Breed roosters: description and photos


2019-08-24 20:20:38




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Breeds of chickens, roosters, in all their diversity, differ in basic characteristics: exterior, size, temperament, productive and decorative qualities. Breeding work is underway in this area since the days of Ancient Egypt and today has leaped forward. The best achievements in breeding of new varieties – the work of the specialists of the Eastern countries, the impetus for which was the origin of the cult of cockfights.

Description fighting breeds of cocks

Cock fighting breed – the most ancient among existing breeds. In different sizes (from 500 grams to 7 kg) bird looks impressive and is characterized by:

  • Strong muscular chest;
  • Strong long legs;
  • A powerful head on a long neck;
  • Solid solid beak;
  • Aggressive character that allows you to rapidly attack the enemy in the fight for his own life.

Types of cocks for fighting style

According to the style of combat breed fighting cocks conventionally divided into 4 types:

  • Direct. At the meeting immediately rushes to the opponent and with a strong blow hits him in the chest or the head.breed fighting cocks
  • Krojanty. Spread with an opponent a couple of punches, then he turns around, starts "circling" (run around), and then again suddenly jumped on the enemy, and not allowing the latter to recover, he runs away again. Thus exhausting the opponent, thereby often wins.
  • Possility. Not running in a circle, and catches the opponent in a straight line and hit them in the head.
  • Thieving. Very much appreciated as well-leads battle tactics: tries to clean up from the blow, his head goes to his feet, hiding under the wing of the enemy confuses the last with the pace. He himself catches the right moment and strikes.

The Roosters of different breeds can be fighters from birth to battle, using all tactics. Sometimes it seems that these universal soldiers, depending on the style of opponent thinking which one to use to win.


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The Characteristic feature of the fighting breed of cocks is scarce plumage, causing poor heat retention by the body. Therefore, to keep such birds is recommended in a heated room. A key condition for the care of the fighting cocks are feed with high protein content.

Description popular fighting breeds

Popular breed cocks (pictures and description):

  • Asil. This word the inhabitants of India called almost all purebred breeds cocks that are designed for fights. breed cocks photo and descriptionIntroduced in Germany in 1860, it is characterized by the following characteristics: strong musculature, the squat, castlepaste, angular forms, short legs, stiff tail and a pronounced character of a real fighter. Fully formed and have reached puberty, this bird is considered to be at the 2nd year of life.
  • La araucana. is Characterized by brown-red plumage with a black stripe along the feather stem. Chest, leg and abdomen black. Feature of the breed is tailless – the dominant trait is inherited and is caused by absence of the caudal vertebrae. big cocks porodIt is believed Among experts that the tail interferes with the battle. Cocks La araucana breed is very pugnacious. In sizes, reaching 1.8 kg. Feature of the breed are considered to be a greenish-blue eggs that carry the chicken.
  • The Belgian attack. old Enough to breed roosters (photo) that was developed roughly in the 17th century specifically for fights. breed cocks photosHome to a large, radiating courage birds with an aggressive posture is Flanders. The back is horizontal, the tail is moderately developed. Weight from 4.5 to 5.6 kg, weight less than 4 kg is considered unacceptable.
  • Madagascar. Got its name from the island where divorce is still by the natives. The bird is strong and resilient, widely distributed in Europe. Despite the menacing look, the roosters are very friendly toward other species and may even be able to drive the chickens instead of Chicks. The mass of the rooster 2-5. 5 kg. the Characteristic feature of the breed is a naked neck and legs. Color black, red, white, brown.
  • Lutticher. Strong muscular bird with a long stout trunk and rough plumage. The head is powerful, with highly arched eyebrows. Beak curved, strong, dark horns. The chest is broad, somewhat convex. Wings attached, long. The legs are long, bony, straight set. Belly barely covered wings tucked up. The tail is slightly opened, with good braids. The live weight of the rooster is 4-5 kg Bird luttier has a very grumpy character and a grim expression "person".
  • Old English game. the Representatives of this breed roosters are characterized by strong muscles, thick torso, broad shoulders, closed neck plumage. Chest is visibly forward, rounded at the sides. The neck is long, strong, extending to the back of the head. Feet long, with muscular ankles. Set is not very wide, good bend in the joints. Spur a solid, deep-set, the rear finger optimally adjacent to the ground. Males and females do not differ, except that females have a better design of the rear of the fan andtail. Breed old English game temperamental, agile, scrappy. Easily adapts to any environment. The cocks are friendly towards their owners, have a negative attitude to the opponents.
  • Colange. Breed roosters (photo) is widely distributed in the countries of Central Asia. This bird is characterized by smooth vertical supply of the body, strong physique, small, well-sharpened beak. breed hens roostersThe Neck is long, wiry and slightly arched forward. Small head, strong, slightly flattened laterally. Scallop small Velikobritanii. The wings are small, fit snugly to the body. The coat color of salmon, light brown and black tones. Feet tall, powerful, are always in widely separated position. The back are sharp and very strong spurs. Color of legs light yellow, often with fine black pigmentation. The live weight of roosters – 4 to 7 kg, because of their natural features roosters of this breed are very conflicting, will not tolerate the neighborhood of other breeds. The bird is fit to practice, and amenable to setting up the necessary fighting qualities.
  • New England fighting modern. developed in England in 1850. Over the last century, after the imposition of a veto on the cock fighting, is a decorative type of fine structure. Roosters breed new England fighting modern small. The weight is 2.0 - 3.5 kg. the Body is wide, narrows in the direction towards the back. Tail short, angular, well-defined and put in the back of the shoulders. The back is flat, heavily lowered, the neck is long. The wings are placed high, close to the body. Tail narrow, small.

