The film "Ivan Vasilyevich changes occupation", where they filmed, in which house interesting facts


2018-03-24 02:20:23




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The Film “Ivan Vasilyevich changes occupation” has already become imperishable classics, which I know almost by heart, not only citizens of Russia but also in Ukraine, Belarus and other CIS countries. Despite the huge popularity, most of the viewers are still not aware of the details of the creation of this masterwork, as well as where he filmed some scenes of the picture.

Film Leonid Gaidai Yovich "Ivan Vasilievich changes occupation”

Where was shooting the film, will be considered later, but for now it is worth remembering the background to the emergence of this picture. where they filmed Ivan Vasilievich the Kremlin

Not everyone knows, but wrote the screenplay Leonid Iovich (in collaboration with Vladlen by Bajkovym), based on the play by Mikhail Bulgakov.

The Main plot twists of the original work Gaidai preserved, despite the fact that the action took place in the second half of the thirties. At the same time Leonid Iovich significantly modernized "Ivan", adapting it to the realities of the seventies. In addition, the great Director put in the center of the story not of Ivan the terrible (as Bulgakov), and the Manager Bonsu and turned into a Shura, designer of the "magic" machine engineer Timofeev.

After numerous delays and censorship of commissions have studied and adjusted the script at the end of August 1972 he began shooting pictures. A year later - on September 17, took place the premiere of the film in cinemas of the USSR.

The New Comedy Gaidai so impressed the audience that a year on the big screen it was viewed by over sixty million people. They immediately took the tape citations, many of which are still relevant, although passed many years.


When Leonid Gaidai started to write the script Comedy "Ivan Vasilievich changes profession”, the set was looking for and chose the artists for the lead role it was intended for Yuri Nikulin. For Leonid Iovich carefully prescribed image of the king super. However, after reading the script, the actor was afraid that such subversive, at the time, the film simply will not be released. But to lose a year of work, he didn't want. Therefore, referring to employment in the circus, Yuri refused to act, what later regretted. the place where they filmed Ivan Vasilievich


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Instead Nikulina to the role of Ivan the terrible auditioned Vitsin, Yevstigneev, Lebedev, and even Richter, who later played in the project robbed the dentist Shpak.
Ultimately, the role of the king-the superintendent got already famous in those years the artist – Yuri Yakovlev. His ability with one glance to portray and strict king, and pathetic public man became a decisive argument in favor of the approval of the actor. where they filmed Ivan Vasilievich city

There were Also problems with the choice of the performer of the role of Georges Miloslavsky. Because originally the main character was supposed to play Nikulin, his partner at the time travel was planned to make Andrei Mironov, with whom they had already worked with Gaidai in “the Diamond arm”. However, when Ivan Vasilyevich Yakovlev was, had to find him a new Miloslavsky, since Andrei Alexandrovich duet they did not work. The role of the resourceful burglar wanted to play such brilliant actors of Soviet cinema, as Innocent, Yumatov, Nikonenko and others. Ultimately approved was Leonid Kuravlyov. Rumor has it that the Embassy chose him for his excellent ability to portray rudeness. Ivan Vasilyevich changes occupation, the place of filming

The Role of a runaround Zina's home, went to Natalya Selezneva immediately. Although she has already starred in a duet with Alexander Demyanenko, Leonid I. in “Operation "Y"…”, the actress had to fight for participation in the project with gundarevoj and Gvozdikovoy. And, as it turned out, not in vain. Because in addition to stunning success, the actress has managed to become a style icon for thousands of Soviet women. Outfits for the heroine in the film Selezneva sewed himself, Vyacheslav Zaitsev and many spectators came to the cinema just to admire the fashionista Sirocco and sketching styles her elegant costumes. Ivan Vasilyevich changes a profession where they filmed

However, the famous fashion designer wore not only escaped with her lover wife Shurik, but unformatted wife of Ivan Vasevich Bunshi – Uliana Andreevna performed by Natalya Krachkovskaya. Being a favorite of the Embassy, the artist got the coveted role. The only condition the famous Director was the preservation of an actress of her magnificent forms. So Natalia Leonidovna during filming had to sit on a special diet, not to lose weight.

