Meat breed goats. Names, description, species, characteristics


2018-03-18 09:35:12




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Goats are meat, milk and down. Depending on what you want them to, choose the appropriate variety. What are the goats for meat? What are the characteristics and features of each?

General information

The Main task for farmers is an increase in production of meat to meet the needs of the population. The annual rate of meat per person is 85 pounds, 43 of them – beef.

Meat goats are relatively recently isolated in the area of livestock, the formation of which began in America in the nineties of the last century. Give the meat not only meat breed, but dairy.

Meat breed of goats

The Goats began to breed on an industrial scale because of the high nutritious qualities of meat. Meat breed goats endures extreme environmental conditions with minimal forage. Her rarely striking pathogenic microbes. Feature of these animals is the need for constant movement.

Useful properties

Meat breed of goats you'll be a valuable nutritional qualities of the product. Meat diet, amino acid composition is equivalent to the game. There are a lot of vitamins, low-fat and low cholesterol. For this reason, doctors recommend eating goat meat. Many do not like its flavor reminiscent of a lamb or venison. All their meat is in great demand among the population. Buy it always much. The use of goat meat, it is not inferior to pork and beef. Animal skins are strong, they are used to produce products for various purposes.


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Boer Goats

This is a beef breed, characterized by its purpose. It includes Boer goats. Of Milk from them a little because of poorly developed dairy traits, it is barely enough to feed the goats. Homeland is South Africa. The breed belongs to the beginning of the last century. Today it is prevalent on many continents.

Boer goats

Boer goats are known for large size and quality of meat. Females can weigh 100 kg and more, males – 130-160. Goats are adapted to the winter cold, but prefer warm, dry climates. Meat breed of goats has a good immune system, produces offspring throughout the year. But those born in the winter kids the first months it is better to raise in a heated room.

Goats of this breed is characterized by white colored body and brown-heads. But some specimens are completely white, or brown, or even spotted. The ears of goats are wide and large in length, they always lie along the sides of the head.

The Animals show a rapid growth to seven months of age can receive up to 35 kilos of meat. Goats have a docile nature. Females are prolific, excellent mothers. They are hatching babies five months and born to goats fed for three months.

Feed on tree leaves, grass, bark and shrubs. These animals have a good appetite, they need more food and water than goats of other breeds. This is due to their excessive mobility.

Nubian Goats

It is believed that the first domesticated this breed. Nubian goats live in the neighborhood with a man for seven and a half centuries. Have the same name with the desert in the Republic of Namibia.

Nubian goat

The appearance of these animals are considered bizarre because of the large bell-shaped ears that are always omitted, and the long nipple on the udder of the female. Although Nubian goats seem graceful: flexible legs, long neck, slender torso.

The Breed has a coat color that can be brown, black, chestnut or white, and sometimes spotted. Goats have an increased temperament. They are characterized by restlessness, insistence, persistence.

Animals respond to the caring person and love to get in contact with him, although they show aggression towards other individuals of the herd: start to bully and butt, feeling confident in their abilities. When caring for animals, you need to be strict with them, otherwise they will become rebellious, and to cope with them will be difficult. Better if the herd will not be goats of other breeds.

Meat breed of goats is becoming more popular. Its representatives today often become breeders. This is due to high profit. With one individual can be sold for a hundred and twenty and more thousand roubles. The delicate consistency of the meat is bought, and the milk with a high fat content suitable for making tasty cheese.

Goat Greek

This breed owes its origin to the wild, the mountain goats, the habitat of which is Greece. Currently Animals are common in the mountainous areas of Crete. Greek goats come in different colors: black, brown, grey, white. They differ in average size long torso. Goats have elongated head, straight profile, narrow muzzle, large floppy ears, long neck and broad chest. The udder in females is well formed. Slim legs with strong, hard hooves high. The back is covered with short hair that is slightly longer at the thighs and the sides.

Greek goats

Goats are undemanding to food. Prefer free grazing with dense grass and bushes, although well adapted for grazing in the highlands with a stony surface. Goats love to chew the bark of pine trees, branches, shrubs, grass, but a delicacy for them is a common garlic.

The Downside of breeding in Greek goats is their ability to destroy plantings of different plants. Everywhere you can see trees with peeled bark, which subsequently die. Shoots do not have time to grow, dig them up and eat animals.

Goat Kiko

The name of the breed in the language of Maori means “meat”. At the end of last century from Europe to New Zealand brought goat meat breed. They were crossed with the wild animals of this species. So got a new breed of goats Kiko.

Goats breeds Kiko

Most animals have brown or white color. But there are black and colored individuals. Goats are known for their large physique. Head is medium in size and rests on a long neck. Horns of males are long and massive, are straight or curly, females – just direct and small size. Goats are endowed with thick, long beard. This breed has hanging ears of large size. Back and chest wide. The legs are strong, with well-developed hooves. Coat length varies with the season. In the summer it is shorter, and winter-long.

Weight of adult goats ranges from sixty to seventy pounds. The female in one breeding season, the kid brings three small size. Despite this, they are a healthy lot. This breed is located to rapid weight gain. Milk is small, but its enough to power the progeny. Females have a strong sense of motherhood. They care about their kids.

The Disadvantage of this breed of goats is a temper of the males. Because of this particular young kids are not allow to play with them. Goats breeds Kiko feel comfortable in the harsh climate because they have a high immunity and absence of disease of the feet. Animals are unpretentious to the food. Find it even in the pasture with sparse planting. Today they are bred in New Zealand, America and Australia. Goats are adapted to living in regions with a dry climate and in the mountains.


Meat Goat breeds Possess many advantages, here are some of them:

  • Meat has a high quality.
  • The profit justifies all the effort.
  • Animals are unpretentious to food.
  • Easily tolerate the new conditions.
  • Have good fertility and care for offspring.
  • Have a high immunity, which protects against diseases.


Meat goats have the following disadvantages:

Goat meat

  • Have the ability to destroy plantings of plants: grass, shrubs, bark of trees. Any culture in the radius of their habitat makes no sense to plant.
  • The Necessary hoof care, otherwise they will grow.
  • Meat of higher quality can be obtained, not even crossing breeds for meat production.


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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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