How to get rid of bags under the eyes forever? Good practices and recommendations


2018-03-22 05:55:20




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Bags under the eyes is a problem that can be temporary and permanent. This is not a little unpleasant, but a very big problem. It spoils and appearance, and mood. How to get rid of bags under the eyes? Where to start? Is it possible to say goodbye to this defect forever? In this article we take a closer look at how to get rid of bags under the eyes, and causes the defect.

Causes of bags

Agree, knowing the root cause of a problem, to solve it becomes much easier. Pay attention to the following list. Perhaps in it you will find the answer to your question about what is under your eyes already, you flaunt unwanted and very unattractive pouches:

  • Lack of Sleep and stress. Everyone on it has their reasons - children, work, problems, night life, etc. But the result is always the same.
  • Work on the computer. Yes, because all work, but stress relieving is required every hour to repeat simple exercises for the eyes.
  • Most Often, the question of how to get rid of circles and bags under the eyes, worried about people who eat a lot of salty and fried, especially before bedtime. Review your diet carefully.
  • An Allergic reaction to cosmetic products. They may not be suitable for your type of face or to be expired. Also regular bags are formed in that case, if we ignore the rule of removing makeup every time before going to sleep.
  • The majority of people bags are formed in the process of skin aging.
  • Body Fat, obtained as a result of hormonal failure or other health problems is another cause of bags under the eyes. How to get rid of them in this case - just a surgical procedure in the surgeon's office.
  • Injury. If we are talking about ordinary bruised after the fight, they will come down in a week. If there are cyanotic edema should contact a doctor as quickly as possible.
How water affects the condition of the skin around the eyes

Individual cases

There are several specific cases where signals of serious health problems are bags and dark circles under the eyes. How to get rid of them in this case? To solve the problem-source. Consider the most popular cases:


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  • Swelling in the morning indicate kidney ailments, as well as problems with the urinary system.
  • The Presence of red or purplish bags indicate a viral infection. It may be influenza, the common cold, conjunctivitis, or sinusitis.
  • Swelling of the eyelids is an Allergy. Should immediately take the antidote, otherwise the tumor will grow.
  • The Most difficult question - how to get rid of bags under the eyes that appear periodically, sometimes appearing bluish tinge. This manifestation is evidence of heart failure, and to treat it takes a long time, regularly and without fail.

Hit on the root cause

Perhaps, we should not say that if the swelling is caused by disease of internal organs, need to be treated thoroughly, not superficially. If the reasons are so to speak in your own misfires, then the problem is solved very simply. So, how to get rid of bags under the eyes if:

  • You violate the sleep mode. For this you need to paint the day on the clock, go to bed no later than 11 PM and sleep at least 8 hours. Also at the time, it is desirable to abandon the pillow.
  • Excess moisture in the body can also cause unwanted circles. During the day try to drink only water, and in the evening tea ceremonies and the consumption of other beverages abolishes.
  • Take breaks at work, if you want to sit in front of the monitor.
  • Follow the cosmetics, which I use, and don't forget to wash it before you sleep.
  • Normalize your diet. It needs to be filled with proteins and fresh foods rather than carbohydrates and fried foods.
How to get rid of bags under the eyes of a man

Pharmacy tools

If you need to know how to quickly get rid of bags under the eyes, it is better pharmacy tools with this task nothing would work. There are a number of ointments that differ from each other and at the price and on the principle of action. This method is convenient in that curing this unpleasant defect, you can anywhere. Ointment to carry with you to work, to visit, to walk, alone, apply under the eyes. The result will not keep itself waiting, but discontinuation of the drug is often the problem returns. So remember that the refuge is temporary.

The Ointment "Neale"

The Tool is very expensive, moreover, must be requested from the manufacturer, shared with ointment is not for sale. The bottle means very little, however due to the fact that the estimated consumption is minimal, its enough, believe me, for a long time. The effect of the application visible after a couple of days. The swelling and bruises go unnoticed, and back they come back very soon. "Neolit" saves even from such bags, which are formed during aging. Unfortunately, forever he can not save people from this fate, but noticeably pushes this unpleasant moment.

Line means "Dermaheal"

This is a set of professional cosmetic and medical preparations, which are directed against the blueness, swelling, bags and other shortcomings inthe eye area. It is worth noting that among the means available for mesotherapy - injections. To decide on this can not every man, but even after such a procedure, the effect will be fixed only for a short period of time. So how to get rid of bags under eyes permanently using this tool is impossible, treatment with it, you need to repeat periodically. One course consists of 10 sessions. Then, an interval, its duration depends on the individual characteristics of the organism. After the course is done again.