With the approval of the rest of the cast was not a problem, because most of them are Leonid Iovich has worked before. So the tape got Demyanenko (Shura), S. Kramarov (clerk of Ivan the terrible), Sergei Filippov (Ambassador), M. Pugovkin (homewrecker Yakin), V. Etush (robbed Shpak) and N. Maslova (Martha is the Queen).

Where the filming locations of the Ancient Kremlin

Having “good” for the project, Leonid Gaidai went in search of locations for shooting on location. The fact that the great filmmaker was eager to par with the scenery in the movie was shown and true vintagefortress. Soon there was such a place – it was the state Museum-reserve under the title “the Kremlin", located in the Yaroslavl region. This Museum became the historical place, where they filmed "Ivan Vasilievich changes occupation». The Kremlin of Rostov “played” the residence of Ivan the terrible, as well as for ‘acting of the king” super Bunshi. where they filmed the movie Ivan Vasilievich

The Crew of the project stayed in Rostov for seven days. All the time they spent in the Museum-reserve, where they filmed "Ivan Vasilievich changes profession,” the City long remember this event. In memory of joint work, the Museum was given two suits of the guards and hatchets-hammers of props. To this day, workers of the Museum-reserve meet in them are particularly important visitors.

Having Finished shooting in early September 1972, the Embassy colleagues and I left the hospitable Rostov, where the film "Ivan Vasilievich changes profession”, and returned home.

Filming on the streets of the capital of the USSR

Most of the landscapes in the film, were filmed in “capital city”. After coming back from Rostov, where they filmed the movie «Ivan Vasilyevich changes occupation" of Leonid Iovich Gaidai and his colleagues first photographed “nature” in Moscow (Povarskaya street, the prospectus of Kalinin and Borodino bridge) until the weather changes.

So the next scene tape travel through the streets of ambulance, police cars and cars Yakin; and the chase of police officers for disguised as a physician Miloslavsky.

What is the address of the house where they filmed "Ivan Vasilievich changes occupation”

Near metro station «Paveletskaya” is the street Novokuznetskaya. It was here in 1971, was built multi-storey residential building with an unusual zigzag form and the magic number – 13. The building – the place where the film «Ivan Vasilyevich changes occupation».

In the courtyard of the historic building there was a quarrel between Shurik and Bunsei trying to erase the inscription “fool” on the wall. the film Ivan Vasilyevich changes occupation Also in the same building was in the seventies store “radio”, where the inventor of the time machine tried to buy details from a speculator.

By the Way, specially for paintings, not far from this house was erected a telephone booth, which has become not only a useful device for people at home, but “the pavilion”, where they filmed "Ivan Vasilievich changes profession”.

The City of Moscow from height of bird's flight, who admired the "Tsar,” standing on the balcony of the apartment in the house № 13/1 shot was not here but in another place.

What part of Moscow is visible from the balcony Shurik

By the early seventies the New Arbat has a completely different look and many people have been skeptical about these changes. However with a light hand Gaidai, the situation has changed for the better. the house where they filmed Ivan Vasilievich

The fact that the balcony of one of the skyscrapers on the New Arbat was shot panorama of the Moscow river and Kutuzovsky Prospekt, which is so admired Ivan the terrible.

So, did the district capital is very famous and popular painting «Ivan Vasilyevich changes occupation». Where was shooting these scenes for sure now no one will remember. They played an important role in the adoption of Muscovites changes the appearance of the New Arbat.

Shooting in "Ostankino" and "Union"

The Most unexpected places was “kind” while working on the film “Ivan Vasilyevich changes occupation». Where they filmed certain moments - many seem amazing.

For example, the role of the police building, where you can take caused by Shpak operatives "played" the Moscow hotel «Union», located near the “corner”. But the hospital, which dispatched an ambulance, caused by Ulyana Andreevna – became the television station «Ostankino».

Working in the pavilions of "Mosfilm"

After the end of filming, Gaidai went to the pavilion. They occurred in the Studio «Hollywood». Best painters-decorators Moscow was prepared sixteen objects for the movie "Ivan Vasilievich changes profession”, where they filmed a good half of all scenes of the project.

