Feedback from employees "Eldorado" on employers. Chain of stores selling household appliances


2019-09-07 16:00:39




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So, today our attention will be presented to the staff of Eldorado about his employer. The moment is extremely important prior to employment. After all, if employees are dissatisfied with their leadership, the better such places to avoid. Let us rather try to understand how actually things work with our current company. Maybe she really worthy of attention?staff Eldorado


But first find out what the store "Eldorado". In fact, the firm constitutes a huge trading network of home appliances and electronics in Russia. Perhaps it should come here if you something needed. Be it a phone or a food processor - does not matter. Here you can find everything your heart desires.

However, it would be nice to know what kind of feedback employees "Eldorado" are the most common. If consumers are given shopping network is happy, it does not mean that this is a great employer. Let us try to understand what in fact is a shop "Eldorado" in the plan.


For example, most potential workers notes that the firm offers a wide range of vacancies for employment. Here you can find something to their liking.

Most Often, frankly, required sales managers in different departments. In the opinion of the workers themselves, is quite normal. The network is constantly expanding, so "El Dorado" jobs available don't

In second place are the employees of the warehouses and the longshoremen. Here the staff also noted that everyone is happy. After all, you will be assigned a specific job, which you will have to do. Any additional tasks, overtime and other surprises. It pleases all employees. But is it really in the "Eldorado" all that good?


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Say Yes. Eldorado jobs different types of employment offers throughout Russia. And staff claim that the firm can be trusted. That is, if you see that she is looking for personnel in Kaliningrad and Vladivostok, as well as in Moscow and Tula, it is not surprising. Most users are accustomed not to trust such phenomena. Indeed, in different cities often looking for candidates just crooks.

If you have doubts on this score, it is possible to look at the "Eldorado" of the addresses of stores in Russia. Everything, according to employees posted on the official website of the Corporation in a special section. Plus, each "office" is attached to the phone connection.

In General, "Eldorado" address, you can write endlessly. After all, this trade network probably exists in every city in Russia and not in single digits. Click on an interactive map your area for the exact locations on the ground. This will dispel any doubts about the unfairness of the employer.Eldorado address

Working Conditions

Reviews of employees "Eldorado" concerning conditions of work encouraging. They are, for the most part, are positive. Because of this trading network offers really what is lacking in the competition.

For Example, a stable and flexible work hours and comfortable working conditions. You can choose the shift 2/2, 5/2, 3/2. With all of this, the managers to the employees working in the shops, equipped with everything necessary for comfortable work. Then there are the conditioners, and the opportunity to take a break for a few minutes to "sit down to rest." In addition, you will have access to computers and the Internet. However, to use it better only for business purposes.

Working day stable. But it varies depending on the region of location of the store "Eldorado". Moscow, for example, sometimes requires a more intense rhythm (in some places 12 hours, and somewhere under 8). For the most part, however, employees are encouraged to work an 8-hour working day. So it is quite humane. These words expressed by staff in your employer's address.

As for longshoremen and warehouse employees, there is also more than good. And those and others are working in shifts (set in advance) from 9:00 to 20:00. Basically, if you consider that movers spend an average of an hour to get a parcel to a specified address, it is not so much. So, too much strain will not need.

Social package

Working in "Eldorado" is unthinkable without the social package. Its all very very happy employees. Although this condition must be respected by all employers. But the practice shows the at Eldorado

What are reviews employees "Eldorado" gets in the way? Of course, positive. The firm do to comply with the terms of the contract that will be signed upon employment.

For Example, very happy many the fact of granting paid vacation and sick leave. No problems with the guide or "knocking out" of legitimate funds does not arise. The main condition to obtain leave without incident - work at least a year at the company. But the management of "Eldorado" very often makes concessions to its new employees.

For the session, if necessary, according to the workers, you, too, will go without any problems. However, haveto bring the school a certificate of training. Maternity leave and leave for child care in Eldorado meet. And very often. Practice shows that the employer does not "throw" and not "survive" a pregnant woman from work contrary to the law. Rather, it simply transferred to the home work as the employee of the call center with pay.

