Cream mask "Botox is an Asset the Expert": the reviews


2019-05-17 03:00:37




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The aging Process cannot be avoided. Aging skin, wrinkles, dull and vague oval face – all of these age symptoms depressing than one woman. Innovative product in beauty “Botox is an Asset the Expert" (reviews most ladies say that the cream visibly reduces wrinkles after the first application) designed to remove and prevent such changes of the skin. After application of the dermis is transformed, smoothed, becomes more elastic and smooth.

Structure anti-aging mask

The Effectiveness means “Botox is an Asset the Expert” (the reviews say that the cosmetic product makes the dermis firmer and more elastic, improves complexion) is largely due to the natural composition, which beneficially affect the condition of the skin. Thus, the mask contains:

  • Squalane. Is an organic component, which is derived from shark liver. Human skin contains elements like squalane, which improves its digestibility. This substance protects from the negative impact of the external environment. Promotes the removal of toxins from the layers of the epidermis. Reduces the number of wrinkles, improves tone of the skin.
  • Hyaluronic acid. Is the best humidifier. Protects skin from premature moisture loss. Makes the dermis firmer and more resilient. Smoothes age-related wrinkles. Smoothes. Stimulates the production of natural collagen and elastin which slows down with age.
  • Shea Butter. Has valuable properties. Contains many minerals needed by the skin for normal functioning. Activates the processes of tissue regeneration. Makes epidermis soft. Soothes irritation, refreshes and evens skin tone.
  • Peanut butter. The most positive way affects the texture of the skin, transforms it. Saturates with nutritious components. Reduces the number of wrinkles, restores skin structure. Tones and enhances its natural protective functions.
  • Peptide extracted from the placenta of the killer whale klemantaski. This is a special ingredient in the cream-mask. He straightens and fills wrinkles. Smoothes skin texture. Inhibits the sensitivity of nerve endings. Improves the condition of the skin at any age. Helps to form a clear oval face. The action of this substance compared to Botox injections.
  • Japanese honey. This valuable product is obtained from the flowers of the cherry blossoms. Lightens pigmentation. Evens out skin tone.
  • Reduction. Rekonstruiruet damaged cell structure. Makes the skin silky, supple. Tightens the oval of the face. Stimulates the process of skin renewal. Nourishes her. Conglomerate vitamins. Nourishes the cells of the epidermis with all the necessary useful elements. Improves skin texture and accelerates the metabolism of cells. Stimulates production of natural collagen.

The Cream “Botox is an Asset the Expert” (real reviews by some individuals noted the high cost of the tool, which fully justifies the effect that it gives) has a unique and “smart” structure, which aims to obtain maximum effect. Rejuvenator is easy to use and can be applied at home. Helps to preserve the beauty and youth.

All components of the mask are versatile and complement a positive impact each other. Contain a large amount of nutrients.

Validity mask

the mask of Botox is an asset expert reviews cosmetologists

Begins to work immediately after application on face “Botox is an Asset the Expert”. Reviews say that the mask is able to eliminate such a problem skin, like peeling. Already after the third application of small wrinkles fade away and become less noticeable deep. In the fourth week of application of cosmetic means there is a complete transformation. The skin is completely updated and looks much younger.

The Mask is designed to care for skin of any type. Due to the content of plant components, it almost does not cause adverse reactions and has a minimal list of contraindications. It can be used even to owners of very sensitive skin.

The Cream stimulates natural collagen production. As a result of this process smoothed the wrinkles of old and new does not arise.

This product is like Botox injections. There is a slowing of the aging process, but unlike the injections mask on the face accompanied by pain and discomfort.

Easily replace all the expensive treatments in salon the cream-mask “Botox is an Asset the Expert”. Negative reviews, about it just do not exist because of its natural ingredients and effective impact on the skin.


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As mentioned above, the present result from the application begins to appear in the fourth week of use. The skin is the next stage positive changes:

  • The First week. Goes irritation, pigmentation and puffiness. Visibly improves the complexion.
  • Second week. Externally, the skin looks more groomed. Smooth fine wrinkles. There is a healthy Shine.
  • Third week. Clearly becomes oval face. The skin is tightened. Leaves sagging. Restores the structure of the dermis and its tone.
  • Fourthweek. Smoothes deep age wrinkles. It smooths the skin surface. She just glows with health.

