The defense of Port-Arthur – 329 days of valor, and tragedy


2018-03-23 02:12:07




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Port Arthur… an Outpost of the Russian Empire in the Yellow sea. The distant piece of land on the edge of the world, abundantly watered with blood of Russian soldiers. Eleven centuries ago this place was riveted the eyes of the world. It is here that the main events of the Russo-Japanese war. It was a place of great feats, and took the fateful, and sometimes contradictory decisions. The defense of Port Arthur – is a Prime example of military glory of Russian soldiers.

the defense of Port Arthur

Port Arthur, which served as the main base of the Russian fleet in this region, occupied a strategic position. From this springboard, the Russian squadron could strike in the direction of the Korean and Periscope bays. Thereby threatening key operational lines of the Japanese army. With its strategically favorable position, Port Arthur was not well enough equipped to serve as a reliable and safe naval base. The inner harbour, where the main fleet was too tight and shallow. Having only one very narrow escape, she is in the military-tactical aspect was a real mousetrap.

Not much preferred in this respect was the outer Harbor. Fully open, it was outright dangerous, like Parking space combat vessels. Besides, the fortress had have any protection from sea attacks, nor from land. In General, on the eve of war this fortress to call it an impregnable stronghold was hard. Port Arthur was not able to withstand a massive blow for the army and Navy of Japan. And could not provide Pacific squadron safe home. These are the main preconditions of the tragedy of this war.


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By that time, when he began a tight siege of Port Arthur, 552-x guns of the fortress in readiness was only 116. The garrison was not fully staffed fourth and seventh East Siberian rifle division. As for the Navy, the Harbor of Port Arthur was the location of the first Pacific squadron and Siberian flotilla.

Siege of Port Arthur

War, and, accordingly, the defense of Port Arthur began on the night of 27 January 1904. The beginning of hostilities was initiated by attack of 10 Japanese destroyers squadron, standing at the roadstead of Port Arthur. As soon as the Japanese torpedoes damaged two battleships and one cruiser. It was the first loss of this dramatic and bloody war…

The Morning came the main forces of the Japanese fleet under the command of Admiral Heihachiro. From this point directly and started the defense of Port Arthur from the Japanese Armada, which had a fourfold superiority. Daily battle, not brought success to the squadron of Admiral H. Togo, was crowned with a fortress lock. Not to allow the Russian ships to leave the Harbor and to disrupt the transport of Japanese troops on the Korean Peninsula.

the Fall of Port Arthur

The Gallant defense of Port Arthur lasted 329 days, but the fall of Port Arthur was imminent. 329 on the day of the heroic and fierce resistance of the fortress has fallen. Protracted and exhausting defense of Port Arthur foiled the plans of the Japanese command regarding the lightning defeat of the Russian troops in Manchuria. The price is 27 thousand Russian lives – this is the result of the protection of Port Arthur. Damage to the attackers was so great (112 thousand dead and wounded, fifteen or sixteen of the sunk and damaged ships), commander of the Japanese army General M. Feet, experiencing a sense of guilt for the appalling and unnecessary loss, was going to commit ritual seppuku. But the Emperor of Japan had forbidden him the act. And only after the monarch's death the General has carried out the intention…

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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