Shea butter for face: reviews cosmetologists. Face mask with Shea butter


2018-03-26 20:22:21




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The Natural oils given to us by nature, often find their application in cosmetics. Nothing surprising in this. The fact that the valuable oil cannot be compared with any one of the means for skin care. This natural product allows us to look younger and forget about wrinkles and many other cosmetic problems.

Shea butter for face reviews

And the most Special place of honor in this matter is Shea butter. Because the composition of this unique product may well be the envy of any, even the most expensive creams.


Since ancient times, Shea butter is used by people of Africa. And this is because due to its valuable properties, it is able to exert beneficial effects.

Shea Butter is produced from the fruit of the tree of names whose several. It's Colo and Kare, Shea butter and Shea. The tree grows in the savannas of Nigeria and Senegal. It is also grown in the Sudan, Mali and Ghana. Outwardly the Shea butter is similar to oak. This similarity gives it a solid trunk and long life expectancy (up to 300 years).

face mask with Shea butter

From the fruit of the Shea, which looks similar to a miniature avocado, extract the bones. They are a direct source of healing oil. Bone fried or boiled, and then thoroughly pulverized.

Getting oil

Medicinal product from the unique seed of the Shea tree can be prepared in two ways. One of them – manual, and the second – production.

The First way to get the oil the most time-consuming and requires a lot of patience. Its use seeds are crushed in a mortar, and then to the resulting mass is added a small amount of water. The mixture is thoroughly pounded until brown paste.


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The Next step is the process of rinsing. It is conducted before the formation of foam, which is then collected, and then boiled. The top layer of the resulting broth is removed and leave to cool. This substance, resembling in appearance the baked milk and is a famous Shea butter.

To Obtain this product, and allow modern technical developments. In the production method, seeds are the fruit of the karite pass through the stages of heat treatment, filtration, bleaching, and then deodorizing. The resulting product has an attractive snow-white color and devoid of the specific smell.

Chemical composition

Shea butter contains very valuable vitamins E, A and C. in addition, its composition is rich in macro - and microelements, proteins, fatty acids (palmitic and linolenic, myristic and arachidic, oleic, and stearic), phytosterols and alcohols.

Useful properties

Since ancient times, the inhabitants of the African continent have used Shea butter for cooking a variety of dishes. This product is highly nutritious. Besides, he is a decent substitute familiar to Europeans butter and sunflower oil.

Because it contained natural African product fatty acids in the human body:

  • Strengthen all of the intercellular walls;
  • Accelerates the process of formation of hormone-like substances;
  • Releasing large amounts of energy for life.

In cooking the civilized countries of Shea butter is almost never used. It is only sometimes used in some areas of the food industry. For example, it could be a chocolate or margarine. Most popularity this amazing oil gained in cosmetology. Its included in various face creams, masks, scrubs and lipsticks, as well as healing balms. Most often people use Shea butter for the face. Reviews beauticians acknowledge that this natural product has an impressive list of medicinal properties. So, it is capable of:

  • Provide the skin with vitamins A, D and E, it is highly necessary that retain skin healthy and elasticity;
  • Increase collagen formation, preventing age-related changes of the skin;
  • To reduce inflammation and the associated tissue swelling.

In addition, Shea butter is distinguished by antimicrobial activity. It can increase local blood circulation, which is used during the massage. Shea butter accelerates the healing of fractures, treating burns, and small wounds. It eliminates diaper rash and acne, and also moisturizes and nourishes the skin while combating the processes of peeling and protecting it from aggressive influence of frost and sun, sea water, wind etc. it is Recommended that a unique product and to strengthen the cuticle, nail plate and hair.

In some cases, the Shea butter for the face? User testimonials confirm that it works superbly on dry and irritated, tired and sensitive skin. Who recommend this is a unique natural remedy? The owners of the troubled and aging, irritated, aging and very thin skin. Natural Shea butter will fill it with the necessary health elements. In addition, when using this product improves the complexion.

Shea butter is recommended by beauticians and for problems such as:

  • Psoriasis
  • Frostbite and burns;
  • Eczema;
  • Dermatosis;
  • Allergy.

Gentle care

One of the most unique forms of cosmetic products is cream souffle for the face. With Shea butter and other healing ingredients, you can see it on the shelves of manyshops selling health products. This name means were not accidental. The fact that in its consistency it resembles a delicious and airy dessert cream. Incredibly delicate structure means fond of many women.

These creams contain components used in ordinary removerange. It is saturated fat, and Shea butter, grapes, coconut, etc. All these ingredients thoroughly whipped, getting air and light structure. It is very helpful become all the ingredients, including Shea butter for the face. Consumer reviews confirm that such funds are perfectly moisturize and soften the skin and smooth appeared on her wrinkles. The nourishment of the epidermis is much faster than using conventional creams. In addition, cosmetic soufflé will not leave residue after use on the face like a greasy film.

Shea butter face cream

Thanks to the gentle structure of the funds the maximum effect produces Shea butter for the face. The user reviews say that this cream is particularly beneficial effect on the skin, clogging the pores and eliminating many disadvantages. Cosmetologists say that this tool perfectly recovers all damaged cells. This leads to the fact that the facial skin becomes silky, soft and smooth.

