How do you configure The Bat


2018-03-18 14:25:57




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The concept of “Internet” and “Email” are so closely intertwined that in the minds of many constitutes almost one and the same. For example, sometimes in a conversation between two users can be heard “Throw me an email over the Internet”. setting The BatOf Course, these are completely different things, but some connection between them, of course. The ability to receive and send emails much fits life, so this kind of communication today is incredibly popular. For this reason, the amount of correspondence carried the usual postal services, in recent years, fell sharply.

Any computer owner knows that each task has a corresponding software tool. For example, to work with documents in the system must be installed Microsoft Office or any equivalent; CD-ROM – the prerogative of Nero; listening to music – the case of Winamp, etc. We have indicated only popular options, of course, there are other software solutions. The use of electronic mail requires its program. One of them is The Bat. Her setup is incredibly simple and accessible even to the beginner. This is what will be discussed in our article.

Download trial version (30 days) on the Internet.

setting The Bat to Gmail

After installing and running required setting of The Bat, so we do not know what resource the user mailbox is hosted. This is a small “fee” of choice. For example, setting The Bat to Gmail requires the introduction of the program the same data, – other, etc. All the necessary parameters can easily be found at postal sites. Setting The Bat will require the knowledge of the names of the IMAP, SMTP and POP3. This information is publicly available or available on request.


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“cap” of the program follow in the section “Box” and create a new one. Setting The Bat involves a username (can be any – it will be displayed in the “…”). Also need a valid email address – the very ‘dog”. Please note that the check-box is before the configuration begins and The Bat.

Next, specify the supported Protocol mode. This is usually IMAP.

In the graphs below set addresses - the ones that are on the mail website.

The Bat customization

The Need to tick boxes for authentication to the selected site: sometimes necessary, sometimes not.

After clicking “Next” need to contribute their data to a mailbox full name and password.

This basic setup is done. Next on the menu “Box” go to the “Properties” and follow the item “Transportation”. Select the required connection type for sending and receiving. If you have problems with STARTTLS you can specify TLS. Arbitrary ports, such as 465 and 110. Button "Authentication" window "Send” allows you to specify special parameters. Usually a fairly standard POP3 and IMAP. But in view of “Receipt”, you need to specify the full name (with the dog) and password.

It's That simple. Once again I will point out that every post site requires inclusion in the program the appropriate settings. Versatility, alas, not yet. Also note that some antivirus (e.g. Avira) may conflict with The Bat, so you have to disable the module mail check or change the port address in the program.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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