Soldiers from the East

  • Game Vietnamese. Extremely rare breed, numbering a few hundred copies. Distributed only in Vietnam. Bird wide body, is quite compact (weighing 3-4 kg), with a small tail and short wings. A characteristic feature of the breed Vietnamese fighting is exaggerated comb and unrealistic short legs with short fingers. The specific structure of the legs due to purpose birds, used not only for fights but also for meat production. Currently the breed is bred as meat and decorative.

  • Tusa. Ancient Japanese breed is quite rare. Was bred exclusively for cockfights. Bettas are small, elegant, have an erect posture and well developed tail with poor plumage. Males have an average weight of 1.2 kg. the Color of the tail – black with a tint of green.

  • Shamo. translated from the Japanese “fighter”. One of the best representatives of the breed fighting roosters, photo and description of which cause considerable interest among fans of cockfighting. Divided into 3 types: dwarf, medium, large. Visokosnaya muscular breed with a tight-fitting scanty plumage, almost vertical posture, a small abrasion on the back of the head and the predatory dark eyes deep-set eyes. Breasts with the protruding exposed bone, convex, broad. On the long broad back of rare plumage. Short wings a few raised front, with conspicuous bare bones. Tail narrow, curved feather braids. Feet with sharp spurs, severe. Advantages of the breed is endurance, strength, muscularity. Roosters breed Shamo very aggressive, constantly spoiling for a fight, which are deliberately, persistently, stubbornly, fighting to the last. Never back down. Be training need in their organisation.

  • Malay. This breed is very ancient, with more than 3000 years of history. There is a version that her ancestors are long extinct gigantic wild chickens. The roosters are characterized by dense rough by the Constitution, upright torso, a small, flattened laterally of the head, well-developed brow, which gives the severity of the look. Long neck, wings issued in the shoulders. Comb small, almost undeveloped earrings, beak thick, short, curved. The back is long, wide, sloping to the tail. The dense plumage of the hazel and brown color.

Domestic fighters

  • Denial. Unique domestic breed that are currently bred mostly for shows. Roosters are aggressive, very strong. Advantages: high vitality, endurance and stamina in growing. breed roostersThe Distinctive features of Orlov cocks are high, strong legs, a kind of curved long neck with rich plumage, the nape is spherical shape hanging eyebrows, a yellow short beak, giving the bird a predatory species. Comb small, low-lying, small sprouted bristly feathers. A light-brown beard and sideburns. The tail is well-feathered. Plumage of various colours: scarlet, white, mahogany, chintz, considered the most attractive. The average weight of cocks - 3.1 kg; the best specimens reach 4.5 kg and above.

About the representatives of the meat breed roosters

The Roosters meat breed in relation to other areas of cultivation are of fairly large size, horizontally set, chunky body, short thick legs, loose feathers and calm disposition.

