Mask Of Tutankhamun. The treasures of Tutankhamun and the curse of his tomb


2018-03-24 03:20:16




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In the early 20-ies of the twentieth century, British archaeological expedition has uncovered the tomb of one of the pharaohs of the New Kingdom. Until that time, the place final resting place of Pharaoh Tutankhamun more than 33 centuries remained intact. The peace of the Pharaoh was not troubled nor mediaeval the robbers, nor the numerous grave robbers. In the tomb was found a large quantity of ornaments, jewels, magnificent specimens of art, which were glorious Ancient Egypt. The mummy was in a magnificent sarcophagus, and the face of a ruler was covered with a Golden mask of the Pharaoh Tutankhamun.

Howard Carter

An Amazing discovery occurred in 1922, an expedition of archaeologists led by Howard Carter. This Egyptologist from his youth devoted himself to the history of the Ancient World. 1899 Carter takes part in archaeological expeditions. His success brought the opening of the burial of the female Pharaoh Hatshepsut to the West of Thebes.

Lord Carnarvon

The introduction of Howard Carter and Amateur archaeologist Lord Carnarvon helped to raise funds to achieve their goals – finding the intact tomb of one of the many Egyptian rulers. Since 1914, the team, led by the tandem of a professional scientist and Amateur-aristocrat, the beginning of active excavations in the Valley of the kings. Numerous setbacks and a modest finds in the ruined graves of the ancient kings cooled the enthusiasm of an aristocrat, a scientific society of the time were skeptical about the likelihood of finding intact graves.mask of Tutankhamun

In total, the search of the untouched tomb of the Egyptian rulers Carter spent 22 years, but in the end, his quest was rewarded. November 4, 1922 were found prasarana tomb, in which were the remains of the Pharaoh Tutankhamun. Archaeological discovery has attracted the attention of scientists from all over the world, in fact, many even questioned the existence of this ruler.


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Youth king

Tutankhamun ascended the throne at the age of 8 or 9 years. The name of an ancient ruler first sounded like Tutankhaton, which meant “the Image of Aton”. He was the successor of the famous Pharaoh-rebel-Akhenaten. The famous Pharaoh and heretic forced the Egyptians to glorify the new God - the Aten. Fans of ancient beliefs have been deprived of donations and forgotten.

The education of the young Pharaoh was based on the worship of the sun God-Aton. His teachers were Meillet and Horemheb. Meillet was the Supreme priest in power of the previous Pharaoh, and Horemheb – a retired captain. Both were dissatisfied with the previous ruler of Egypt, both pursued their own goals by teaching the young king. Assuming power over all of Egypt, Tutankhamun have not forgotten the lessons of their teachers and stood up to change.Egypt Tutankhamun

The Reign of Tutankhamun

The Story of Tutankhamen as a ruler of Egypt, begins after his reign in 1333 BC, the Pharaoh changes the direction of the religious and political life of the country. Now his Supreme God-Amon, the same as were his ancestors before Akhenaten; and his name sounds like Tutankhamen. The town of the priests of Akhenaten, the worship place of overthrown divinity, was destroyed and buried in oblivion. Formally the capital of Egypt, where traditionally ruled by the Egyptian pharaohs, was Thebes, but the king tut most of his short life spent in Memphis. Of course, the court nobles, military leaders, architects and priests had tried to live closer to the Pharaoh.

The Necropolis of Tutankhamun

Even after his death, the mighty of the world wanted to be close to the messenger of the God Amun – so there was one of the cemeteries of that time - Saqqara. It is here wished to arrange their tombs warlords, priests and former teachers of the young Pharaoh. Tutankhamun was preserved and restored ancient sanctuary, left behind many architectural monuments. In the Luxor sanctuary completed the design of the colonnade, built in honor of Amenhotep III, completed the Nubian temple praising this ruler. It also enacted a series of military campaigns to Nubia and Lower Egypt, some of them were successfully completed. mystery of TutankhamunPerhaps Tutankhamun and became famous in centuries would be the greatest ruler, but fate took him less than ten years of the reign. In the end his rule was no different from the activities of other pharaohs. Even the radical change of the Supreme God was not something out of the ordinary. The Pharaoh died at a very young age, at the time of his death he was 19 years old. As befits a true ruler of Egypt, the king take care of his tomb-pyramid of Tutankhamun was erected during his lifetime.

Tomb of Tutankhamun

During the existence of the valley of the Kings Egyptian architects built for their pharaohs 65 tombs. There was built and the pyramid of Tutankhamen. Technology of construction of tombs for 500 years has not changed. Solid rock hollowed steps descending into the earth to a depth of 200 m that led into the burial chamber. In the middle of the Central grotto installed the sarcophagus in which one to one invested three coffins. In the last and placed the body of the Pharaoh. The outer coffin was made of gilded wood, on which were images of the vulture and Cobra. These symbols represented the North and South of Egypt. Images of animals stillthen, surprise fine work and rich decor. Each Peru on the wings of a kite, each flake on the hood of a Cobra was given great importance, all items were carefully made by unknown masters.

The second Coffin was decorated with stained glass. He played intermediate role between the world of the living and the world of the dead. The third coffin, in which rested the body of Tutankhamun was made from a sheet of pure gold.Egyptian pharaohs the remains of the ruler were placed in fine linen, and his own face funerary mask of Tutankhamun. A lot of things that were in the "Golden Hall" has remained timeless and has survived almost fully intact. Objects from Tutankhamun's tomb, surrounding the body of the deceased, was surprised by its luxury and wealth, each of these works of art was to facilitate the life of the ruler in the realm of the dead.

