SU-152 – fighter Nazi menagerie


2020-06-06 22:20:09




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During the Second world war, the Wehrmacht entered, armed only with light tanks. They are quite enough to produce rapid breakthroughs and detours characteristic of the lightning war in 1939, 1940 and 1941. The army of victim of Nazi aggression, were armed with machines of the same class, and often the worst.

su 152

The border of the USSR, the Germans went with the same Arsenal of tankettes, tanks T-I, T-II and T-III. T-I was armed with only a machine gun, and the other types of armored vehicles had a small-caliber gun.

The Fact that soldiers of the Wehrmacht had a chance to meet in the first tank battles on Soviet territory, greatly puzzled them. Captured samples of "the thirty" and KV was significantly superior to all that he had in his possession the strength of the panzerwaffe. Urgent work began on the accelerated development of self-propelled guns and heavy tanks that could resist Soviet medium weight vehicles, armed with long-barreled guns 75-gauge.

self-propelled gun su 152

The history of the SU-152 became part of the General race weapons systems, going all the war years. This battle was invisible, were the engineers of the warring countries, standing behind the drawing Board, conducting calculations on the logarithmic rulers.

Within two years, the Germans have created a "zoo" consisting of “tiger”, “elephant”, “Panther” and even “mice”, however, is very large. For all its structural flaws, and sometimes flaws, these heavyweights had a significant advantage: they could from a distance to accurately hit armored targets.

The state Committee of defense before the Soviet designers had a specific task: to create a self-propelled gun, capable of destroying enemy vehicles, possessing heavy armor and not podpuskayu close to our tanks. The case is assigned to CDB-2 (Central design Bureau), which was led by Lieutenant-Colonel Kotin. Some groundwork engineering team has been, all in 1942 they worked on the design of the new tank, and suspension in General were ready. Had to set her howitzer ML-20 152.4 mm. In honor of this gun got its humble name of the Soviet self-propelled gun SU-152. The job was completed in 25 days.


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the story of su 152

Soviet equipment was terrified of the enemy is not a great name, and his terrible work. Almost procentry the projectile left the muzzle of the barrel with the monstrous speed of 600 m/s, sending it over a distance of 2 km. Howitzer could fire not only armor, but also high-explosive and concrete-piercing ammunition, which was very important for use in offensive military operations. Had to liberate the occupied enemy territory hack fortified lines, destroy Bunkers, to suppress an artillery battery, and it was very handy self-propelled gun SU-152.

The First major battle in which took part “Hunter” became the battle of Kursk. In addition to its official designation, the car received the nickname, however, unconfirmed. It was well-deserved, Nazi menagerie quickly felt the presence of new Soviet technology, that is, on their skin.

su 152

As a tank destroyer SU-152 proved to be very good. Getting into the “Tiger” or “Panther” leaves no chance for survival or equipment or crews - heavy armored towers just flew to tens of meters. The problem was mainly due to the insufficient quality of Russian optics. Scopes do not provide the desired accuracy for the guaranteed hits.

Support of offensive operations did not require the high accuracy of fire, and the challenge of the Soviet self-propelled gun SU-152 was done very well. Her rate may seem low (only two shots per minute), but keep in mind the peculiarity of the howitzer gun with separate flow sleeve and the shell.

Heavy gun impossible to install in the slewing tower, but the angle of the turn (12° in each direction) was enough for guidance and from the closed and open positions.

Self-propelled gun SU-152 took part in the storming of Berlin. Although they were not created for street fighting, their caliber has become a very strong argument in favor of capitulation.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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