Analysis of Akhmatova's poem "Native land" and his past history


2018-03-18 23:01:03




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1961. Wrote the poem "Mother earth”. In a Leningrad hospital in the last years of life of the poet, with an epigraph from her own poems.

Why is the earth

Analysis of the poem Akhmatova “Mother earth” is to start with the answer to the question: "Why native is the earth, and no country, not Russia?"

A Poem written for the twentieth anniversary since the beginning of the second world war. But Akhmatova writes about the country and about the native land, fertile soil – nurse. By the sixties worship of the earth in the past, but Anna Andreyevna sure in the souls of people still living in the ethnic memory. And Yes, “it is a dirt on galoshes”, but without it, Russia will. The dirt feeds us and takes us at the end of life's journey. In the lines of the poetess makes a lot of sense. No need to compose odes on the ground, just need to remember that this is part of our country.

analysis of the poem Akhmatova native land

The theme of the Motherland has always sounded in poetry Anna Andreevna. It was not just loyalty, but the service of the Fatherland, no matter what the test. Akhmatova was always with the people. Next. Together. She wasn't looking at the native people from the top down, as other poets.

Why not Russia, but the land? Because the poet sees homeland as a country, as the land on which was born and lives. She does not accept the political system, repression and war. But she loves the Motherland, the people with whom he lives, and prepared them to endure all the hardships.

She wrote in 1922. “wrong I…” – it is from this poem was taken the last line of the epigraph. For four decades, in spite of that, her attitude to the native land has not changed. And it was during these 40 years a lot of tragic, and in her fate, and the fate of the country.


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Importance of history

Analysis of the poem Akhmatova "Native land" cannot be complete if you do not know the story of the life of the poet. It is impossible to understand how courageous and dedicated we had to be to not give up their words and beliefs of forty years ago, if you do not know that it was experienced in those years.

The Analysis the poems of Anna Akhmatova "Native land" should not begin in the traditional manner-with a review of rhymes and other things, it will do nothing. But you should start with what happened before the writing of this poem in the life «Anna of all the Russias", as it was called contemporaries. Then only will understand the deep meaning of the work, all the bitterness and all the patriotism attached to it.

In 1921, Akhmatova finds out that her close friend is leaving Russia. And that's how she reacts to the departure of a loved one: she writes “Not with those I who threw the earth”. A poem written the following year and included in the compilation of Anno domini. In this poem the indignation, the anger and fully marked citizenship. Position, which should be changed in connection with the subsequent events, but only strengthened.

Life between two poems

From 1923 to 1940 Akhmatova does not print. And it's hard for her. She was subjected to indirect repression. But it was not the hard part. In 1935 he was arrested, her son Leo. As well as her husband, but soon released. And Leo after a brief release he was arrested again. Five years Akhmatova lived in tension and fear – have mercy on the son or not.

analysis of the poem the native land Akhmatova

In 1940, the wind comes hope; the poet allow to be printed, some people released from Stalin's camps. But in 1941 the war begins. Hunger, fear, evacuation.

In 1946, when, apparently, weakened the grip of censorship, Akhmatova was expelled from the writers Union and banned from its print collections. In fact, she is denied a livelihood. In 1949, again arrested the son of Anna Andreyevna, and she again is in line with peredachku.

In 1951, it is reduced in the writers ' Union. In 1955 isolated a homeless poet a small house in the village of Komarovo, near Leningrad, after the eviction of the fountain house in March 1952. However, to print it, not in a hurry. And a few years of Akhmatova's poetry are issued by samizdat.

In may 1960, Anna Andreevna begins intercostal neuralgia, it takes several heart attacks, starting the ordeal at the hospitals. And in this state she is in hospital at the time of writing “Mother earth”. What the will and dedication needed to possess to carry through all of the loss of your love for the country and not to change citizenship.

The Traditional analysis of the poem Akhmatova “Mother earth”

The Work is about love of country, but the word “love” in it. Through analysis of the poems Akhmatova “Mother earth”, it is easy to see that it was deliberately excluded. The poem is constructed so that without the word reveals the love to the native land. This applied ducastel works, which is understandable to resize.

Change size immediately catches the eye when you do analysis of the poem "Mother earth”. Akhmatova is clearly verified. Shestistopny Yamba – the first 8 rows. Further, the transition to the anapest – trehshovnye, and after – chetyrehstolpnyj. Yamb – it is the denial that the understanding love of the poet is not included. Anapest – adoption of a simple definition. People – part of the land, and to freely own – it means to love.

analysis of the poem Akhmatova and native land

We must also note the value of the word “earth”, through analysis of the poem "Mother earth”. Akhmatova used them in a pair. The poem has two meanings. First – the place where we live and die, a place that you can not quit, whatever happens. Second – soil, ashes, “crunch on the teeth”. Here everything is simple. And adjectives (“promised”, etc.), and “ukrashatelnoy” vocabulary (“until”, “amulet”) remain in first, the iambic part. The second part consists of common parlance, adjectives are not. Everything is much easier, but deeper. True love does not need pathetic.


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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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