Most of the scenery (ten systems) has been designed as the interiors of the house in Novokuznetsk 13/1. This apartment Shpak; dental office; lift, where “demons” bricked the poor king; rooms in a “mansion” continued; super's apartment Bunshi; landing and several locations tape «Ivan Vasilyevich changes occupation”, where they filmed the present.

But for the interiors of the times of Ivan Vasilyevich the terrible, it took only six decorative complexes. However, they were made so skillfully that many believed that the shooting took place in the same Rostov Kremlin in the Yaroslavl region.

Surprisingly, all decorative complexes built for the movie, fit on a fairly modest area 1428 sq. m.

The Last scene of the tape, filmed in Yalta

In mid-January 1973, when all the material was captured began assembling picture and sound. Unfortunately, in the process, it appeared that it was necessary to shoot another episode in which Zina singsthe voice of Nina Brodskaya song “love to meet…”. Ivan Vasilyevich changes a profession where there was shooting

For this purpose in March hayday with a group went to Yalta (Crimea). Here they are 2 days dosnyal necessary material and returned to Moscow and continued with the installation of the film «Ivan Vasilyevich changes occupation». Where they filmed specifically in Yalta moment with the singing Sinochki, today no one remembers.

Fun facts

  • Natalia Krachkovskaya in the movie was five wigs. By the way, contrary to popular misconception, she's not had a haircut for the scene with two men. Luxurious curls of the actress hid under a child's rubber swimming cap, the top of which was sewn a wig. Interestingly, the actress almost died on set. Getting with a private balcony apartments Shurik, she almost fell over, so this point was not included in the finished painting.
  • House address: ulitsa Novokuznetskaya 13/1 in 2011 was featured in another Comedy “The more Carlson” with Mikhail Galustian in the title role. Previously this structure was known as the place where they filmed "Ivan Vasilievich changes profession”.
  • From the finished tape was cut materials of almost 10 minutes. The scenes that did not appear in the motion picture – scene of the capture Miloslavsky militiamen on a river boat, and the moment when Ivan the terrible is standing at the stove in the kitchen and continued preparing their dinner.
  • As the outfits for the king, Queen and the boyars with the guards, used costumes remaining after the films of Sergei Eisenstein «Ivan the terrible”.
  • Decorations staircase created for the film, was used in a four-part television movie “Big change”, recorded in “vulgar” in the same period.
  • The role of Queen Martha – actress Nina Maslova, before the decisive shot, due to an unfortunate misunderstanding, got it in the eye and got a visible bruise. That is why in most shots it off to the side. By the way, in parallel with this project, she is paired with Sam by KRAMAROVA played in “Big change”.
  • In the scene when arrested Ivan the terrible asked the community, he says: “the Kremlin" (an obvious reference to the Soviet government). However, the Commission found that the phrase seditious, and was replaced by another - "chambers".
  • Also, when the voice was changed one of the replicas disguised as a king Bunshi. Taking the Ambassador, the original, the building Manager said “Peace, friendship”. For some unknown reason, censorship forced the Embassy to change the phrase to “Mamma MIA!”.
  • Changed Another replica, the response of the false Prince at the Royal feast, during which the social worker wanted to know: “Who will pay?”. According to the script George had to say - “People”. Only after edits are censorship, his response was vague: “anyway: we…”.
  • Especially for the Royal Banquet, Gaidai's personal funds bought scarce delicacies to create a Royal abundance on the table. But the longed-for aubergine caviar was made by squash. where the film Ivan Vasilyevich changes occupation
  • Leonid Gaidai really believe in omens. So his talisman, he believed the black cat suit. For this reason, this animal appeared in many of his comedies. This picture is no exception, the cat Director plays it far not last role.
  • In memory of Leonid Gaidai, a group of “tick” shot a video for the song “Fairy taiga”. It appeared all the performers of the main roles in the film, and was also used some footage from tape.

In the second half of the nineties on the television screens out the third musical film “Old songs about the main thing”. In this new play, the plot of the Comedy king-superintendent and even starred many actors involved earlier in the project. However, this attempt to play on the love of offspring Gaidai, came out quite pathetic and was not accepted by the audience. In addition, she reiterated that the creation of a masterpiece, it is necessary to invest the soul, as did the great Soviet Director Leonid Iovich Gaidai.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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