Monthly rate mask allows to achieve a reduction in facial wrinkles by 86%, and the age - 57 percent.


the mask of Botox is an asset expert reviews

“Botox is an Asset the Expert” (the reviews call it a means of salvation and say that it has just amazing effects) are recommended for mimic and age wrinkles on the face. The cream will easily deal with tired and swollen skin, and removes dark circles under the eyes. Help this tool if the dermis is tired or flakes. Will improve the complexion and get rid of existing age spots. Indications for use are fuzzy and saggy shapes, sagging, and other aging changes on the face, neck and decollete.

Real reviews “Botox is an Asset the Expert” refers to a highly effective tool. Note that it gives a good result as at the first signs of aging, when the wrinkles are barely noticeable on the face, and with age the aging of the skin, when the pleats deeper and the dermis has lost tone and elasticity.

Contraindications for the application

Mask “Botox is an Asset the Expert” (the reviews say that this tool makes the skin smooth, supple and elastic), like any other product, is not only reading, but also contraindications.

The Tool is not advised to use during pregnancy and while breastfeeding, because the mask contains very strong active ingredients that can not the best way to affect a fetus or a young child, entering through breast milk.

The Cream-mask should not be used women with a tendency to edema. To refrain from the use of cosmetic products should in severe chronic diseases. This can be Oncology, different pathology of blood vessels, heart and so on. It is impossible to apply the mask with hypersensitivity and allergic reactions to one or several ingredients in the composition.

The Cream “Botox is an Asset the Expert” (the reviews say about a fast effect that can be achieved after several applications of this tool) should not be used for more than one month without interruption. Be sure to take a time-out for two months and give the skin a break, and then, if necessary, you can repeat the course.

Terms of use

Botox is an asset the expert face mask reviews

Mask “Botox is an Asset the Expert” (the reviews say that the tool is a worthy alternative to Botox injections and in many ways surpasses them) must be applied in a certain sequence, which is described in detail in the instructions:

  • First of all, it is good to clean the face, neck and chest area from contamination. For this purpose, you need to use the cleanser, and after it the skin should be cleaned with a lotion or tonic.
  • On the palm to squeeze a little money and distribute it with light massage movements on skin of face, neck and decollete.
  • Withstand a cream mask on the skin for twenty minutes.
  • Rinse with lukewarm water. Water can be replaced by herbal, milk or mineral water.
  • To Give face, dry yourself, do not wipe it with a towel.

A Mask must be used daily for two to three hours before bedtime. Skin after procedures with this tool looks updated, clean and filled with nutrients. Acquires the ability to heal itself. After washing the product with additional care cosmetics is required.

The Mask should be used constantly, not from time to time. Product, regardless of the condition of skin will benefit, as the nutrients contained in the cream mask “Botox is an Asset the Expert”, have strong rejuvenating and soothing effect. The tool must be applied at least once a day throughout the course which is four weeks.

Mask “Botox is an Asset the Expert” (the negative reviews of some of the ladies say it with frequent use can cause excessive oiliness of the skin) should be used in compliance instructions for use.

It is best to use this money to consult a dermatologist.

What's the result of the cream?

Botox is an asset expert reviews negative

Talking about the exciting result that provides a “Botox is an Asset the Expert" (face mask), reviews. It not only accelerates the regeneration of tissues, but also provides complete care for the skin, replacing all other tools. Improves the immune system of the dermis and protects it from traumatic effects of free radicals. Due to these properties the women who care in your Arsenal cream “Botox is an Asset the Expert” (the reviews say that it is a short time is able to remove pigmentation on the face), noted the results they managed to achieve when using this tool:

  • Complete freedom from small shallow wrinkles after a few uses (3-5);
  • Reduction of deep age-related folds on the face;
  • Anti-aging not only on the skin of the face, but also on the neckline,the neck;
  • Stimulation of the regeneration processes of tissues;
  • Pigmentation removal;
  • Improvement of the skin;
  • Improve color of the face;
  • Hydration of the dermis for 24 hours;
  • The saturation of the epidermis with all the necessary nutrients;
  • The lifting of the oval of the face;
  • Eliminate dark circles under the eyes;
  • Increasing flexibility and elasticity;
  • Eliminate flaking and excessive dryness.