Independent cosmetic

Shea Butter for skin can be used as independent substances. There is no need to add to it other ingredients. In what order you use pure Shea butter for the face? The user reviews confirm that African natural product effective as:

  1. Mask.
  2. Cream.
  3. Sunscreen.

Shea Butter face can be applied to the skin of any type. It is effective even in the case when the person has open sores or is it subject to any dermatological disease.

Thanks to its excellent moisturizing properties and lack of chemical additives natural African product is used to protect the skin of newborns.

Shea butter for face

If you decide to use Shea butter for the face as a separate cosmetic item, it can be taken straight from the jar. Only the hands must be previously disinfected. The Shea butter in this case will easily melt from the temperature of the fingers. This greatly simplifies the procedure of its application on the skin.

Shea Butter in masks

A wonderful product from the fruit of a tree that grows in Africa, used for cosmetic purposes since the time of Cleopatra. Thanks to this component on the beneficial effects of creams and masks, you can speak after only a few uses. Use Shea can women of any age. I highly recommend this product to those who are over 30. Moreover, to achieve the maximum effect ladies in this age group allows the application of nourishing and restorative masks.

How to prepare this cosmetic product at home? First of all, we need to heat up 2 tbsp of Shea butter in a water bath by adding 1 tea spoon of powder of lemon peel, one egg yolk and 1 tablespoon of rosehip oil. This tool is perfect for frequent use, as it has no contraindications.

Many women like facial mask with Shea butter with regenerating and toning properties. For its preparation mix equal parts coconut oil and Shea butter, as well as pre-mashed pulp of aloe leaves. The medicinal composition is applied to the skin, leave it for 20 minutes, then wash off with warm water.

To prepare the mask, producing a nourishing and softening effect, it is necessary to mix in equal amounts of Shea butter, natural honey and olive oil. After to the obtained means should add one banana, peeled.

What else gets Shea butter reviews? For face masks in addition to natural African product can be added such wonderful ingredients as natural honey, wheat germ and jojoba. All these components are taken in equal quantities and thoroughly mixed. For reviews of cosmetic, this face mask with Shea butter perfectly nourishes and moisturizes the skin.

Shea Butter in creams

Tools, among which is the exotic product from fruit of the karite tree, great for sensitive and dry skin. Face cream with Shea butter made from a mixture of medicinal ingredients. In his composition 4 h. spoons almond oil and 2 h. spoons of Shea butter and essential oils of blue chamomile and lavender. The mixture should thicken, and for this it should be placed in the refrigerator.

Creams are made from exotic African product can be added various ingredients. However, it is worth remembering that for the preparation of nourishing products, Shea butter is advisable to reheat in a water bath whose temperature should not be above 38 to 40 degrees. Yes, you will spend a certain amount of time, but the result, no doubt, will exceed all expectations.

Shea butter for face wrinkles reviews

With the help of this method, preparing andcream for deep hydration. It includes:

  • 50 grams of Shea butter;
  • 40 ml of tincture of cinnamon;
  • 30 g of wax (bee);
  • 10 oz orange juice;
  • 4 drops of sandalwood oil efirol';
  • 10 ml avocado oil.

At the initial stage, melt the wax and mix it with Shea. Only after that part add the remaining ingredients thoroughly mixed. Store this cream preferably in a glass container.

Shea Butter is, without doubt, is a valuable product for the preparation of cosmetic products. However, in its natural form and it brings a lot of benefits. So, beauticians recommend to apply at night Shea butter for face cream. Reviews of women using this product, confirm that the skin is pleased with their freshness and elasticity.

Fight wrinkles

The Product is extracted from the fruit of the karite tree, helps prevent aging of the skin. Often used Shea butter from wrinkles. Reviews cosmetologists confirm that this product restores and nourishes skin cells, making it supple and retains moisture in the stratum corneum. At that, the wrinkles disappear altogether or become less visible.

Shea butter for face

To Apply for this purpose, the Shea butter is very simple. Every day in the morning and evenings it should be applied to those areas of skin where there are wrinkles. Additionally, these zones can be lubricated with oil and during the day. Skin before performing this procedure should be cleaned with powder, Foundation and other funds.

Effectively eliminate the wrinkles can be using creams in addition to Shea butter contains essential oils. To get rid of wrinkles on the face will help hot compresses with exotic African product. To them Shea butter is placed in a towel or cloth. Them put a strip with a width of 20-25 cm and Then a towel or napkin with Shea butter, dipped in hot water. Then squeeze and put on face. The middle part of such a compress should be at the bottom of the chin, and the ends to fit on the cheeks, nose and forehead. You should not cover only the nostrils and mouth.

The Compress hold for 2-3 minutes, then wipe off the skin and rinse with cold water. In this case, works great Shea butter for face wrinkles. Reviews of women regularly doing this procedure, speak about its effectiveness. The skin becomes elastic, and wrinkles are eliminated.

Protection against active sun

In order to eliminate the negative effects of UV light, you will need to prepare a special cream, which also included Shea butter. A means must be received in a water bath. This will require the use of suitable utensils. Mix all of the ingredients need to be in containers of glass.

cream soufflé for the face with Shea butter

The first step is to take two oil - Shea butter (3 tbsp) avocado (6 tbsp). The ingredients are mixed and add 1 tbsp of beeswax. Next, pour in the mixture of zinc oxide (2 tbsp), and then it is dissolved in vitamin E in one capsule. The cream stored in the refrigerator, in a container with a tightly closed lid, applying it just before going out on a hot Sunny day.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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