  • Adler. Productive hardy breed perfectlyadaptable to any conditions and is characterized by a medium body and a fleshy forms. roosters Adler breedRoosters Adler rocks are characterized by slightly curved beak, medium length neck, a long body, small tail, held close to the body wings. Friendly. Gullible. The trough will approach only after satisfied “ladies”. The live weight of roosters – up to 4 kg.
  • Langston. a rather unusual Breed, bred in China, is widespread across the planet. Bird Langston has an attractive appearance, has good stamina, which allows her to adapt to any, even unfavorable conditions. breed fighting cocksMain features of the breed: high big body, dense muscle mass, a narrow small head, and the tail is cone-shaped, well feathered shanks. Langstane are found in three types: blue, white and black. White specimens do not contain impurities of other colors and shades. The roosters of this color can be yellow feathers. Black langstane have completely black plumage with a green tint. Blue rooster inherent blue color of the plumage, brown-black eyes and a black beak.
  • Magyar. This breed roosters bred in Hungary and is one of the best. A fast growing bird with good muscle mass. The live weight of cocks is 2.5-3.0 kg of Pet birds need to feed, otherwise building mass may become very slow. Bird breeds of the Magyars is characterized by lush plumage, visually increase her size. The back is broad and big, gradually turns into a lush tail with long braids is located against the body at an acute angle. Abdomen broad, rounded, full Breasts. The wings tight to the body, against the back is placed horizontally. The head is small, featherless.
  • Brahma. Amazing a large breed that is the result of a long selection of poultry farmers in different countries. Related to beef, such a bird, with elegant appearance, is grown more for decorative purposes. cock rocks BrahmaThe Rooster of the breed Brahma is characterized by majestic bearing, high set body, large fleshy Constitution, powerful rounded wings, red orange eyes, powerful yellow beak. Rich plumage of bright and dark tones with contrasting collar, paws densely covered with feathers. Weight roosters about 4,5 kg. the Meat is rough, with high commodity and taste.
  • Plimutrok striped. the Breed was developed in the state of Plymouthrock (USA) in the second half of the 19th century. With the existence of several varieties (gray, kuropalati, black, yellow, etc.) in the industrial production of mainly used white variety. Striped species cultivated for its decorative appearance. Plimutrok is characterized by a calm nature, strong solid build, very viable and undemanding to the conditions of detention. The average weight of roosters is 3.5-4.6 kg.
  • The Jersey giant. the Roosters this relatively young breed, which has not yet come for hundreds of years, belong to the category of rare and are the largest in the world. The bird is hardy and strong. By nature calm. Weight of cocks - to 5.5-6.0 kg. the Head is large, broad, with a vertical ridge. Beak not very long, but strong. Eyes prominent, dark brown. Earrings, earlobes, comb is bright red. The torso tight, chest is thrown forward. The wings are average, adhere tightly to the body. Decoration of roosters breed, the Jersey giant's tail. Rich and lush, towards the back it is at an angle of 45O.

Broilers – poultry for home growing

  • Broiler. Is the result of crossing such breeds cocks like a white Cornish (beef) and white Plimutrok (massaica). The roosters are characterized by wide chest, big strong legs and white plumage. Over the strong massive beak is bright red a small comb. Earlobes in the same color. Have a high ability to quickly gain weight, at the age of 40 days the average weight is about 2.5 kg.
  • Foxy chick (or red broiler). The roosters of this breed are highlighted by the unusual color of the plumage, resembling a Fox fur (reddish-brown to fiery red). Externally, the bird is squat, thick in stature, diminutive. The average weight of cocks is 6 kg, which is fairly high. Meat is tender and juicy, with minimal fat percentage. The breed is low-maintenance and easily adapts to different conditions.

About Petushki-French

  • Faverol. Attractive appearance with a fluffy tail and whiskers on the head, bred in France. The meat is very tasty. The average weight of roosters is 3.2-3.8 kg.
  • Of Barbezieux. the Breed is of ancient French origin. Large cocks breed of barbezieux are characterized by black, with a greenish tint plumage, grey legs, a strongly developed ridge. Average weight 4.5 kg.
  • Bresse Gallic. Roosters meat breed of white color with blue feet and a bright red crest is a national treasure of France and considered to be the most delicious on the planet. The image of the Gallic rooster even minted on coins of this country, where the people sensitive topoultry breed and grow it according to strictly defined rules. Bresse Gallic roosters are castrated, after which they are not treading the hens do not sing, have a good appetite, therefore much to gain weight. With good care white cock (breed Bresse Gallic) can grow up to 5 kg Excellent replacement for the famous broilers, however, the cost is several times higher.

About Kuchinsky rock

  • Kuchinskaya. the widespread breed of the meat direction. Strongly rounded broad chest, medium wings, neck with an oversized, almost covering the shoulders of a bird collar. roosters Kuchinsky breedThe Legs are of medium length, resistant. Cocks Kuchinsky rocks are characterized by moderately long, well curved down beak and comb, thick at the base and is clearly divided into 5 teeth. In color of plumage is divided into banded and double-cut. Birds the optimum content for small farms and huge factories. Quickly gaining weight, giving high yields of meat. The average weight of a Cockerel of about 3.8 kg.

Black Chinkin

  • Chinchin. originated in China. Poultry meat type, it is now grown for decorative and exhibition purposes. Characterized by the lush plumage, completely covering the torso and limbs (including toes) with the formation at the ends of the lush “pants”. Body shape is rounded, spherical. The color is white, blue, yellow, kuropatkina, but the most popular is the black cock. Breed of chinchin has a tendency to obesity. Cold resistance. Live weight of males from 4.5 to 5.5 kg.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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