How to speed up my laptop (Windows 7): ways


2018-04-09 15:00:39




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The Seventh version of OS maykrosoftovskie, however, as all previous or subsequent “operating the brainchild of gates”, still needs our custom care. Even the “patient” (or else people who are able to withstand quite a lengthy download process “Windows” environment or “lethargic” in the case of interaction with an electronic device you will not name) after a certain time will inevitably be the question: “How to speed up my laptop (Windows 7 will be considered as a pre-installed system on Board compact device)?” Perhaps it will surprise you, dear reader, but the above problems can be easily avoided by resorting to elementary techniques of optimization. This is what we talk about in this short but very informative article.

What you need to pay attention first of all, if the system is “brakes”?

How to speed up laptop Windows 7

Before you are familiar with basic optimization methods and get the expected answer to your question about how to speed up my laptop Windows 7 OS is managed, you need to know about the main causes of short-term or long-lasting nature of the operational failure. Good news — those not so much, and each of them refers to either hardware failure or software problems. Well, to identify "celebrant" will help you with some simple advice.

  • Pay attention to the condition of your hard disk: the Winchester is full of various digital debris, and the system partition (C:) has exhausted its spatial resources.
  • Sufficient amount of RAM has your portable device? The question “How to speed up my laptop (Windows 7 requires 2 GB RAM)?” may be unnecessary if the user misses the possibility that one of the installed planks simply ceased to function fully.
  • And finally, the third risk factor — this is a configuration mismatch of computer software in use, especially if demands on the operating environment, involving substantial system resources.

Basic methods: how to speed up your laptop

Windows 7 in terms of standard equipment features a number quite effective software tools, the use of which the braking issue can be resolved quickly and the most correct.


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How to speed up my laptop Windows 7 ultimate

With the help of such (embedded in OS) applications, you will be able to produce the following:

  • Clean up and defragment hard disk partitions.
  • Optimize registry and removing “unnecessary” records from the system log.
  • Edit the startup list.
  • Change personalization settings.
  • Apply the appropriate power distribution plan.
  • Uninstall unused programs.

In most cases, the problem of "braking system” is allowed immediately after the user uses the first three points. However, let us consider the complex version of the optimization, resulting in you and learn how to speed up your laptop.

Windows 7 Maximum acceleration in full

It is Worth noting that, as discussed below, a full range of optimisation measures is applicable to any version of the seventh OS. However, the preventive operations in a special Windows registry editor requires quite a lot of knowledge, so how is it in manual mode. Therefore, a novice user is recommended to use the free software CCleaner. However, let's order.

The hard drive of the laptop and expedient use of its disk space

Even if you have not received system messages about the “No place in the section “:”, it is necessary to pay close attention to as “health” your drive.

How to speed up laptop Windows 7 for games

  • Click “start”.
  • Click on the tab labeled “This computer" in the new service window.
  • Move the marker to the section “:” long press the right mouse button.
  • From the context menu, select “Properties”. In just a few seconds you will understand how to speed up your laptop.
  • Windows 7 starter as the rest of the seventh edition version, when entering the service window “the disk Properties" offers the user to use the built-in tool “disk Cleanup” — click this button.
  • Depending on how much “foul” the hard drive, the process of assessment of disk space can take some time. Don't rush and wait until the next service window.
  • By default the OS automatically selects the check boxes, the contents of which can be deleted without any concern.
  • Click “OK” and wait for the cleanup procedure.

The First step in solving the problem regarding how to speed up my laptop (Windows 7 Starter and if you have any other edition specified versions of Microsoft's products)" now you know. By the way, in the service window where you can edit the list of removed objects is presentlocated below the button “Clean up system files" when clicked, you can free up even more space on your hard drive, and also uninstall “unnecessary” software by activating the tab “Advanced”.

