Complex maintenance of buildings and structures


2020-04-25 12:20:11




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The Owners of office buildings often have to unravel a tangle of economic and administrative problems – after all, every employer wants to work in a clean, nicely renovated modern office with excellent communications, heating and design. Services to buildings can occur forces the owner of the office premises or through the contract for the provision of such services is signed with a third party company. In some cases, repair and maintenance of buildings, which are leased, are the responsibility of the tenants. If the agreement was just such, such a paragraph must be reflected in the lease.

building services

What is integrated services

Care of huge areas requires constant attention to various details and constant work on making the tenants feel comfortable and relaxed.

The Complex maintenance of buildings - is a package of cleaning services, repair, service and maintenance of communication networks. Sometimes this includes call-center services, payment administrator at the reception, other services.

Who is engaged in complex service

The Contract for services concluded with cleaning companies, individual entrepreneurs or outsourcing companies. Useful when complex maintenance of buildings is carried out by one enterprise – in this case, it is not mutual accusations and shifting the responsibility for the backlog, because the whole package needs to run one organization.

Basic services

A Standard contract includes the following services required to perform by a third party.

  • Maintenance of buildings (supervision of engineering services, support of the healthy state of parts of the building and current modes of operations, existing utility systems, necessary procedures for adjusting the equipment).
  • Preventive and planned activities (conducting inspections, seasonal and early warning work).
  • Carrying out cosmetic repairs.
  • Household and building maintenance.
  • Cleaning Services, care of the adjacent territory.
  • Landscaping and service spaces and others.

integrated building services


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Typically, the administration is considering several applications from third-party firms that wish to carry out building maintenance. For participation in the tender the firm should submit the following:

  • The Charter documents;
  • Permission to provide such services;
  • Certification of the company's employees – have the necessary permissions (for example, working on building maintenance has access to maintenance of power grids);
  • Specification of services indicating the cost of each item.

According to the results of consideration of applications the administration of the building chooses to offer the optimal ratio price-quality, and concludes with it the contract on rendering of services.integrated building services

Contract for maintenance of buildings

A contract for the maintenance of buildings is to optimize the operation of the client company on its core business.

The Meaning of the contract maintenance is to transfer a third-party company functions are for maintenance of existing equipment,commissioning of new machines and mechanisms, repair of buildings and structures of the customer.

The Contract includes:

1. Present a plan for the repair and maintenance of fixed assets of the customer company.
2. Maintenance of buildings and equipment of the company.
3. The introduction of systems and technologies that allow full maintenance of buildings and structures, to ensure timely repair of equipment to focus efforts on improving the performance of the existing machines and mechanisms.
4. The repair in the allotted contract time, the adjustment cost of repairs subject to high standards of repair work.worker building services
5. Improvement of repair facilities, effective use of new technologies to service the customer.
6. Accounting of primary documents and reporting on maintenance and the production activities, work on certification, which is held every working on building maintenance.
7. Work on the planning of technical development of production and modernization of equipment, investigate the reasons for the increased wear, equipment failure and industrial accidents.

maintenance of buildings and structures

The Order of reception of the executed works

Technical support of the service delivery process is monitored by reports that are regularly provided at the end of the reporting period. At the end of the act on the provision of services performed, which is a confirmation of the work performed. If the administration office concurs with the act, the document is signed and held in accounting, and firm-service provider transferred the money.

Individual items in this contract must be:

  • A binding determination of liability for untimely orsubstandard services;
  • For the insurance of workers against accidents;
  • For damages to third parties.

The Agreement was understood and agreed by both parties to the transaction.

Department accepting applications

For a concerted effort by the new operator services the company organizes a special Department. It is usually called the dispatch service to receive claims and requests. It also provides feedback between the teams that performed this work, and renters. If the building is small, such a function can be assigned to administrator or specialist, leading visitors.

Of Course, any owner of the office premises has the right to hire staff for cleaning and maintenance of the building. But the quality of the provision of integrated services is possible only by a specialized firm. Signing the agreement, the owners of office skyscrapers are not responsible for monitoring the condition of the premises and not to worry about comfort and safety for their tenants.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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