Use pigeon droppings as fertilizer


2020-06-12 00:20:09




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Many gardeners use pigeon droppings as fertilizer in their fields. It belongs to organic fertilizers, which are nutritious compounds are of animal or vegetable origin. Applying for plant nutrition natural substances, you can not fear for their health. In addition, such a fertilizer it is possible to prepare yourself, not spending money. pigeon droppings as fertilizer


People have long identified the benefits of bird droppings and actively used its properties to increase the yield. Many scientists tried to explore this material. It is known that in the 18th century German chemist Liebig studied pelicans and cormorants. He found that in their litter nitrogen 33 times more than in horse manure. This trend is typical for all birds. Nitrogen is extremely important for plants.

Unique composition

Dove In the litter phosphorus content in the 8 higher compared with horse manure, and nitrogen – 4 times. On average, one adult pigeon produces in a year three kilograms of waste. If you consider that they live in packs, after they can gain an impressive amount of organic matter. Using pigeon droppings as a fertilizer, it is important to follow certain rules.
fertilizer poultry manure

How to prepare: drying

The Main point is a must-drying natural substances. In its original state it is not the function of the manure, as it is capable of long time to decompose in the soil. Due to the chemical composition of the litter fresh causes burns of the root and stem of the plant, which leads to a decay in the future. Preferable quick drying, because it retains more nitrogen. It can be performed in dedicated furnaces. The resulting concentrate is ground to a powder. Received one part of the fertilizer is diluted with ten parts water for a few days before watering. Mixture is better to give time to infuse.


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How to store and apply

If for some reasons it is not possible to carry out drying, you can apply composting. To keep dry poultry manure as a fertilizer, it is mixed with sawdust, peat, straw. At a sufficiently warm temperature and all that rot for a month or two. Thus prepared compost is dropped on the ground in early spring or in late autumn. It is recommended that it is autumn, because during winter the excess nitrogen will go to the same mixture will decompose completely. When you make compost in early spring it's possible the increased growth of green mass and slowing the formation of roots.
dry poultry manure as fertilizer


Plants are receptive to the nitrogen contained in the waste of bird life. That is why an effective pigeon droppings as fertilizer. Upon dilution of the concentrate with water it is important to follow the recommended dosage. Exceeding it will bring much more harm than a disadvantage. Basically dressing is conducted in early spring, when the trees through the kidneys. In the beginning of the growth watered with a mixture of crops such as cucumbers, tomatoes, zucchini. Beneficial effect fertilizer poultry manure on the garden and flowers. the Root vegetables need more potassium. If you increase the fertilizing droppings, the vegetables will have more nitrates. To prevent this, you should use the ash as an additional source of potassium.

Correctly applying pigeon droppings as fertilizer, you can grow organic vegetables and fruit.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
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