Peeling frolovy: overview of the process and feedback


2019-06-27 01:00:25




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In the cosmetology industry uses many techniques to cleanse the skin. They allow you to get rid of dead skin cells and dirt, making the face looks fine. One of the novelties peeling feruloyl that can make your skin healthy and glowing. Before performing the procedure, you should be familiar with its features, advantages and disadvantages.

Peeling feruloyl

Clean your skin by using peeling. At present, chemical treatments are one of the most effective to improve the condition of the face. Feruloyl peeling created using modern technology, so it meets safety standards.

Features of the method

Chemical peels are appreciated for their effectiveness. The result is that the natural fruit acids dissolve the upper layer of the skin. This allows you to remove dead cells and accelerate the renewal of the epidermis.

Chemical composition can penetrate deeply into the skin, effectively cleanses the face of impurities. Beauticians advise to perform the peels regularly, as they allow you to keep youth. But the frequency of treatments depends on skin type. In the cold it is better to run more often.

A Tool for peeling

The procedure requires ferulic acid, peels it will be most effective. A substance present in the seeds of various plants. Acid has antioxidant and antibacterial effects. She copes with the function of eliminating toxins and free radicals. Also the skin is protected from oxidative processes, which appear oncological diseases.


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Feruloyl peeling

To prepare the funds required are salicylic, ascorbic, lactic, succinic, malic acid. They have medicinal properties, which is useful for General skin health. In the mix are vitamins, plant extracts. Components are encapsulated in microcapsules, so the nutrients go deep into the epithelium. This allows you to heal and rejuvenate the skin.

What brand to choose

Peeling is done using different means. Popular among them are the following brands:

  • Meillume. The canadian brand is the most popular. The tool has a mild effect, affordable price. After the procedure there is the same result as the manufacturer promises.
  • Mediderma. Professional preparation allows you to perform high-quality peeling. Although the cost of funds is high enough, but you are guaranteed to receive excellent results.
  • Simildiet. The tool not so long ago appeared on the Russian market, but has already become popular. Peeling gives excellent effect.

What procedure is required

Feruloyl peels reviews

Peeling frolovy, due to its beneficial properties, allows to get rid of many skin problems. Just need to correctly perform the procedure, and provide quality care. Exfoliation is necessary for:

  • Prevention of aging: smooth out wrinkles, eliminate sagging, pigmentation, dark circles;
  • Peeling of the Horny layer of the epithelium and fibroblasts updates;
  • Moisturize and restore skin oil balance, eliminating the dryness and oiliness;
  • Improve microcirculation blood flow and strengthening the walls of blood vessels that is necessary for the elimination of toxins, cell renewal;
  • Obtain a lifting effect thanks to a better development of elastin and collagen;
  • Protect the DNA of the skin from mutations of the epidermis;
  • Eliminate blackheads, sebaceous plugs, scarring, scars;
  • Enhance immunity of the skin;
  • Protection against effects of ultraviolet radiation.

Peeling with ferulic acid can occur in the summer, what can be said about many other treatments. For example, a chemical banned due to the possibility of pigmentation. Many salons are offered summer and winter species composition, but the classic version will also be harmless.

Principles of the procedure and contraindications

Peeling frolovy is the same as a similar procedure. But there are some important rules to keep in mind definitely:

  • First need to conduct preparatory procedures for cleansing: this should be done in a week;
  • During the preparation for the procedure should not use cosmetics with retinoids;
  • Less need to spend time in the sun and Solarium.

These rules must be respected within 10 days after the procedure, because in this period there is peeling of the skin.

Almond feruloyl peeling

The procedure lasts about 30 minutes, then apply moisturizer. Feruloyl peeling, which reviews almost all positive, in the amount of 7 treatments with intervals of 10 days. Though the result is visible almost immediately, to produce great effect it is necessary to pass the entire course.

Contraindications include the presence of:

  • Pregnancy;
  • You are allergic to components;
  • Mechanical damage
  • Skin diseases.

The Procedure is not cheap. One session can cost up to $ 100. If there is no knowledge in the implementation of the peeling, it is not necessary to carry it out yourself. This can lead to unexpected consequences that will need a long time to fix.

How isprocedure

Is used For peeling tool with biologically active substances, vitamins, plant components. The mixture is prepared from:

  • Salicylic, ascorbic, malic, glycolic, L-lactic acid;
  • Extracts of chamomile, carrot, green tea, apples, grapes;
  • Spinach powder;
  • Gluconolactone, bathing solutions of phloretin, resorcinol, and other components.

Feruloyl peeling mediderma

The Skin should be clean, and then you can apply the composition. Wash it with plain water. After ferulago exfoliation is necessary to apply a soothing cream. In rare cases, there may be side effects such as Allergy, peeling, redness. Nanotechnology used in the procedure allow you to evenly apply therapeutic agents.

In addition to the classical procedure, there are almond-feruloyl peeling. Its main component is considered mandelic acid, which regenerates skin cells. Its benefits include moisturizing and lifting effect. The face becomes radiant.


Ferulic acid is a universal, because it performs many functions to rejuvenate the skin, restore problem areas. With this component is created a lot of funds. One of them is frolovy peeling “Mediderma”. Makeup allows you to clean skin.

This type of cleaning is done in the best beauty salons. Italian cosmetics manufacturing allows to obtain excellent results. This is confirmed not only by long tests, but the excellent feedback.

Ferulic acid peeling

Method «Mediderma” can be used at any time of the year, even if no other procedure to fulfill forbidden. He has few contraindications, so it is suitable for almost everyone. After the procedure, there is a wonderful skin condition.


Many believe that one should not wait for the results from the procedure, but it is not. Exfoliating allows you to clear the skin from all impurities, to widen pores, to rejuvenate the face. Before the advent of the method, women found it difficult to maintain beautiful skin in the summer time.

If after a chemical peel to go in the sun, then you may be pigmentation of the skin. Also worsen other problems. But treatments of ferulic acid in the safe. The antioxidants improved the protective effect of the epidermis. The skin becomes hydrated and recovering fast.

After the procedure

After performing a superficial peel, you may experience tightness, discomfort of the skin. Sometimes there is a white film, but it's not a typical frost. This phenomenon will disappear after rinsing and performing nursing procedures.

Skin can be oily or “wax”. Note that no Foundation makeup will not go wrong. Within a few days the skin looks decent, so care will need a moisturizing serum and powder-veil.

After ferulago peeling

There is a slight Peeling, and therefore held independently in 3 days. After the procedure, you can eliminate skin cells with your hands, which is unacceptable after other types of peels. It is advisable to perform after wetting the face with gentle movements. Peeling feruloyl allows you to make your skin smooth and beautiful.


To maintain the beauty of the skin after peeling, you need to perform quality and efficient care. To do this you should follow some simple tips:

  • You Need to use special protective agent for care of face. Perfect cosmetics with antioxidants: foams, creams, gels.
  • Only after 3 days you can use a special cream after peeling.
  • Some time you need to eliminate the use of decorative means.
  • You should Not touch your face with dirty hands.
  • Do not want to use a new brand of cosmetics.
  • It is Important to apply sunscreen, which will protect the skin from the burns and inflammation.
  • Should Not visit the sauna, steam room, swimming pool, because a person should fully recover.
  • To adhere to the rules for the care of a person that are prescribed by the beautician.

In addition to the correct procedure, it is necessary to provide quality care. The use of these simple rules will help to prevent complications that you need to preserve the beauty and youthful skin.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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