Actors "Pretend my wife". Hollywood movies


2018-03-19 11:01:16




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The Film “Pretend to be my wife" was released in 2011 and became one of the most successful Comedy movies of the season. It owes its popularity? The actors are “Pretend to be my wife" showed a great game, plus a good, good story is the key to success.

actors pretend to be my wife

Classic story

The basis of this Comedy picture went to a truly classic story, which has already received a lot of interpretations as in American cinema and the theater. The actors are “Pretend to be my wife" was chosen well. They all coped with their roles. Some we've even seen in a new light. But more on that later.

The Film “Pretend to be my wife" talks about plastic surgeon Danny Maccabi. Danny had a sad love story. He was supposed to marry a pretty girl, as it seemed from the outside. But in fact, the woman was only interested in their own social status and material security.

Since then many years have passed, and Danny still isn't married because he's avoiding a serious relationship. He invented a touching and sad story that will always allow us to enjoy success among women. He wore a ring and was told that he had an unhappy marriage, a bad wife and that he lives just a nightmare. This story worked perfectly: the girls were feeling pity for the poor man, and they tried to console him as best they could. And the only thing that was like sex without commitment and serious intentions.

But it so happened that one day Danny met a beautiful girl Palmer, with whom he truly fell in love. But for her it is tested the story of the ring and terrible wife did not work. Pamler did not like the fact that it can only be a mistress. Then our hero had to convince the girl that he will soon get a divorce, and they can be together. But the principal Palmer said he wanted to meet his wife and to find out if it really is.


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Our hero is left with no choice but to instigate his assistant Katherine to pretend to be his wife only for a few hours. But it was not as imagined Danny. From this starting incredible events, and the characters in the movie all the more entangled in the web of lies.

Interestingly, this same plot was used in an old Hollywood movie "cactus Flower" 1969. The origin of this story is hard to follow, but, apparently, it originates in the script of the French play Fleur de cactus.

Actors “Pretend to be my wife" has been chosen very successfully. They added to the story of his remarkable game. In the end – a lovely, good movie.

Nicole Kidman

Cast: Adam Sandler

In the lead role involved well-known and experienced Comedy actor Adam Sandler.

Knowing the previous experience and the ability of Sandler, you can tell that for him this was a typical role. He played great and according to the story, but I can't say that his character was something outstanding.

Jennifer aniston

In Addition, one of the main roles in the picture was Jennifer aniston, which also had sufficient experience in Comedy pictures. Aniston has proven itself as a drama actress, but its main role to date is still Rachel from the TV series “Friends”. So for the actress constantly to sort things out on the screen, something to hide, to lie, then to disentangle all this – is nothing new.

Critics praised the acting of Sandler and aniston, and noted that their tandem looked organically, and they well complement each other. In addition, they managed to create the necessary chemistry, as their characters in the film realize that they love each other and decide to stay together.

Griffin Gluck

Unusual N. Kidman

Before 2011, when the screens out the picture of the “Pretend to be my wife", Nicole Kidman gained a reputation as a good actress and became popular in Hollywood. Her achievements have also been highly praised, and in 2003, Kidman received her first and currently the only “Oscar” in the nomination "Best actress". This award went to her for a picture “Watch”, where they starred with Meryl Streep and Julianne Moore. Strong acting tandem three talented Actresses earned rave reviews from critics and numerous awards. Of these, Lavrov went and Kidman.

And then the actress had successful projects, among them a drama called "Cold mountain”, where she played a British actor Jude law and Renee Zellweger. The film has collected good box office and received several nominations at the «Oscar».

All of this suggests that Nicole Kidman – an incredibly strong and talented dramatic actress. However, her filmography was not examples that would show her comedic talent. And here in 2011 she had a supporting role in the new Comedy of Sandler “Pretend to be my wife". She played the screen role of old friend and rival of the heroine of Aniston. Have Kidman has a small role, but her comedic debut was quite successful. She was able to cooperate with people who has already established himself as a talented comedic actors and not lost on their background.

the film pretend my wife

Nick Swardson

Nick got in the picture “Pretend to be my wife" small secondary role. He plays the cousin of the main character, and he himself had a lot of problems. Nick Swardson perfectly coped with its task and organically fit the story.

In 2011, the debut of Swardson when he played a minor role in the film “Almost famous”. After that, he went on to star in Hollywood films. Remarkably, he has appeared with small roles in almost all recent films of Sandler. This “Chuck and Larry: Fire wedding” and “criticism and praise of life” and others. After the premiere of the film “Pretend to be my wife", Swardson continued its effective cooperation with Sandler and has starred in several films with his participation.

nick swardson

Griffin Gluck

And we must not forget, of course, Griffin Gluck, who coped with his task. For a young American actor, the role of the son of Katherine, who was impersonating the wife of the main hero, was, in fact, debut on the big screens. To maintain the lies, Danny is the character of Griffin – little Michael, was to become his obedient child. But Michael turned out to be a scoundrel. He realized that the man was in a bind and can't of anything to say so he began openly to be greedy and ask for anything. It is a small Michael begged Danny stay for the entire company in Hawaii.

After his small role in this Comedy Griffin Gluck received cameo roles in various television projects, and later included in the main part of the series "Red band". The series was launched in 2014 and was quite warmly received by critics.

To summarize, I want to say that this film is a modern adaptation of the classic touching story about true love. This story was filmed on the American way, but it may amuse the audience funny humor, funny situations and, of course, the actors are “Pretend to be my wife" was on top.


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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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