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In recent years, the Russian farmers and owners of household plots, household engaged in breeding poultry, becoming more and more popular duck breed maledom. Reviews about this hybrid, there are only excellent. This is despite the fact that the offspring he is not able to give.
Duck molardi are a mixture of two common species – musky and Beijing. Bird is highly productive and very easy to care for. But, of course, to comply with certain technologies when it is breeding should still be. In the following article and get down to what the duck molardi (reviews and photos, description) and how to properly care for them.
Perching ducks are valued by farmers primarily for the cleanliness and relatively calm disposition. Meat from poultry of this breed is tasty and quite lean. However, the perching ducks have one pretty serious drawback: they are very slow to gain weight. Peking breed well known to all owners of household plots. This duck breed in most cases in villages and in suburban areas. The main advantage of this breed is quick weight gain. However, without exception, farmers believe Peking duck is extremely dishonest and it's too loud. Besides meat they have, according to exclusive of the majority of owners of houses, too much fat.
Duck maledom combine all the positive characteristics of the parent breeds and are absolutely deprived of their shortcomings. According to many owners of HOMESTEAD farms, with proper care this bird is gaining weight faster even urgent pekino. Accuracy – it is also what characterized duck molardi. Feedback on this bird from the farmers is also because it is absolutely quiet. Everything else, Molotov still and extremely delicious meat is lean and juicy.
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In appearance molardi similar to both the Peking duck and musk. But the body weight at them more than each parent breeds. In addition, the characteristic features of molatov include:
Color of this hybrid can be both dark and bright. But most of molardi have a white plumage colour and characteristic black “cap” on the head.
According to all, without exception, the farmers, the hybrid is absolutely hassle-free. Although duck molardi (owners of personal plots allow to judge them as one of the most peaceful breeds) few know how to fly, wings to prune them, as musk, is not necessary. The weight of this bird is significant. And so over the fence it to fly in any case can not.
Molotov Contain the usual outdoor method. In farmlands in winter, these ducks do not leave. The offspring are not able to give, keep them on feed for more than three months is impractical.
Duck breed maledom reviews deserve good and breed them for sure would like many gardeners and farmers. However, there are such Chicks, unfortunately, quite expensive. To afford to buy them in large quantities may not all farmers. But if you want out of this situation, you can find a fairly simple solution.
Many farmers wanting to grow molatov, for starters just get a few musky drakes and two dozen Peking ducks. Crossing these breeds at home, you can easily obtain your own high-quality molatov. The only thing to take care of, if the output of this hybrid at home, so it is that on a farmstead was not the musk ducks. Otherwise, the drakes of this breed in pecenek simply will not pay attention.
Weight duck maledom reviews, which in this respect is very good, gaining almost immediately. And feed, as many owners of personal plots, they spend quite rationally – growth of meat and not fat. By the age of 2-2,5 months. with proper care these birds get up to a 3.5-3.6 kg. At this time, and usually produce their slaughter. Longer these ducks, like any other, to keep inappropriate. The fact that after three months the rate of weight gain in this economic bird slows down, there is she starts a lot. Besides, at this time, juvenile moulting ducks occur. If you score a bird after the end of this process, the carcass will be a lot of stumps, with the result that she will lose marketability.
Of Course, opinions about this breed, since in the contents it is very convenient and the productivity is superior to many other varieties, the poultry farmers have been very good. The cost of breeding molatov pay off very quickly. Most farmers believed that this bird, in addition to the simplicity and productivity, has another important advantage. Because meat is delicious, to put it very simply. Carcasses of ducks of this breed are willing to buy both ordinary citizens and cafes or restaurants.
The Room for the ducks of this breed is suitable only for light and dry. In the barn you need to build more Windows.Three ducks should have no less than 1 m2 of free space. House experienced farmers suggest to close fairly thick layer of litter of straw. To insulate the shed and make it ventilation should only be during year-round breeding ducks in large quantities. In any case, the temperature in the house should not fall below 16-18 °C, relative humidity-60 %.
Of Course, the barn should be to place the trough-trough. Daily bathing – it's also something that requires such hybrids as molardi. Cultivation (feedback about these ducks, as mentioned, a good including because of their simplicity) this breed perhaps in the absence of the area of natural pond. All you need to do in order to molardi feel comfortable is to set the range large capacity, filled with water. This duck would be sufficient. Actually, the equip range directly beside the house, used as fence mesh-netting.
So, for the farm acquired duck molardi. What to feed (for reviews of these hybrids are good including due to the fact that they are not too greedy) young – this, of course, the first question asked by farmers. The answer is simple. In large farms and poultry farms for the first time the ducks give special starting feed. Owners of personal plots fed babies usually just cheese and egg. Also Chicks give porridge from millet and rice. Their experienced poultry farmers are advised to throw directly into ducklings. Therefore, Chicks can be taught to eat on their own. The fact that the moving ducks perceive food much better.
The three-day Chicks can already begin to give herbs. Later (about 10 days) into the diet of kids is introduced and boiled potatoes. After some time on the menu include vegetables and root crops. Very useful food for the ducks of this breed is considered to be the beet. However, to give her the bird carefully. The fact that this root vegetable has weak intestines. Carrots can be fed in large quantities. Both fresh and boiled.