Camouflage bags under eyes

The Ointment "Troxevasin"

This name is familiar to those faced with problems such as hemorrhoids or varicose veins. Where do bags under the eyes you ask. Such a creative use of this drug gives stunning results. Bags become really less, and in many cases even disappear completely. Similar happens with various bruises and swelling. The only thing to remember when using "Troxevasin" is safety. In any case, the ointment should not be applied on the mucous membrane of the eyes, so as not to cause irritation, and as a consequence the opposite effect.

In the

Another budget from the pharmacy. Its effect is similar to the effect of the previous drug. Ointment excellent relieves swelling, strengthens the skin and makes it less noticeable vascular mesh. As a result, all defects that can be seen under the eyes disappear. It is important to remember about the single disadvantage of this product - it dries the skin badly. Under your eyes the dermis is particularly thin and delicate, so such an aggressive part may damage the machine. To mitigate the effect of this ointment, mix with fat cream. Can be applied one to three times per day.

Gadgets of bags under eyes

Decision problems with charging

If we become flabby stomach muscles - we download press! Similarly, to do with eyes, only then have to pump up muscles and to tone the skin that has lost its elasticity and color. Regular exercises for the eyes - the answer to the question about how to get rid of bags under eyes permanently, even in the presence of certain diseases of internal organs. Therefore, a simple set of exercises that can be done at any time of the day:

  • On 10 accounts running fast, fast blink, then close your eyes for 10 accounts again and repeat the exercise. The total number of retries is 3 times.
  • The Mouth opened in the shape of the letter "O", eyes raised as high up as possible, and in this position performed the previous exercise.
  • Fix the middle finger to the bridge of the nose and the forefinger on his temple. The eye, which is in the stretched position most prismriver, without moving the fingers. Pridobivanje repeat 10 times to each eye and perform 3 sets of the exercise.


This technique can be performed both independently and in tandem with gymnastics. In massage there are no complicated movements, just simple and easy manipulation. They can be run both independently and asking someone close to you. Remove eye makeup, cleanse skin familiar to you, lie down in bed and relax. In advance to prepare the oil or oil emulsion, which will be carried out massage. Now, light taps of your fingers holding the upper eyelid from the inner corner of the eye to the outer and on the lower eyelid - on the contrary, from the outer to the inner. Such manipulation is recommended to be done within 5-7 minutes, after which the eyes should be closed and relax.

massage with bags under eyes

Rapid method to get rid of the bags

This method will not give you the ability to keep individuals bags formed due to diseases. But get rid of tumors that arise from poor nutrition, sleep disorders and other "misfires". So, ice in the form of cubes decoctions of herbs chamomile, sage, parsley or mint, and you can make a collection of these components. Then slide the ice cube on the bruise for as long as they do not descend. As a result, the skin will have a fresh appearance, normal color, the swelling will disappear. Method is the answer to the question of how to get rid of bags under eyes in the morning and also before important event.

Ancient folk methods

The people's medicine Cabinet keeps a lot of recipes that solve a variety of problems. Among those are bags under the eyes. To get rid of at home from this trouble, you can use compresses, lotions and masks. They are prepared on the basis of natural components, and therefore have no side effects. Moreover, how easy recipes, what to cook them can even child. Based on this, note that if you need to know exactly how to get rid of bags under the eyes man, you can give him one of the techniques that will be presented below. The result will not keep itself waiting.


  • A teaspoon of black tea brewed in a quarter Cup of boiling water and infused for half an hour. Then, the resulting liquid soaked cotton pads and placed on the closed eyes. To lie so you need twenty minutesthen wash with cool water. The procedure is done in the evening before bedtime.
  • From boiled pumpkin need to cut two pieces, wrap them in gauze and put on closed eyelids for 15 minutes. Procedure morning.
  • To get Rid of the swelling, you can use simple ice. Two cube wrapped in gauze for a few minutes and applied to the eyes.
  • Fresh potatoes need to wash, peel and grate on a grater. Then divide it in half and wrap two gauze. Ready to put a compress on your eyes for 20 minutes.


cucumber cream bags under eyes
  • The Most common is the cucumber. It is necessary to cut across into two equal parts fresh cucumber, and from the middle to cut off the two rings which are placed on eyes for 15 minutes.
  • Protein of one egg whipped to a state of foam and with a brush apply around the eyes. After the tape is removed manually.
  • Fresh potato, grate it, squeeze it of excess moisture and the finished pulp apply on closed eyelids. The mask is kept for 20 minutes.
  • Half a Cup of milk to dissolve four tablespoons of baking soda and let the mixture infuse in the fridge for half an hour. Then apply the mask with a brush on the eye area and leave for 15 minutes. Rinse with cool water.
the ice against bags under the eyes


As it turned out, to get rid of bags under eyes without surgery - the task is doable. Only need to adhere to certain rules to be regular in carrying out the necessary procedures and remember that the result depends not only on external factors but also from internal. Start to eat properly, breathe fresh air, sleep more, and the result will not keep itself waiting long.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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