St. Clement Inkerman cave monastery: description, history, location and interesting facts


2019-06-06 08:20:35




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Inkerman cave monastery is among the most ancient cave monasteries in the Crimea. In the Monastery of the rock (the Western open) bears the main room. On the plateau of this rock are the ruins of the fortress Kalamita, which belongs to the VI century. In this article we describe the Inkerman cave monastery, a tour which has become an integral part of the cultural program of many people who have decided to visit Sevastopol. The monastery is near this city, in Inkerman (Sevastopol suburb). We will explain in detail about the history of the monastery and its major temples.

Inkerman cave monastery tour

Saint Clement

The Man who founded the St. Clement cave monastery, is St. Clement, one of the most famous preachers of the Christian religion. He was ordained by the Apostle Peter in Rome. For preaching Christianity in this city of Rome was exiled to the Chersonese. Here was already about 2 thousand Christians, who had earlier suffered the same fate. And in the quarries of the Holy preached their faith. Many of the convicts, and who lived nearby, and free people were baptized by him. The rulers of the Chersonese, worried about this, executed Bishop in the year 101. About his neck was tied an anchor, and then drowned in a nearby Cossack Bay.

Construction of the Church and the relics of St. Clement

A Year later, at low tide, the remains of the Saint were found in the underwater cave. Since then, every year on the day of his death, believers came to the place of his execution. They went to pay homage to the Holy relics at the exposed bottom. Until the XI century ebb allowed people to make such a pilgrimage. Then on a small island in the middle of the Bay, the Church was built, and the power of Rome moved there. And in our time, there is this island. Now it is the territory of the military unit. The excavations undertaken in 1890, was found a few premises, a chapel with the relics of the Saint.

In the year 861 saints Cyril and Methodius arrived in the Chersonese. With the permission of the local Archbishop, they took the relics with them, and carried them to Rome. To this day they are kept in the Basilica of St. Clement. Prince Vladimir, who baptized in Chersonesos in the tenth century, moved to Kiev the relics of this Saint.


Holy Clement cave monastery

The Byzantines in the VI century put his fortress on the top of the Monastic rock. The abode when they are grown in the rock gradually carved cells, temples and cave room. All of them connected by staircases carved into the stone. Most likely, there settled the monks-iconodules, who fled from Byzantium in the period of iconoclastic persecution.

The appearance of the settlements, the capture of the fortress by the Turks

In Zagatalsky rock, located to the East, riddled with numerous caves in several tiers, arose the medieval settlement, which is still poorly understood. Prior to the beginning of the XIV century, written records of the Kalamita is not preserved. This part of the Crimea in the XV century was under the influence of the Principality of Theodoro. In the mouth of Black river was established sea port Avlita. In order to protect it Alex, mangupsky Prince, was rebuilt on the island of an ancient fortification. So it became a fortress Calamity. The fortress in 1475 captured by the Turks. They reconstructed it to conform to the requirements of firearms. It is from the Turks led to the new name of the place – Inkerman, which means "cave fortress".

Inkerman cave monastery how to get

The Monastery at this time was in decline. Most likely, the monks came from the monastery at Cape Fiolent, where was located at St. George monastery. Later the monastery was revived for a short time. After the Christians left the Crimea in 1778, the monastery was finally abandoned.

The revival of the monastery

After the annexation of Crimea to Russia began to revive Inkerman cave monastery (Crimea). Kin was opened in 1850, Also the reconstruction located here are three cave temples. So received a second life St. Clement Inkerman monastery. History it was marked by a number of important events.

Church of St Clement

The Church in the name of Clement was consecrated the first (in the middle Ages it was St. George temple, which, according to legend, Clement himself hewed in the rock). The Church has a Basilica form. Its space is divided into three parts by two rows of columns. Survived benches, carved into the rock, part of the columns and the niche is intended for the altarpiece. A long corridor leads to thisChurch. In this carved stone benches. Also remained to our time two-stage Cintron in the apse. In its centre are the remains of the high place, and in the wall above him carved a niche intended for the altarpiece. Massive blossoming cross-cut here. As for ancient frescoes, some of them preserved only the image of sitting on the throne of the Saviour.

Low and a small ancient chapel was on the right side of the Church. It is dedicated to Apostle A. Apostle. The altar of this chapel, separated by a solid rock partition from the rest of. In the middle of the partition was the king's gate. There were also two small window. Under the left window in the chancel, was built an altar with a niche underneath. Near the right window seat was built for the priest, made of stone. Also, the altar was a stone throne, which was adjacent to the East wall.

