The compound of the automobile kits - a list of required and requirements


2020-02-02 12:00:17




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For the past eight years, the composition of the car kit remains the same but the drivers bought it after changes in legislation in 2010, required promptly to replace it. Lack of recruitment is punishable by a fine in the amount of 500 rubles. Similar sanctions apply to the driver and in that case, if the available autoattack stocked improperly: none required medical devices and medications, dressings, or their shelf life has expired. The presence of the compound of the automobile kits in Russia are mandatory.

the compound of the automobile kits recommendations

The law

The official order of the compound of the automobile kits you specify the list of required components and medical devices, the frequency of its updates and sanctions for non-compliance. The normative document also specifies the procedure of entry of foreign drivers on the territory of Russia - in their vehicles must contain a first aid kit.


In the Code of administrative offences (part 1 of article 12.5) specified penalty in the amount of 500 rubles for the lack in car emergency kits.

Pass tech inspection without it or if the expiration date is impossible.


In September 2009 there was signed the Order № 697н, according to which in the cabin of vehicles must be car first aid kit with composition according to GOST. In the action signed an order entered on 1 July 2010. The main objective of this law was the introduction of the package of automobile first-aid kit and change it with new drugs and products.


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On the territory of the Russian Federation allowed to use the car kit with composition consistent with the specifications - standards that are commercial and intellectual property of the developer.

the compound of the automobile kits

The composition of the kit according to GOST

Acting on the territory of the Russian Federation, the legislation requires that the equipment of the vehicle moving on the highways of the country, included not only emergency sign, fire-extinguisher, but a first aid kit. A separate item is specified a list of what is included in the compound of the automobile kits, and the sign of its conformity to the GOST.

According to the GOST, the kit should include a product, which if necessary provide first aid. Mandatory part of car first aid kit should include:

  • Non-Sterile gauze bandages three sizes.
  • Sterile gauze bandages three sizes.
  • A tourniquet.
  • Sterile dressing package.
  • Sterile gauze.
  • Bactericidal plasters in two sizes.
  • Roll the band-aid.
  • Special device for carrying out artificial respiration.
  • Sterile Medical gloves.
  • Hard Case.
  • Recommending the use of medical devices that are included in car kits.

Often, part of cheap car kits include substandard medical products: a loose bandage scissors with blunted blades, and so on. In this regard, drivers are often independently doukomplektovuyut car kits, buying high quality products.

what is included in the compound of the automobile kits

More products

According to the recommendations in the compound of the automobile kits may include additional drugs and products not covered by the order and applicable law. Among them include medications, stop bleeding, pain, eliminating inflammation.

For more drugs and products are selected by the owner themselves. Despite this, the driver needs to know the expiration date of the medication and time to change them.

What should not be included in first aid

Law-Abiding drivers should know not only the compound of the automobile kits, but the products and items that it contains should not. Under the new law in kits medical kits for vehicles should not enter drugs. The lack of medicines for several reasons:

  • The Majority of people who in the event of an accident first aid, do not have the necessary medical knowledge and do not know the exact use of drugs in specific circumstances.
  • The Use of medications without the proper experience and knowledge can hurt in case the particular person there are contraindications to certain medications.
  • Ensure appropriate storage of medicines, the conditions in the cabin of the vehicle with regular temperature variations is not possible.
  • Included with the car kits old model medicines are not medicines for emergency.

According to statistics, an overwhelming number of deaths due to road accidents is the result of a critical blood loss to victims, intherefore in the new sets, the emphasis is on the means to quickly stop the bleeding. Accordingly, pharmacological agents, iodine, Zelenka and ammonia in the compound of the automobile kits are not included.

the compound of the automobile kits GOST

Shelf Life of car kits

Automobile first aid kit, "FEST" of a new composition has three times increased shelf life, which is 4.5 years. Such a substantial extension of the shelf life has been achieved due to the fact that kit first aid was removed medication drugs that become unusable for a short period of time. At the expiration of the shelf life of the kit car owner must replace it within six months.

On the front side of the box car first aid kit indicates the date of manufacture, shelf life and replacement date kit. In the updated composition of the minimum allowed time (5-6 years) have harnesses and patches.

Recommendations for the use of car first aid kit

The Driver in the acquisition and use of a set should know:

  • Products included in the list of compulsory subjects of auto medicine box, can't be replaced by any other selected them on their own. The content of car first aid kit, "FEST", you can add your own by purchasing necessary medicines.
  • Tools with damaged labelling or expired use is prohibited.
  • If the kit has been used certain items in the shortest time possible it must be retrofitted.
  • To Buy car first aid kit is required only in the dealer centres or pharmacies.

For convenience, the suitcase set is divided into several functional areas.

the content of car first aid kit order

Recommendations for using the kit during a crash

  • Put on medical sterile glove available in the set.
  • If the affected arterial bleeding wound is clamped with the fingers, above is applied to the harness. The wound is imposed tight bandage napkins and bandages. Mandatory is remembered or recorded during tourniquet: subsequently, it is forwarded to the EMTs. The best option is to record the time on paper and fasten her harness.
  • Device for the artificial respiration is used in the absence of independent breath of the victim.
  • Pressing tight bandage superimposed on mild bleeding wounds to prevent ingress of dirt and dust.
  • Bactericidal plaster is used to seal small abrasions and wounds on the body of the victim, if any.
  • Necessarily called an ambulance.
the compound of the automobile kits fest

The Cost of car first aid kit

Buy this medical aid is possible only in the dealer centres or pharmacies. Before you purchase the kit, you must ensure the quality of its constituent products and the integrity of the case. The cost of such kits may vary depending on where they are purchased, the manufacturer and the quality of materials used.

The Minimum cost of the car kits is 160 rubles, but the quality of these sets leaves much to be desired. Prices on more robust sets - for example, car first aid kit, "FEST" - start from 300 rubles.

kit car fest new


Car kit old model, of course, was significantly more functional and modern, because it was impossible to provide first aid to victims not only in case of bleeding. Despite the radical change in the composition of car kits and lack of medicines and other drugs, the mortality rate in case of an accident is not increased because most of them do not belong to the category of means of first aid.

You can Buy car first aid kits are required only in the dealer centres and pharmacies. The car owner is obliged to monitor the shelf life of the kit, the time spent to purchase medical products and not replace them with third-party products in its sole discretion and to have basic skills and ideas about the use of recruitment and first aid.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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