How to feed baby rabbits no rabbit


2020-04-03 18:20:49




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Rabbits — the animals are prolific. Young females usually give birth to very much. And in most cases the mother is able to nurse them all. However, sometimes the bunnies out of milk. Some of the uterus due to improper maintenance is also developing mastitis. In this case, because of the pain when feeding, the animal may even become furious and tear their young.

Of Course, it sometimes happens that the uterus and does die, for example, due to ancestral infection. Of course, females without cubs will also die. In the first days of life rabbits are helpless and totally dependent on the mother. If the farm has recently delivered females, you can try to put the remaining milk kids under some of them. If this is not possible, you should try To offer young artificial mixture. In this article, all the details and will look to How to feed baby rabbits no rabbit.

how to feed baby rabbits no rabbit

How to determine the uterus threw cubs

Immediately after giving birth to an inexperienced breeder may seem, what Female refused their droppings. Rabbit usually do not show special maternal love for their offspring (as, for example, cats). After birth uterus is in the nest sitting and rabbits is not practical. To worry about it not worth it. Feeding cubs rabbit mostly only in the dark.

But sometimes, of course, and happens so that the mother leaves for any reason, their offspring. In this case, the babies she is likely to bite. However, female pervorodnyi often just abandon their kids, not vykarmlivaya them and doing nothing. To determine that the rabbits were left without food, you can first of all their the sunken tummies. Ribs from the hungry Cubs get out of here. In this case, before a farmer and the question arises, What to feed newborn rabbits without a rabbit.

Receiving enough milk, the pups look well fed. Tummies they are usually very fat (even disproportionate to the body).

is it possible to feed rabbits without rabbit

What you need to know

So whether it is possible to feed rabbits without rabbit? On how to do this correctly will be discussed below. For the beginning let's understand in theory. This will help to act when artificial feeding consciously, and hence to save more kids.

The Milk of the rabbit contains a lot of nutrients. That is why the female is able to nurse from a large number of kids. In terms of the caloric content of the milk of rabbits is much superior to cow's. To match him in terms of nutrient content can only be a goat. However, the milk of these animals is somewhat less rich in calories than a rabbit. This is the main complexity of artificial feeding of newborns. Rabbits will in any case receive less calories.

However, to nurse the youngsters without a uterus is still possible. The only thing to keep rabbits at 100% may never happen.

how to feed newborn rabbits without rabbit

How to feed

Sometimes inexperienced farmers are asking, for example, on specialized forums on the web the question of whether How to feed baby rabbits no rabbit cow's milk. to Use this product because of the low calorie in this case is, unfortunately, impossible. Save at least part of the cubs to only use goat Milk. Also, sometimes animals feed and infant formula (from 0 months). It should beadd the herbal grains and granules of conventional rabbit feed, crushed to a powder in a blender or coffee maker. The mixture is heated to 37 OC. Then it is poured herbal “powder” so that the end product had the consistency of very liquid porridge.

Substitute cat milk can also be a good answer to the question of ToHow to feed baby rabbits no rabbit. Sometimes This product Can be found in vetapteka or pet stores.

how to feed baby rabbits no rabbit cow's milk.

Frequency of feedings

The nature of rabbit feed calves usually in the evening or night 1-2 times a day. Because of the caloric content of milk during this time they manage to get all the nutrition they need. Since no substitute from rabbit milk in energy value compared to artificially fed babies have very often. This should be at least 5-6 times a day. While at one time, each rabbit has to drink Minimum 5-6 grams substitute. The only Exception is baby food with herbs. This compound is quite high in calories, and give her kids can seldom — 3-4 times a day.

How to feed baby rabbits no rabbit: nipple or syringe?

Goat milk baby rabbits you can try to feed them with a pipette. However, this method is not too easy. Often for feeding in this case are special bottles designed for newborn kittens. For pulp-mix it is necessary to acquire Insulin syringe without the needle.

How to feed

Given birth to is Often the female dies immediately. Sometimes, for example, farmers, the question arises how to weekly feed baby rabbits no rabbit. In this scenario will likely be able to save more cubs. After all the kids have matured and got out milk quite a lot of substances that support the immune system. Newborns nurse much more difficult. But in any case, andInstinct of self-preservation rabbits, like all other animals, developed very well. Therefore, the artificial substitute for breast milk is, they BudUt necessarily.