Cream “Botox is an Asset the Expert” reviewers call a real boon. He is able to cope with almost any age problem in the face.

Benefits of using “Botox is an Asset the Expert" (face mask)

Botox is an asset the expert face mask

Reviews have noted that the means for five or six treatments to completely eliminating the black circles under the eyes. Different from other similar products is its unique and unique abilities, and the use of it has many positive points:

  • Quick and gentle removal of age-related skin changes;
  • Accessibility, because anti-aging agents and similar treatments are much more expensive;
  • Ease of use;
  • Run the natural processes of Samoobrona and stimulation of collagen and elastin;
  • Improvement of the skin;
  • Possibility of use in individuals with overly sensitive skin;
  • A minimum of contraindications and no side effects.

“Botox is an Asset the Expert" (face mask) is able to do a miracle and restore even the worst skin.

Where can I buy the mask?

Botox is an asset the expert reviews by real customers

Anti-ageing cream-mask “Botox is an Asset the Expert” (the negative reviews about this tool, almost no) you can't buy at the pharmacy or cosmetics store. Its sale is carried out via the Internet, on the official website of the manufacturer. For this you need to fill in the order form where it fits the name and phone number, which after a certain time you are contacted by an employee of the company and specifies all the information for the delivery. He can ask all questions about the product. Delivery of the capital and the city of St. Petersburg can be done by courier.

The Cost of cosmetic tools

The Full price of the mask is “Botox is an Asset the Expert” (the negative reviews on the Internet are rare, as a rule, they are replacing a lot of custom) is equal to 1980 rubles. Currently on the manufacturer's website is an action where the offer to buy this product with 50% discount, for 990 rubles.

Mask “Botox is an Asset the Expert”: the reviews of cosmetologists and consumers

Anti-aging product appeared quite recently in the cosmetic market, but has already gained a positive reputation.

Cosmetologists say that the cream is a great alternative to Botox injections and other rejuvenating salon treatments. The only drawback I think the fact that the result does not appear immediately, but within 2-4 weeks. On the positive side, experts consider a soft and gradual effect on the skin, no after treatment redness, flaking and other negative phenomena.

face mask Botox asset expert reviews

Cosmetologists do not recommend to use this tool ladies up to thirty years, as a part of the mask is too active. The main use of this tool - do not overdo it and not to apply to the skin “Botox is an Asset the Expert” continuously. Be sure to take breaks between courses of not less than two months. During this time, the effect will not disappear, but the skin a rest from exposure to too active, even natural substances.

Consumer Reviews point out the simplicity and ease of use of the mask. Note that already after the third treatment to begin to smooth out fine wrinkles and deeper folds are almost invisible. The skin is tightened, becomes more elastic, supple and hydrated. Glows from within. Smoothed topography of the dermis. She becomes more well-groomed appearance.

Some ladies are using this tool with peeling skin and excessive dryness. Note that in this case, the product in a short time changed the state of the epidermis for the better, making the skin whiter, hydrated and smooth.

Some ladies use the mask once or twice a week. Note that it has an oily composition, resulting in easy to apply and spread. These women would use the tool more often, but for oily skin “Botox is an Asset the Expert” with more frequent use of triggers excessive greasiness.

Many argue that cosmetic after application does not dry out completely, but only thickens. The cream is easily washed off, and it is better to remove with hot water, it on the face it can leave a greasy film. A product filled with nutrients, and the skin is especially soft, and so additional care need not be implemented. Moisturizing effect lasts for 24 hours, so even in the morning you can not use moisturizer. The makeup on this face is applied well and kept unchanged throughout the day.

Many people do not like the smell of fermented milk product and packaging sachet, but they say that this tool is more convenient to take the ride. Product in the stack is enough fortwo applications of. Just a pack of seven sachets. The open packet should be stored in the refrigerator.

It is said that after cosmetic procedures, women become a few years younger. They are jealous of other ladies venerable age, and they began to draw the attention of men. These people recognize the quality of product, performance, and ease of use. Argue that this result, which gives this tool, cost 990 rubles seems to be a penny. The only drawback is they believe that you cannot buy in a pharmacy, but you need to order through the official website of the manufacturer rejuvenating mask “Botox is an Asset the Expert”.

Reviews by real customers help to make the picture of the tool and to make a final decision about the purchase. We wish you health and beauty!

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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