The Only thing that is not very pleasing staff is the lack of a lunch break. Generally, you will be eligible for a "snack" with a duration of one hour. But "Eldorado" implies the absence of an official break. So, do we have to eat when there is time. In principle, it is not so bad. Because managers work only in their Department. And if you have no buyers, then it's time to eat.


The Employees of our today's company is very often note that the work in "Eldorado" gives opportunities for career growth. Do not think that you will be able to quickly become a leader - this is nowhere. But to a senior Manager or head of sales Department (and even the whole office) can be reached.Eldorado Moscow

Practice shows that the growth starts with an "employee of the month" and continues very quickly. Simply continue to work hard and try. Then a career in "Eldorado" is provided. Here really appreciate the quality of work and not doing it "for a bribe", according to the agreement. And this fact is very pleasing staff. Because most stores do not offer career prospects.


In addition, feedback from employees "Eldorado" about the employer very often emphasize this feature as additional services to its customers. The firm in each city cooperates with various service centers. And it helps quickly to solve the problem of customers with the transportation of major appliances, configuration and connection.

The Fee for such services is not too high. In any case, all employees are assured that "Eldorado" (Moscow or other cities across Russia - does not matter) offers prices several times lower than you could find on your own. And their implementation occurs at the time of delivery of your purchase. It is comfortable, practical and modern. Few people currently able to boast this diversity.


Do Not forget that the network "Eldorado" may provide you with services for the sale of household appliances and electronics directly via the Internet. The staff very often suggest some buyers who have not decided exactly buying, read all about the product on the official website of the store. There, if the "office" in your city there is no suitable equipment, you can order what you need and wait for delivery. Of course, all at very affordable prices.

This feature is extremely pleasing to customers and employees. The first can easily learn the technique of their interest, and the second is to quickly sell the product, when it comes for the potential consumer. Because people already knows that came to watch. All of this affects positively on the reputation of the employer. And, of course, contributes to monetary incentives for employees and increase the efficiency of their work.appliances Eldorado


Reviews of employees "Eldorado" about wages, honestly, also quite good. After all, our trade network is not simply guarantees a "white" salary - she also pays bonuses and various allowances. And does not deceive its employees, as do some competitors.

A fixed Salary. It depends on your job title, and region of residence. But on average it's about 15-20 thousand rubles for any employee. For example, the sales Manager to complain about these figures. Especially when you consider that it is "white" the salary and it will be formally spelled out in the contract.

You can Also receive allowances and additional payments. Of course, their sum will largely depend on profits "Eldorado". However, at the end of each month, stable stimulation is guaranteed. Even if it is not too big as I would like.


Bonuses and allowances that are so interested in employees will at all. They are earned depending on how sold appliances. Eldorado offers its employees the following incentive scheme of the transaction with the buyer you receive about 5-10% of the sale. So, there is every reason to work hard and work 100%.

No deception will not. Did my shift deal? Get her interest. But note, all calculations will be done only at the end of the month. Trust "Eldorado" in this context, it is. After all, this firm, as many argue, almost completely abandoned the "carrot" in the form of fines. A "carrot" to encourage staff works much more effectively.


What are the offered appliances? Eldorado sells a variety of products. As already mentioned, it is here that everyone can pick out something to taste. In stores sellers-consultants will always help determine the choice and will advise you not that "expensive", but what is really better.Eldorado jobs

What can offer "Eldorado"? For example, there are sold:

  • Kitchen smallequipment;
  • TV;
  • Phone;
  • Computers
  • Accessory for the PC;
  • Laptops;
  • Washing machine;
  • Large kitchen appliances;
  • Plate;
  • Exhaust;
  • Video game consoles;
  • Built-in appliances;
  • Small household appliances.

This list can be continued still very long. After all, if you need a machine for sweet cotton wool or popkornitsa, waffle maker or gaming keyboard, a Hairdryer or an iron is easy to find in "Eldorado". Yes, and at good prices. As you can see, this company is good not only from the point of view of consumers, but with employees she gets great reviews. If you need a stable income and just prestigious job with career development, the "El Dorado" is ideal for this undertaking establishment.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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