The Mystery of death

However, the life and reign of the Lord of Egypt at the time were interested scientists. Much more fun was to find the cause of this early death. There have been several hypotheses to explain the posthumous mystery of Tutankhamun. His death was beneficial to the Regent, ay, who reigned over Egypt after the death of 19-year-old ruler. Tutankhamun did not love the priests of Aten overthrown, deprived of their cities and temples. Among the possible causes of death indicated strangulation, head injury or poisoning. But a 2005 study showed that the head injury was caused to the Pharaoh after his death, it was most likely the result of mummification of the body of the ruler. One by one rejected the hypothesis of a violent death were revealed new details of the short life of the young Pharaoh.

Research Data

The Great ruler of Egypt, according to scientists, was chronically ill young man who had a history of several genetic abnormalities, which had suffered by other Egyptian pharaohs of this dynasty. Tutankhamun could not move normally, it is hampered by a congenital lameness and incomplete number of toes on the right foot. Finally, a team of researchers has identified the true cause of the death of the Lord of Egypt. It was a microscopic Bacillus plasmodium falciparum causes severe forms of malaria. The infection proved fatal to the king, the body which was weakened by congenital illnesses and trauma caused by a blow or a fall from a horse.the Golden mask of Tutankhamun

The Discovery of the tomb

Notes Howard Carter talking about the long years searching for the slightest mention of the valley of the kings. After three Millennium the pyramids were covered by sand, the country has changed shape, changed the terrain of the ancient country called Egypt. Tutankhamen disappeared behind the veil of history, so many scientists even doubted its existence. Only many years after the beginning of the excavations in the valley of the kings, under the house of one of the workers, Carter noticed the steps leading down. Excavations have discovered the tomb of a king, not worried any looting or natural disasters. Apparently, the builders who erected the tomb for the Pharaoh of later times, carefully covered the entrance to the tomb of Tutankhamun. 16 February 1923, Carter opened the "Golden Palace" - immediate resting place of the Pharaoh.the story of TutankhamunThe tomb of the ancient ruler was more than three thousand of jewelry and works of art created by ancient Egyptian craftsmen. Among the items were found and the beds, covered with sheets of pure gold, and a gold-plated war chariots, models of ships and chests with numerous decorations.

The Mummy

The body of the ruler was only in the third coffin. The mummy through the efforts of the ancient pogrebschikov was wrapped in linen cloths of the finest linen. The top cover was decorated with an embroidered appliqué at the Golden hands. Pharaoh as if holding a scepter and whip-ancient symbols of the ruler. Between them was a lot of jewelry and personal items of the Pharaoh, as well as transverse stripes of pure gold with the coinage of ancient prayers and images from the book of the dead. When swaddling has been used now lost compositions of aromatic resins, which for thirty centuries firmly glued funeral covers to the body of the mummy.

Amazing discovery

But the most amazing find was the mask of Tutankhamun that covered his face. The eyes of archaeologists brought an amazing creation of the ancient masters. The subject justly deserves a separate description. Masks of the rulers of Egypt were fairly typical for the time. But no one burial mask failed to see our contemporaries. Blame tomb robbers who plundered the ancient tombs thousands of years. Thanks black modern archaeologists egiptologia validates its hypotheses and assumptions that are based on just a few not plundered the ancient tombs. And the more importance is given to the opening of the Carter untouched ancient burial.

Description mask of the Pharaoh

The gold mask of Tutankhamun covered the head and upper body of the ruler. Total weight it made up 11.26 kg. It is decoration with perfect accuracy was attached to the upper body and face of the ruler of Egypt. The mask depicts the face of the Pharaoh with large-eyed, summed up the antimony, the eyes themselves are made ofobsidian. This is an amazing piece of art made of thick sheet gold and decorated with unique ornaments. Scarf, eyebrows and eyelids artfully instructed dark blue glass, necklace, stretched on the breast of the mummy was adorned with precious stones. The gold mask of Tutankhamun, thanks to special aromatic resins were tightly glued to the face of the mummy. It took long and painstaking work to separate this unique thing, without spoiling its beauty. And thanks to the art of ancient masters, modern anthropologists have been able with sufficient confidence to determine the facial features of the ancient Pharaoh.funerary mask of Tutankhamun

Symbols of Egypt

An Amazing archaeological discovery was widely reported in the press and provided a basis for various discussions and pseudo-scientific assumptions. The name of Tutankhamen became widely known and caused a surge of interest in the study of the past of Egypt and the Ancient world in General.

The gold mask of Pharaoh Tutankhamun still has a certain market value. It is the oldest decoration is of great historical, cultural, and jewelry value. In a sense, the mask of Tutankhamun is a symbol of ancient and modern Egypt, the main exhibit of the national Museum of Cairo. It repeatedly tried to steal, the last attempt was made in 2011 during the so-called Egyptian spring. The modern inhabitants of Egypt are to the mask like a mascot, ancient forces which guarded the secrets of Tutankhamen more than thirty centuries. The Egyptians hope that their ancient country will soon become one of the greatest countries in the world, and the mask of Tutankhamun to them this will definitely help.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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