Everything on the shelves: standard tool to defragment a hard disk

How to speed up laptop Windows 7 starter

Constant downloading, deleting, copying and moving of digital data on a computer — it's not quite harmless processes for Winchester. You know, “tails and pieces" of the allegedly deleted files still remain on the hard disk. Erased only the data identifier (address of the sector in terms of disk space). On top of old information are superimposed the new introduced digital values: movie, music or document. When large size file is written in sections, once filled with small documents, bulk container data is divided into fragments, which subsequently has a negative impact on the drive performance. Timely defragment hard drive — this is the key to the solution is still problematic for you, the problem of how to speed up my laptop (Windows 7 Home basic, especially in this kind of service needs, as is intended for users with entry level computer knowledge).

How to do it?

  • It's pretty simple. Repeat the above procedure to enter the section “disk Properties" tab, and activate the “Service”.
  • Click the “Optimize” and in the next window, click on the same button, located under the unit, which displays the active partitions of the hard drive.
  • If you wish to automate this kind of preventative actions, you can specify the time (activate the “Enable”), according to which a computer system is able to produce the required operation in the background.

By the Way, if you click on the button “Test”, which is located just above the block defragmentation, the operating system will check your hard drive for errors that will help resolve the question of how to speed up your laptop. Windows 7 Ultimate will be more productive, as, indeed, any other OS, if you resort to the above methods of optimization.

“consumers” system resources: search and destroy

How to speed up laptop Windows 7 Home basic

Some malware programs are cleverly disguised in the Windows environment. Unfortunately, not always traditional anti-virus software have the ability to detect and neutralize such destructive code. However, there are many free utilities by which user will be able to find and defuse the ‘digital attacker”. Braking will be obvious if a virus program is tuned to the collection, processing and sending to an unnamed recipient of a particular type of data located on your laptop. By the way, Malwarebytes free will cope with the above problem. So remains the case for small — download and run the mentioned software.

Remove unnecessary from the contents of all autorun list

At the time of starting the operating system is activated a lot of programs. Not every novice knows that most installed on the computer application is automatically assigned a priority in the startup list. The result is running in the background soft simply wasting often very necessary to RAM the Arsenal, so to say for nothing… What is to be done in this case to speed up the work laptop (Windows 7)? Program designed to manage and edit contents of all autorun list is invoked as follows:

How to speed up laptop Windows 7 Starter

  • In the search check-box menu “start” write the command “msconfig”.
  • Next, in the results window will display the desired program object — we press enter and go to the workspace Windows service “Configuration”.
  • It is necessary to open the tab “startup” and to deactivate under-utilized software.

It is Worth noting that at the end of the editing process, you may need to reboot. It should be noted that disable everything and indiscriminately is highly undesirable, because deactivating some critical Windows services — this is the first step towards the unknown. In some situations, changing the launch options can lead to a complete collapse of the OS. So be careful when making changes to the startup list.

CCleaner — the software that will cause Windows to speed up

Imagine the following situation: running the game slows down terribly or refuses to start, scaring the endless waiting for the black screen. How to speed up laptop? Windows 7 for gaming is ideal, and if you, dear user, should know better. However, you must be sure that the hardware of your laptop meets the requirements of the gaming application. Only after you are convinced that your video card, CPU and RAM meet the “appetite” game software, try one of the following recommendations.

Speed up laptop Windows 7 program

  • Run the downloaded and installed on your laptop is a small and free program CCleaner.
  • Clean the system partition from the accumulated "digital stuff” and place the order in the registry of the operating environment.
  • There is No sense to describe the process of interaction with various utilities built into the optimizer CCleaner, such are many, but the main ones are located directly in the starting region of the program (main window of the software).
  • Alternately, use a cleaning app and don't forget to disable unused software on the startup menu.

Believe that after everything will be fine, your laptop is significantly faster, and the game will simply be “flying”.

Instead of an epilogue

As you can see, everything is quite simple and there is nothing complicated about carrying out a full optimization process. Well open finally, a small but very powerful secret: using resource intensive SOFTWARE, please note what kind of power are involved at the moment. Might need to switch to productive mode. Of course, you will not be difficult to activate the simplified scheme of personalization, if the system resources of your laptop leave much to be desired.

That's it. Good luck with session optimization, and remember: hardware upgrade some laptops are quite real in terms of implementation. The speed and stability of your operating system!

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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