How to pluck eyebrows at home? Painless methods of plucking eyebrows


2019-05-29 03:00:27




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All girls should know how to properly tweeze eyebrows at home, because pulling hairs - it is almost a surgical operation, and the face is the most expressive part of the body, so treat it more reverently.

draw eyebrow house

Hygiene plucking eyebrows

We forget that in such a delicate procedure you need to follow the rules of hygiene. Often the girls, seeing the hated hairs in the wrong place, then grab the tweezers and pull it as soon as possible. If you don't know, you should learn how to pluck eyebrows correctly.

That it must be pre-treated with antiseptic, not many remember, but in vain. Before the procedure, you need to clean hands, tools and the zone of depilation. Even if your tweezers are sterile clean, it was not lying on a dirty table, didn't get a cat, and without your knowledge they were never used, still better to play it safe and handle it with alcohol or other means.

To properly tweeze eyebrows at home on the pages of glossy or photo in Instagram, you need to remember about hygiene, after all inflammation has no glory.

Painful procedure

It is Unlikely that this news will surprise those in the eyebrows a real ACE, but newcomers should know that this procedure is not very pleasant. So how to pluck eyebrows at home with tweezers from a certain age becomes a commitment, you need to learn to do it with the lowest costs for the nervous system.

Depending on the level of pain threshold, menstrual cycle and General health the process of pulling it may be transferred and with a sense of mild discomfort, and unbearable pain.

But there's good news: with each subsequent time pain is reduced. Especially easy to pulling out the hairs that grew in devastated earlier follicle.

In addition, there are several ways that will help to make this procedure not terrible, and even pleasant.

Alternate method

To the eyebrows was more symmetrical, but the process made you pour out all the tears enough to turn to pull out the hairs from right and left sides. As the skin reacts to our intervention, and the feeling of discomfort increases with each hair, it should allow the treated area to relax. So how to painlessly pluck eyebrows without additional funds difficult, you need to spare yourself at least that way.

If pinching alternately right and left eyebrow, the result will be more symmetrical.

ice cubes

Ice Cubes

For owners of sensitive skin, this procedure is particularly unpleasant and painful. Some cosmetologists recommend to use ice before waxing. The skin will lose sensitivity, because the ice works as a local anesthetic.


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Cold cube applied directly to the body or to roll up in a cloth or gauze.

Of Course, there are disadvantages in this method. If you suffer from chronic sinusitis, it is better not to resort to such manipulations. It's not the wiping of the site, namely the freezing.

But after plucking gently clean the skin with a cotton pad soaked in ice water, or by the dice.

Steamed towel

Other beauticians and help recommend the diametrically opposite approach. Now we do not freeze the eyebrow, and on the contrary, raspravam. You can use a hot towel and start the process after taking a hot shower or bath.

The Process of pulling unwanted vegetation becomes less painful due to the fact that the pores dilate and the hairs easier comes out of his lair. But for some ladies this way has no right to life, after steamed, the skin becomes even more sensitive.

white towels

Fat baby cream

The Essence of this method is the following: those areas that you will handle, you should liberally spread fat baby cream for 5 minutes. Then with a dry cloth removed the layer of cream, then processed with antiseptic hands, tools, and area of hair removal.

The Cream softens the skin making it more elastic and allows the hairs slide out easier.

Not to say that it is an effective method for everyone. Right here's only one: if you pull the hairs on dry and tight skin, painful, aggravated. To learn how to pluck eyebrows at home like the picture, you need to know about the methods of anesthesia, or not enough patience to complete the beauty routine.


Tweaks for hair growth

Pinching brows against the hair growth is not only much harder, but also wrong. There is a risk that the hair will break or will break, not completely, that is without root.

It is Recommended to gently pull the skin with your hands or just surprised to raise an eyebrow. In any case can not stretch much, and the skin would not benefit and there is a risk that you will block the exit of the bulb from the follicle.



