Processing of polycarbonate greenhouses in the spring against pests and diseases


2020-05-15 18:20:13




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The Function of any greenhouse or greenhouse polycarbonate is to ensure favorable conditions for growing crops. Along with this, the optimal temperature and humidity contribute to the activation of various pests, germs and diseases. To prevent such phenomena should be performed by a special treatment of polycarbonate greenhouses in the spring from pests, the results of which will be reflected in the form of increased yield and fruit quality.

processing polycarbonate greenhouses from spring pests

Pests and how to combat them

Polycarbonate Greenhouses are infected by fungal diseases, spider mites and Phytophthora. In addition, for each pest or disease provide a single method of struggle. For example, spider mites effective is the way of fumigation or the use of sulfur checkers, but in the case of fungi, this method is not valid. To prevent the development of Phytophthora should actively engage in the soil, changing its composition, processing and making fertilizer with copper content. Integrated cultivation in a greenhouse made of polycarbonate in the spring will help to cope with other garden evils, against which useless even specialized drugs. Combining disinfection of greenhouse construction and the proper care of the soil, you can get a fully working program of dealing with any insects, diseases and microorganisms.

Cleaning greenhouses

Before proceeding to the treatment of garden facilities, it is necessary to prepare accordingly. In addition, you may want to replace the old and twine trellis. First, remove all crop residues from last season – these include missing fruits, leaves, weeds and roots.

cultivation in greenhouse polycarbonate spring

It would Seem that this material can be used for fertilizer in the future, but if you plan to complete machining of polycarbonate greenhouses in the spring from disease and pests, you have to burn all plant remains. The fact that the pathogens appear not only in the infected specimens, but also in a healthy. After the winter, they come alive and are increasing their activity. And yet, under certain conditions, the remains of old plants can be used as compost. In particular, the preservation of the topper possible only if:


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  • Last season was not observed outbreaks of disease;
  • Compost is prepared at least 4 years (during this time, the pests will die);
  • Fertilizer is not intended for the culture from which it will be made.

Developing the structure of the greenhouse to the processing

how to handle a greenhouse in the spring before planting

At this stage it is not necessary the goal of disinfectant treatment of surfaces, so it is sufficient to confine the standard set for cleaning – with soap and water and abrasive means. Polycarbonate is easy to clean with conventional cleaning agents. Further surface easily washed with applied chemistry. Can be treatment of polycarbonate greenhouses in the spring from pests, which involves the use of more effective drugs.

In Addition to greenhouse construction and, in particular, polycarbonate sheets, clean equipment, racks, tanks and containers. Plastic items are disinfected with bleach, boiling water, formalin or sulfate. In addition, disinfection of polycarbonate greenhouses in the spring can be carried out using calcareous grounds. This tool is also suitable for wood materials.

Disinfection of greenhouses

processing polycarbonate greenhouses in spring from diseases and pests

At the moment, growers use three main methods of treatment of greenhouses made of polycarbonate. Among them - slaked lime, sulfur bombs and biological products. Because there is a question about how to handle the greenhouse in the spring before planting, to alternative methods of disinfection should be treated with caution, because the effects of many chemicals greatly affect quality of the crop.

So, sulfuric checkers you can use 50 g per 1 m3 of the greenhouse. This remedy acts mainly on insects and micro-organisms, but are ineffective in the fight against late blight, bacteriosis and powdery mildew. Slaked lime is used to process the elements of greenhouse design – it is diluted with copper sulfate and the resulting solution disinfect all surfaces of the frame and the walls and ceiling. Biological products in crop production is considered very promising direction. If there is a problem how to handle the greenhouse in the spring before planting, the products of this line will be the best solution. They eliminate variety of fungi and inhibit the growth of undesirable microflora in the future.

Processing soil in a greenhouse

disinfection of polycarbonate greenhouses in the spring

A Feature of the exploitation of the soil in the greenhouse due to the fact that it usually is grown the same culture from year to year. This contributes to the preservation and development of harmful bacteria, which you must fight green manures,drugs with effective microorganisms and biofuels.

A Thorough treatment of the earth in a greenhouse from polycarbonate spring with the help of green manure will help to create optimal conditions for the cultivation of oats, mustard, phacelia, lettuce and other crops. Literally podstavitsya green manure plants between rows, protecting them from all kinds of pests. Preparations with effective microorganisms protect plants in the greenhouse from diseases and pests by settling of soil with beneficial bacteria. Special microorganisms multiply in the land, improve its structure and provide the effect of improvement.

Gaining popularity and the ridge on biofuel. This is an unconventional machining polycarbonate greenhouses from spring pests, which also has the effect of warming. In the ground laid wood filler composed of old boards, stumps and other waste. Further, this layer has a beneficial effect on the plants in the greenhouse, and exerting a disinfectant action.


To the seasonal care of the greenhouse gave the expected results, it is necessary to use several methods of disinfection and disarm surfaces of buildings and soil. Multilevel processing of polycarbonate greenhouses in the spring from pests will allow to cope with common microbes, and insects. The main thing is not to forget about the protection of the plants themselves, which are sensitive to the most potent drugs.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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