File sharing - what is it? Resources for file sharing


2019-04-14 17:00:27




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The article describes this resource as file sharing. What is he like? Why do we need file sharing and why they are gradually replacing torrent trackers?

The Beginning of the computer age

Once upon a time computers were an attribute of the only research centers, they occupy a lot of space, weighed hundreds of pounds, and computing power compared to today was just ridiculous. Fortunately, digital technologies have developed and are developing by leaps and bounds, and in our time, the computer can afford to almost everyone, both for work and for entertainment purposes. Of course, with their promotion of and growing need for methods of data transmission, be it a movie, music or software. Initially this helped flexible floppy disks, and later CDs and USB flash drives. But how to transfer the file if the recipient is very far away? This is what has contributed to the development of such things as resource for sharing files. But what is file sharing? How does it work and does it have a future? In this we will understand.

file sharing what is

Imagine that you have a file, be it a working document, or something else, and it needs to be transferred to another person. This can be done in different ways: on disk, flash drive or memory card. But, what if the recipient is very far away? In this case, comes to the aid of the Internet. Until relatively recently, on unlimited fast access to the Network, many only dreamed of, but now it will not surprise anyone. So what is file sharing? This is an intermediate server, the information store on which the user is downloading something, and then gives a download link to the recipient. Simply put, this is a digital “intermediary”, which through the Internet provides access to files. To protect information, set a password, without which the third party nothing to download, and put the term “life”, after which it will be removed. So now we know what file sharing.


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But why do we need this process if any file can be sent via attachment to an email message, through a messenger and the same “Skype?” just isn't any. All of them there is a limit on the size of the sent document, and for the latter two methods need to the recipient confirmed your appointment, otherwise the transfer will not take place. But with file sharing it's much easier: you need only to send a man a link and he'll decide when to download the information. But the appointment of such resources does not end.


what is file sharing

The Majority of these services were originally created not for purely working forward, their main purpose — extensive information exchange. Simply put, users upload to these servers a huge amount of music, books, movies and programs, then sharing. Use them also and various websites. For example, you have created a site that hosts reviews of various software and have the ability to download. But all this takes a lot of space, and much more profitable to place files on the exchanger, and on its site, just provide links to them.

Such activities was associated with several major scandals that resulted in the closing of the international file sharing as it spread illegal digital content.

However, a closer look at two such services that are among the most popular in Russia and the former Soviet Union. They belong to companies “Yandex” and

File Sharing «Yandex»

file sharing Yandex

This service was one of the first to provide the capability of downloading and sharing files, only took account of "Yandex". At the moment the service called «Yandex.The people” closed. Access to it is not. To replace him came a new — «Yandex.Drive” and that full-fledged cloud storage. In fact, the same opportunities in the download and exchange of files remained, but added a number of interesting and useful features, and chief among them — is to synchronize the data on your computer and the information on the server. So the new file sharing “Yandex” is no worse than before.


sharing mail

This company has a similar story, there was a service called “Файлы» but in connection with the transition, again, on cloud technology, access to it is closed. However, if the user left the information there, they need not worry. She left, and it can be transferred to “cloud”. File sharing Mail was very popular, as it automatically save the data that was too large to forward an attachment in an email.

The Company also carried out several profitable promotions to attract users to a new “cloud” technology. So, all users were also provided with free disk space of 100 GB in size, and later, in connection with the release of service from the testing stage, even a terabyte. This is much more than the competition, which originally are only 3—5 GB to expand the storage can only be for money. So file sharing Maildeserved popularity.


file hosting without registration

One of the aspects that repelled users from file storage, — check. Because not all use them on a regular basis, you have to go through a tedious registration process wishing was not enough. In addition, many sites intentionally limited the download speed if the user is not authorized or not allowed to load data of large size. Now it is possible to allocate My-Files.RU as a good file sharing without registration.

The Majority of these services over time began to introduce a paid subscription that will allow to remove restrictions on speed, file types and their sizes. But today torrent trackers gradually and confidently occupies a leading place. They do not require the registration of, see advertising, fee, and the speed is not limited. So file sharing EN-zones are losing their audience. However, like all the others.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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