Yes, speed is important. Hardly anyone likes to torture yourself leisurely pulling unwanted vegetation.

Slow plucking may be relevant only in the case of coarse hairs, if they are available. They are notable for excessive density, thick and black, and also have a very long root. Precisely for this reason, such instances is to pull slowly so as not to break the bulb. In all other cases proceed as quickly as possible.

mouth freshener

Mouth Freshener

It's amazing, but there is a very low cost and incredibly effective way to pluck eyebrows painlessly. You only need to have a bottle of mouth freshener.

It is recommended to cover the eyes with a cotton pad, splash zone waxing and immediately start the beauty process. Due to the menthol, which contains almost all the freshers, this spray acts as a local anesthetic.

It is Obvious that the invention of curious bloggers, as for cosmetologists this news came as a surprise, but it really works.


If the refresher is not in every purse, toothpaste there at all. As long as it was minty and refreshing. The substance is applied by finger or cotton swab on the eyebrows area, which we plan to pull out, then wait a few seconds and remove all the dry cotton pad. Treated sanitizer hands, eyebrows and tweezers, and then proceeding directly to the process.

Make Sure that no air freshener or toothpaste in your eye, but on the under eye area - please. Freezing effect relieves fatigue, but also eliminates bruises.


For girls with well, a very low threshold of pain a real lifesaver will be trimmer for the eyebrows.

It can be used not only to remove the small villi on the forehead that can not be tweezers, but also for modelling the shape of the eyebrows without other depilatory accessories.

Of Course, it's not painful, but this method has pitfalls. The area under the eyebrow is very delicate and near it are the eyelashes. One wrong move can save you not only from unwanted vegetation, but are very necessary.

The Hairs are removed using this barbaric method, germinate on the second day and very hard to the touch.

If you are not afraid of such a prospect, then you can take this method into consideration. Fortunately, the range of the trimmers is very wide. And how to pluck eyebrows conventional forceps is difficult, this method you can replace salon treatments.

nevydumannye eyebrow


Beauty, though it requires sacrifice, but modern tools can reduce the suffering of the girls. Many people know how to pluck eyebrows at home with tweezers, but don't even know that it can be done and without pain.

Enough to buy at the drugstore anesthetic cream or spray for hair removal and lubricate areas with whom you plan to work.

If this product in the first aid kit was not, pills to drink. While it acts on the body, any unpleasant procedures are carried much easier.

These days

It's No secret that these days the body's sensitivity increases several times, so it is highly recommended not to pluck eyebrows and other unwanted vegetation on the body during this period.

The Pain threshold decreases, and all that usual does not cause any discomfort during this period is seen particularly painful.

Although, if you drink the anesthetic, emergency can make an exception.

thread for the eyebrows

Eyebrow thread

To Make the skin smooth without a single hair will help unique trendy appliances - trading. This ancient method of hair removal thread, which since ancient times has been popular in the East. Asian women in this way from an early age removed the unwanted facial hair, particularly above the lip, under and above the eyebrows.

The Big advantage of this method is that it removes and vellus hair, which is not subject to the tweezers. If you get the hang of it, then a thread can adjust the shape, how to pluck eyebrows at home with tweezers is much more difficult.

The great advantage of this procedure at home is that it superbyudzhetnym. Negative - it's painful, as to pluck eyebrows with thread independently from the first time is quite difficult. But, judging by the reviews, the discomfort disappears after the fifth procedure.

Trading became a bestseller last few years in our country, it is done in beauty salons, but it is not cheap there. The price for the waxing of one area ranges from 300 to 500 rubles (100-200 UAH).

You don't know how to pluck eyebrows with thread? Very simple! Enough 30 inches of strong thread, should be linked and twist 5 times. Then, pushing and shifting the thumb and index finger, hold the parts that need depilation against the hair growth.

Now that you know how to pluck eyebrows at home so as not to harm, but only make himself a little better.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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