Must be in the diet of ducklings should include foods containing animal and vegetable protein. In the mash of root vegetables and greens you need to add skim milk and cottage cheese. Also in the diet of ducks Molotov must be mineral and vitamin supplements. In addition to mash, the bird needs to steamed grain (wheat, corn) or boiled porridge. In order to save money on feed, grain the ducks can be to mix bran. A very useful Supplement for those birds and are considered to be Baker's yeast. They need to give in the amount of 1 g per head daily.
Duck Waterers should always be full. First, this bird been drinking a lot, and secondly, after eating it is necessarily clogged rinse food nose.
Thus, in feeding relatively unpretentious molardi. Breeding in the home (feedback about the breed good and because almost one hundred percent survival rate of young animals) - it is also not too complicated. To retrieve the ducks of this breed you just need to cross the Peking duck with musky drakes. Many of the farmers and the owners of suburban areas believe that if you want to do and Vice versa. However, when crossing drakes Peking and musk ducks hybrids are less productive. It should be borne in mind.
If ducks molatov it is assumed to breed in large quantities, of eggs, of course, it is better not to put under hens, and incubating. To young animals of this breed by artificial means, even the novice grower. Incubate Chicks of the hybrid, according to many owners of personal plots, it is much easier than, for example, the same chickens. Good hatchability – it is also what characterized duck molardi. Photo (reviews about this hybrid is remarkable also because his young different strength and health) in the incubator hatched Chicks is presented below. As you can see, this process is in many cases runs quite well. But one hundred percent hatchability in the hatchery count, of course, still not worth it. If laid one hundred eggs hatch 60 healthy ducklings - it is a very good result.
Experienced farmers believe that the most favorable time for getting Chicks Molotov is April - June. The most suitable age musk drakes and pecenek – 7-10 months. Eggs for incubation can be assembled in one week. They should be stored in a cool place. In fact, the incubation is carried out in the usual duck eggs mode.
The Breeding of molatov reviews, which is great, to be successful, of course, only under condition of observance of technology of care of the young. After hatching, the ducklings usually leave in the incubator until desiccation. Then they are transferred to the box. Because the damp little Chicks contraindicated, in her pre-equip the lattice bottom.
For a large number of ducklings instead of boxes it is advisable to use the brooder. The frame of this device can be assembled from lumber and siding to make from plywood and polycarbonate. Inside definitely need to put a special heating lamp for a brooder. You can buy it,for example, in a pet store. To hang the lamp should be so that the ducklings didn't get burned, and the inside of the brooder was at least one shaded area.
Sat in a box suit as well. Only in this case, use incandescent bulbs. Of course, in a box or brooder to place the feeders and waterers.
Three weeks after hatching MultiCom can be converted into a barn. When feeding on meat of this bird is usually kept outdoor method. In the morning let her in the paddock and in the evening drive back to the barn. Duck maledom reviews, are including and because of their simplicity, like any other waterfowl, are very fond of swimming. Allow them to swim and splash around in the designated in-range tanks, however, only two months of age - after they are fully fledged.
It is desirable to Feed the ducks 3 times a day – morning, afternoon, and evening. Score the bird in 2.5-3 months.
We have reviewed the basic information about such birds as ducks molardi (growing at home reviews). Opinion about this hybrid is good not only because of his delicious meat. Very appreciated by gourmets and liver of this bird. From it the restaurants prepare a special dish called foie Gras. Especially it is popular in France. But in Russia this dish is also appreciated and is quite popular. Fattening ducks Molotov to obtain a quality liver produced by special technology.
In the first three weeks of life caring for the Chicks is carried out in the usual way. Then the bird is placed in a cell whose size should be such that she could not move a lot. Feed grown young, grown on the liver, food containing a very large number of proteins and starch. Include in the diet and a special mineral and vitamin Supplement.
With 8-10-day life ducks begin to feed forcibly, move the food further into the throat using a special auger with a pipe. The day the maledom grown on such technology, shall receive not less than 1.8 kg of grain. Lasts forced feeding usually 12-21 day. At such content of the livers of the birds grows to 10 times normal size. However, it does not lose its excellent qualities.
So, duck breed maledom reviews, which are positive in and for their liver - bird for breeding is actually very beneficial. Of course, the content of their above-described technology – the procedure is quite complicated and can take a lot of time. However, all efforts in this approach are usually rewarded handsomely. The liver of molatov sit in expensive restaurants, and it is very expensive.
Good health – it is also what characterizes the home duck maledom. Reviews about this breed is that it is very stable to different kinds of infections. In this respect, any hassle molardi their owners usually do not deliver. Even cold and severe temperature extremes they tolerate quite easily.
Rarely, but it happens that these ducks become ill with aspergillosis or cloazam. In the first case, for treatment using a solution of copper sulfate (inside), in the second – iodine and zinc ointment.
As you can see, duck molardi, farming at home (reviews of farmers in this case speak for themselves) - the procedure is not too burdensome, the bird is really productive in terms of meat, and the liver best. Of course, are the ducks of this breed are not cheap (about $ 1.5 per piece). However, benefit when they are breeding, you can get a lot. Especially if ducklings are hatched right on the farm.
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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."
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