The problems may occur mainly only in the first few feedings. The rabbit will be difficult to understand that the pipette or syringe are a source of food. Pour the food into the mouth of the baby by force is impossible. The body of these animals has its own characteristics. With forced injection, the baby may simply drown.

 how to bring up the weekly rabbits without rabbit

If the rabbit does not take a pacifier or syringe, the first time he should just brush with milk or a mixture of the mouth. A hungry baby will lick the food offered. After some time with persistence of hosts and he will understand what you need the nipple or the syringe. To Determine that the baby during feeding swallowing food can be infused with his tummy.

PWhen feeding your rabbit should be kept in the hands vertically, for example, above the table. Surface of the latter it should be covered with a cloth.

What to do

The Question of toH ow to feed baby rabbits no rabbit, Rather complicated. The farmer, who decided on this step, among other things, should know about some features of the organism of these animals. To go to the toilet rabbits for the first time do not know how.Concern about the timely release of their intestines also assumes the mother. In the absence of females will have to do masters. Otherwise the kids could have a rupture of internal organs.

Conduct stimulation of the stool for the rabbits before feeding. To do this, take a damp cloth several times and carry it down the baby's tummy, pressing lightly on it and mimicking a licking. You can also massage this place the Bunny in a circular motion clockwise. To complete all of these steps should be as long as the baby will urinate and defecate not.

how to feed young rabbits without rabbit

Also, do not let the milk dry up on the face of rabbit. These animals are known to be very much susceptible to various kinds of infectious diseases. And pricessee dried milk is a breeding ground for a huge number of pathogenic bacteria. Therefore, after each feeding the Bunny, be sure to carefully wipe face with a damp cloth.

Also some attention to the owners, who decided to bring up babies on their own, will have to be paid to the areas around the anus kids. Here in rabbits often dries the feces. It is necessary to wipe. The stool may also be the cause of the disease The baby and his death.

How to feed young rabbits no rabbit: the basic rules

Of Course, rules of hygiene should be followed strictly when feeding Kids. The dropper, syringe or pacifier every time it is desirable to boil or at least thoroughly rinse under a stream of very hot water. Infant formula for baby rabbits should be prepared exactly according to instructions. To keep it more than a day even in the refrigerator is impossible. Goat milk, of course, should not be sour. It must be stored in the refrigerator for 3 days. Before giving the milk to baby rabbits it should be warmed up to 38-40 t 0C.

How Long it will have to feed

Growing with the mother rabbits first regular food start to taste a little bit of age about Two weeks. However, when artificial feeding kids grow usually still somewhat weakened. So try the simple food they will, most likely, later — weeks to three. By this time in a cage or box to kids need to start to put a little dried grass. Also, rabbits usually eat well barley crumbles.

TThus, if the cubs left without a mother at the age of 14 days, to keep, most likely, will manage them all. The Answer to the question of Fortnight how to feed baby rabbits no rabbit, Relatively simple. The formula or goat's milk babies in this case, we have dAndVAT 2-3 times a day. As additives can be used And of hay, and Accu. In any case, to artificially feed these rabbits will have no more than 2 weeks.

Every new kind of normal food to enter into the diet of the younger kids should gradually — increasing the dose for about two weeks. Digestive system in these animals are arranged in a special way. If the rabbit eats too much new product, it will definitely happen diarrhea. The small animal may even die. For this reason, it is impossible to give younger rabbits beets. This product is a powerful laxative.

 how to nurse a two-week rabbits without rabbit

Concluding remarks

So now you know what to do in that case, if the farm dead rabbit. “How to feed baby rabbits no rabbit?» aboutTwet to this question is quite complicated. GGuarantees the survival of all calves in this case can not give anybody. However, subject to PRavil chance to keep most of the litter We are Large enough. In any case, to feed rabbitsartificially At death of the females worth a try. Most farmers believes it is reasonable and economically justified. Artificial feeding of young animals is used For example, even in large rabbit farms.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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