Discover the ancient buildings, the opening of the Church of St. Martinian

During the restoration were found with other ancient temples, as well as a utility room. However, they were filled in or covered walls, therefore, remained unexplored. The second in the Inkerman monastery was opened dedicated to St. Martiniano cave Church. It is a rectangular Shrine, covered with a dome (semi-circular).

Fate of the monastery

Holy Inkerman St. Clement monastery

Two years after the discovery of the monastery broke out the Crimean war. Violent fighting took place near the Black river. Calamita, where Russian troops have been brutally fired. The British looted the property belonging to the monastery. When the war ended, the monks again settled in kin. They built a house Church (Holy Trinity), as well as the deanery. Also the monks were restored; the spring of St. Clement. A little later was built a hotel for pilgrims. In honor of the miraculous salvation of the Emperor's family that occurred near the station of Borki in the train crash in 1888, in 1895, the monastery was built a new Church. It was dedicated to the healer and great Martyr Panteleimon. The peculiarity of this temple is that its a part of the altar cut in the rock, and the remaining, ground, created in the Byzantine style.

History of the monastery in the twentieth century

Holy Inkerman St. Clement cave monastery

In the monastery in 1905 was created a few temples. One of them is located in the Eastern part of the rock, the site of the Church of St. Evgrafov that existed in the Middle ages. It was consecrated in honor of St. DM. Of Thessalonica. In the twentieth century, the Demetrius Church burials were carried out. There are 3 tombs that were excavated near the temple, in the floor of the small cave. At the same time on the upper plateau was completed the construction of the Church of St. Nicholas. She and her two chapels, in the form – cruciform.

History Sophia Church

In the presence of Alexei Mikhailovich (Grand Duke), as well as members of the Crimean war 27 Sep 1905 was consecrated the Church of the icon "joy of All who sorrow". It is built on the place where in ancient times was the Sophia Church, carved in the cliff on the left Bank of the river Black. It is known that in XIV century here was the monastery of St. Sofia. Apparently, he was very rich, as his temples stood out among the other design and sizes. When Christians left the Crimea, the monastery was abandoned and neglected. The Cathedral of St. Sofia – the largest in the Crimea cave temple. It covers the flat dome. The Church has a cruciform shape. Part of its North wall and the chancel in ancient times collapsed. In the floor of the temple were the tombs. There is a move from the Church to the chapel, in the floor where there are 2 tombs with the remains of Greek inscriptions.

Building of the chapel, processions

In the caves monastery to the Crimean war were a powder magazine. At the end of hostilities, a former non-commissioned officer settled near Kamenolomnaya of the ravine. This man courted a mass grave. Thanks to him, was organized a collection of funds, and in 1885 over the grave was erected a chapel. The monks who inhabited the Inkerman St. Clement cave monastery, every year on 24 October went to this chapel in procession. They had a memorial service for those who were slain for faith and king. At the initiative of Alexei Mikhailovich at the 1903 St. Sophia Church was restored. From all over the country collected money for the case. Inside of all who sorrow Church, built at this time, the stored image parts, which participated in the battles on the Black river.

Construction of new buildings, the closure of the monastery and the revival of interest

Holy Inkerman St. Clement cave monastery

In the Inkerman monastery in 1910 was built 2 residential building for monks, and alsothe house Church of the Annunciation. In addition, when the monastery was established a parish school. By 1917 the Inkerman cave monastery is inhabited by 122 novice and 25 monks. During the Civil war, the monastery was supported by troops of Wrangel. After the proclamation of Soviet power occurred the nationalization of the mansion and lands of the Crimea. Inkerman cave monastery in 1926 it was permanently closed. In 1927 destroyed the chapel on the grave of the fighters fallen in the battle of Inkerman, and in 1932 – the Cathedral of St. Nicholas, located on the upper plateau.

During the great Patriotic war the monastery was the headquarters of the coastal division. In June 1942 its soldiers tried to restrain the Germans, who were eager to Sevastopol. In 1991, the Inkerman St. Clement cave monastery began to revive. Was restored the cell buildings and temples.

Inkerman cave monastery: how to get

Inkerman cave monastery

It is Possible to travel by train from Sevastopol to O. p. 1531 km away from Balaklava monastery by taxi or bus No. 31. Another option is to use any long distance bus to the stop "Vtormet", passing through the mountains. If you go by car, near the white stone cross (you'll see it near the main road that runs through the city), turn to the home. Inkerman St. Clement monastery has the following coordinates: N 44 39.873, 16.160 E 34.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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