villa is just amazing and, despitethe fact that they are made in the old style, has everything for a comfortable stay. All the rest of the local population does with love. And is it not to like someone? So anyone who decided to explore the agritourism Italy, leave in admiration and intention to return here again and again.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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