The art and science. Figures of science and art


2018-03-22 19:49:16




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If you look at the way in which humanity has passed, we can talk about that for a representative homo sapiens has always been the main three tasks: to survive, to learn and create. If the first question does not arise at all, others require a small clause.

the goddess of science and art

From the beginning of man for survival was to get acquainted with the surrounding reality, to perceive it, to learn, to expand the boundaries of their own knowledge and comfort. Naturally, this required some effort - so was created the first tools of labor and hunting, so there were cave drawings became the starting point of creativity.

Art and science are still closely associated, representing at the same time completely opposite, but complementary to the extreme things.


Of Course, the researchers of artistic creativity in all its manifestations, and any physicists or programmers can tirelessly argue about the significance of these phenomena in human life. However, art and science, paradoxically, is really linked very closely, and sometimes represent a single, almost indivisible whole.

However, if we speak about the characteristic features and significant differences, you should pay attention to aspects peculiar to only one of the considered phenomena. On the one hand, art is a real act of creation, of contact with something higher, ethereal, intangible. No wonder the ancient Greeks who laid the Foundation of modern civilization, believed poetry, music and theater one of the most important components of human life. The art and science differ, first and foremost, accuracy, clarity of tasks, and if in the first case we can speak about the almost limitless freedom, in the case of science about this most often can only dream of.


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Another difference of these components of human life can be considered their target installation. If art aims at the creation, the creation, the approach to the deity, the absolute spirit, the goal of science is often the knowledge, analysis, definition of laws.

There is even a view that the study kills the creativity and creations. Any analysis is always a kind of dissection, a separation of the quotient to determine the mechanisms of work.

arts and Humanities

Finally, the art and science differ in the degree of access to man. If in the first case we are talking about the phenomenon, which is characterized by synesthesia, the higher the degree of interaction with the thin strings of the human soul, the attainment of science requires a certain level of training, knowledge, special thinking. The acts of creation is available to a greater or lesser extent to each, while the space Explorer and the Creator of the nuclear bomb without years of training and experiments become impossible.


However, if they are different as it seems at first glance? Oddly enough, the similarity between them lies in the opposition. Art is, as mentioned earlier, creativity, work, something new, something beautiful from a certain available material, be it plaster, sounds, or colors.

art and science

But is the creation of something alien to science? Isn't man flew into space on built thanks to the genius engineering of the ship? It was not invented at the time the first telescope, through which the view opened infinity stars? It was not at the time composed of ingredients first whey? It turns out that science is the same act of creation, as what we used to call art.

Single unit

Finally, we must not forget that much of these phenomena, concepts, components of our life not just similar, but almost identical. Take, for example, the treatise N. Boileau is the main Manifesto of classicism. On the one hand, this is a classic literary work. On the other - a treatise which explained, argued and mapped to the basic aesthetic principles of his time.

Another example is the work of Leonardo da Vinci, who in addition to paintings designed in their drawings of the aircraft, studied anatomy, human physiology. In this case, it is difficult to determine, it was the art or scientific work.


Lastly, we turn to poetry. At first glance, it represents only properly grouped the words through rhyme, turn into a literary text. However how random this right? How much effort requires the author to find it? What experience he must acquire for this? It turns out that writing poetry is also a science.

Creators and scientists

So when we decided on the specifics of the problem, draw her closer, more exacting look. Men of science and art are often one and the same human race. Dante Alighieri, for example, in addition to the obvious affiliation to the literary world can be classified and distinguished historians. In order to realize this, you just need to read "the divine Comedy".

Lomonosov, in turn, was successful in chemistry and physics, but became famous as the author of numerous works in the genre of the ode, and one of the legislators of the domestic environment.

The examples above are only a minuscule fraction of the number of leaders who combined in himself both sides of this coin.

The Science of special sense

Needless to say that not only on physics and mathematics the world rests? There are plenty of types of scientific activities, is far from accurate calculations, vparivanie or carrying out experiments in the field of compatibility of plants.

science and art

Very related, almost inseparable can be considered manifestations of the arts and Humanities. Millions of philologists, culture experts and psychologists for centuries works to understand not only the art, but the world through his prism. By and large, the proper study of literary works provides an opportunity to understand not only the features of his organization, but also the time in which it was written, to open to man a new hand, add to the existing picture of the world your own, no less significant nuance.

Reasoning and perception

Very closely linked religion, philosophy, science, art. To prove this assertion, let us pay attention to the Middle ages. The Church then was the lawgiver that was happening in the earthly world. It was determined the canons of art by limiting topics, the transition to a new level, where corporal didn't matter.

How many heretic philosophers and scientists was then burned at the stake by the Inquisition, just how many have been excommunicated for their views of the world or appeal to the form, the volume in the image of the Saint in the icon!

And at the same time, it is the Church and religion gave the world music, philosophy became the basis for a huge number of novels that are now classics of literature.

Art as divination

Since the days of Ancient Greece there is a definition of the artist (in the broad sense of the word) as a medium, coordinator between heaven and earth, divine and human. That is why the goddess of art and science represented in mythology once in nine appearances. In this case we are talking of course about the music, giving inspiration to artists and researchers, to writers and singers. Thanks to them, man was able, according to myths to create the beautiful and to look beyond the horizon, in the unfathomable and boundless.

Thus, the person creating virtually endowed with a kind of gift of clairvoyance. It should be noted that this view is not unfounded. Take, for example, the Creator of the novel "20 thousand leagues under the sea". How could he know about the technologies that will become reality through the years? Or Leonardo da Vinci that predicted the movement of progress before thinking about it all the rest of humanity.

Divination and science

Is Erroneous to believe that only the artist opens to the unknown. In the world of scientific thoughts such examples there is a huge amount. The most famous of them can be called the periodic table, a dream scientist in the form of a deck of cards.

men of science and art

Or Gauss, who saw in a dream a snake biting its own tail. It turns out that science is not less characteristic openness to the unknown, the underworld, the subconscious, that artists with no less precision is determined on an intuitive level.

Total for all

Whatever you say, and figures of science and art in the work of his serve one, single, most important goal - improving the world. Each of them tends to make our life more beautiful, easier, cleaner, or rather, choosing his own path, different from all others.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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